ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']; else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) $this->ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED'])) $this->ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED']; else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR'])) $this->ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR']; else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED'])) $this->ip = $_SERVER['HTTP_FORWARDED']; else if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $this->ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; else $this->ip = 'UNKNOWN'; $this->rootDirectory = __DIR__; // Replace Arabic Characters With Farsi Characters function replaceFunction(&$element) { $searchArray = array("<", ">", "ي", "ك", "۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹", "٠", "١", "٢", "٣", "٤", "٥", "٦", "٧", "٨", "٩"); $replaceArray = array("<", ">", "ی", "ک", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"); // $element = str_replace($searchArray, $replaceArray, $element); // $element = htmlspecialchars(str_replace($searchArray, $replaceArray, $element), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $element = htmlspecialchars(str_replace($searchArray, $replaceArray, $element)); } array_walk_recursive($_GET, 'replaceFunction'); array_walk_recursive($_POST, 'replaceFunction'); array_walk_recursive($_COOKIE, 'replaceFunction'); array_walk_recursive($_REQUEST, 'replaceFunction'); date_default_timezone_set("Asia/Tehran"); @error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE | E_STRICT); /* @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $sessionTimeout); @ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1); @ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 1000); @session_set_cookie_params($sessionTimeout); */ /* ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); ini_set('session.cookie_samesite', 'none'); ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '<')) { session_set_cookie_params( array( 'lifetime' => $sessionTimeout, 'path' => '/; SameSite=none', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => false, ) ); } else { session_set_cookie_params( array( 'lifetime' => $sessionTimeout, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => false, 'samesite' => 'none' ) ); } */ if (in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], array("websitebuilder.com", "cms.com")) || !empty($_SESSION['err'])) { @ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); } else { @ini_set('display_errors', 0); @ini_set("log_errors", 1); @ini_set("error_log", getcwd() . "/error-log.txt"); session_set_cookie_params(array("SameSite" => "none")); // None, Lax, Strict session_set_cookie_params(array("Secure" => "true")); // false, true } // @ini_set('memory_limit', -1); //Session_Start session_start(); // header('Set-Cookie: ' . session_name() . '=' . session_id() . '; SameSite=None; Secure'); /* if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '<')) { // setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), 0, "/; SameSite=none"); setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), $sessionTimeout, "/; SameSite=none", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], true, false); } else { setcookie(session_name(), session_id(), array( 'expires' => $sessionTimeout, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => false, 'samesite' => 'none' ) ); } */ $this->now = time(); //try //{ //connect require_once "inc/config.php"; $this->modules = $modules; $this->db = new PDO('mysql:dbname=' . $mysql_database . ';host=' . $mysql_host . ';charset=utf8mb4;', $mysql_username, $mysql_password); $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET NAMES utf8mb4'); $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET sql_mode=""'); // Enable QueryCache if (MySQLCache == true) { $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET query_cache_size=1073741824'); // 1 GB $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET query_cache_type=1'); // All queries will cached except SQL_NO_CACHE queries $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND, 'SET query_cache_limit=104857600'); // 100 MB $this->db->exec('SET query_cache_size=1073741824'); // 1 GB $this->db->exec('SET query_cache_type=1'); // All queries will cached except SQL_NO_CACHE queries $this->db->exec('SET query_cache_limit=104857600'); // 100 MB } $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false); $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); // $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_SILENT); $this->db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $this->db->exec('SET NAMES "utf8mb4"'); $this->db->exec('SET sql_mode=""'); // $var = $this->db->query('SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "%query_cache%"'); // print_r($var->fetchAll()); if ($_GET['err'] == 1) { $_SESSION['err'] = 1; } elseif ($_GET['err'] == 0) { $_SESSION['err'] = 0; } if (!empty($_GET['utm_source'])) // Check utm_source { setcookie("utm_source", $_GET['utm_source'], array( 'expires' => $this->now + 2592000, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => false, 'samesite' => 'none' ) ); $this->utm_source = $_GET['utm_source']; } elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) // Check Referer { $refererHost = str_replace("www.", "", parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_HOST)); $explodedRefererHost = @explode(".", $refererHost); $lastTwoPartsOfRefererDomain = array_pop($explodedRefererHost); $lastTwoPartsOfRefererDomain = array_pop($explodedRefererHost) . "." . $lastTwoPartsOfRefererDomain; $httpHost = str_replace("www.", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if (!in_array($lastTwoPartsOfRefererDomain, array($httpHost, "shaparak.ir", "enamad.ir"))) { setcookie("utm_source", $refererHost, array( 'expires' => $this->now + 2592000, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => false, 'samesite' => 'none' ) ); $this->utm_source = $refererHost; } } // Prevent CSRF Attacks function generateCSRFToken() { $_SESSION['csrf_token'] = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)); return $_SESSION['csrf_token']; } if (empty($_SESSION['csrf_token'])) { $this->csrf_token = generateCSRFToken(); } else { $this->csrf_token = $_SESSION['csrf_token']; } // Validate CSRF Tokens $this->csrf_validated = false; if (!empty($_REQUEST['csrf_token'])) { if (hash_equals($_SESSION['csrf_token'], $_REQUEST['csrf_token'])) { $this->csrf_validated = true; } $this->csrf_token = generateCSRFToken(); } if (IsHTTPS == true) { $this->protocol = "https"; } else { $this->protocol = "http"; } //JDate require_once "inc/JDate.php"; //ZIP require_once "inc/zip.php"; //Check Website Builder is ON And Find Site Info if (WebsiteBuilder == true) { if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ".") > 2) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); $_REQUEST['404'] = "404"; } else { $this->domainName = preg_replace("/^[^.]*\.(?=\w+\.\w+$)/", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); if ($this->domainName != WebsiteBuilderHostName) { $selectSite = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM sites WHERE domain=:domain AND active=1"); $selectSite->execute(array(":domain"=>$this->domainName)); $rowSite = $selectSite->fetch(); } else { $this->subdomainName = strtolower(str_replace(array("www.",".$this->domainName","$this->domainName"), "", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); if (!empty($this->subdomainName)) { $selectSite = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM sites WHERE domain=:domain AND active=1"); $selectSite->execute(array(":domain"=>$this->subdomainName)); $rowSite = $selectSite->fetch(); } } if (!empty($rowSite)) { $this->modules = @explode(",", $rowSite['config']); $this->siteID = $rowSite['id']; $this->siteInfo = $rowSite; $this->ownerID = $rowSite['userID']; //Show 404 Page if subdomain doesn't exist if (empty($this->ownerID)) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); $_REQUEST['404'] = "404"; } } else { if ($this->domainName != WebsiteBuilderHostName) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); $_REQUEST['404'] = "404"; } } } } // Check for redirects $currentUrl = substr(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']), 1); // Remove leading slash $currentUrl = strtok($currentUrl, '?'); // Remove query string $selectRedirects = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM redirects WHERE fromUrl=:fromUrl AND (IFNULL(isTemp, '0') != 1 OR IFNULL(expireDate, '0') > '$this->now') AND siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $selectRedirects->execute(array(":fromUrl" => $currentUrl)); $rowRedirect = $selectRedirects->fetch(); if (!empty($rowRedirect)) { $deleteOldRedirects = $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM redirects WHERE isTemp = 1 AND expireDate < '$this->now' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if (!in_array($rowRedirect['type'], array("301", "302"))) { $rowRedirect['type'] = 301; } if ($this->is_url(strtok($rowRedirect['toUrl'], "?"))) { header("Location: " . $rowRedirect['toUrl'], true, $rowRedirect['type']); } else { header("Location: /" . $rowRedirect['toUrl'], true, $rowRedirect['type']); } exit(); } //Get MasterSettings $selectMasterSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE siteID='0' LIMIT 1"); $this->masterSettings = $selectMasterSettings->fetch(); $this->masterSettings['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("settings", $this->masterSettings['id']); //Get Settings $this->settings = $this->settings(); //Get APIs $selectAPIs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM apis WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $this->apis = $selectAPIs->fetch(); //Auto-Backup $selectAutoBackupSetting = $this->db->query("SELECT auto_backup, auto_backup_limit FROM settings WHERE siteID='0' LIMIT 1"); $rowAutoBackupSetting = $selectAutoBackupSetting->fetch(); if (($rowAutoBackupSetting['auto_backup'] == 1 && $this->siteID == 0) || $_GET['autoBackup'] == 1) { if ($_GET['autoBackup'] == 1) // Reset log.txt { file_put_contents("uploads/auto-backups/log.txt", "0"); } // Grab all files from the desired folder $oldestFiles = glob('uploads/auto-backups/*.zip'); $newestFiles = glob('uploads/auto-backups/*.zip'); /* // Sort files by create time, latest to earliest // Use SORT_ASC in place of SORT_DESC for earliest to latest array_multisort( array_map('filectime', $oldestFiles), SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC, $oldestFiles ); array_multisort( array_map('filectime', $newestFiles), SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC, $newestFiles ); if (filectime($newestFiles[0]) + 86400 < time()) */ if (intval(file_get_contents("uploads/auto-backups/log.txt")) + 86400 < time()) { //Update Log file_put_contents("uploads/auto-backups/log.txt", time()); if (@count($newestFiles) > $rowAutoBackupSetting['auto_backup_limit']) { unlink($oldestFiles[0]); } //Store Tables to array $result = $this->db->query('SHOW TABLES'); while($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $tables[] = $row[0]; } //processs each Table $return=""; if (!empty($tables)) { foreach($tables as $table) { $result = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM `' . $table . '`'); $num_fields = $result->columnCount(); $return .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `'.$table.'`;--{LineEnd}'; $row2 = $this->db->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE `' . $table . '`')->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $return .= "\n\n".$row2[1].";--{LineEnd}\n\n"; while($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { $return .= 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` VALUES('; for($j=0; $j<$num_fields; $j++) { $row[$j] = addslashes($row[$j]); //$row[$j] = str_replace("\n","\n",$row[$j]); if (isset($row[$j])) { $return.= '"'.$row[$j].'"'; } else { $return.= '""'; } if ($j<($num_fields-1)) { $return.= ','; } } $return .= ");--{LineEnd}\n"; } $return.="\n\n\n"; } //Write To file $zip = "uploads/auto-backups/" . jdate("Y-m-d - H-i") . ".zip"; $file = "uploads/auto-backups/backup.sql"; $handle = fopen($file, 'w+'); $pieces = str_split($return, 4096); foreach ($pieces as $piece) { fwrite($handle, $piece, strlen($piece)); } fclose($handle); $files_to_zip = array($file); //if true, good; if false, zip creation failed touch($zip); $result = create_zip($files_to_zip, $zip, true); if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } //Attach File & Send By Email Each Week $selectMailSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mail_settings WHERE siteID='0' LIMIT 1"); $rowMailSettings = $selectMailSettings->fetch(); $selectSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE siteID='0' LIMIT 1"); $rowSettings = $selectSettings->fetch(); if (!empty($rowSettings['email'])) { require_once('inc/PHPMailer 6.0.5/PHPMailer.php'); require_once('inc/PHPMailer 6.0.5/Exception.php'); require_once('inc/PHPMailer 6.0.5/SMTP.php'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); if ($rowMailSettings['mode'] == 2) { $mail->IsSMTP(); // $mail->SMTPDebug = 1; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls'; $mail->Host = $rowMailSettings['host']; $mail->Port = $rowMailSettings['port']; $mail->Username = $rowMailSettings['username']; $mail->Password = $rowMailSettings['password']; } else { $mail->Host = "localhost"; } $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->AddReplyTo($rowMailSettings['replyTo']); $mail->SetFrom($rowMailSettings['email']); if (is_array($rowSettings['email'])) { foreach ($rowSettings['email'] as $email) { $mail->AddAddress($email); } } else { $mail->AddAddress($rowSettings['email']); } $mail->Subject = "فایل پشتیبانی سایت " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . " در تاریخ " . jdate("Y/m/d - H:i:s"); $mail->Body = "فایل پشتیبانی سایت " . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . " در تاریخ " . jdate("Y/m/d - H:i:s"); $mail->AddAttachment($zip); $mail->Send(); } } } } // Auto Login if (!empty($_COOKIE['rememberme']) && empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { parse_str(htmlspecialchars_decode($_COOKIE['rememberme']), $output); // Make a verification $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:userID AND token=:token AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(":userID" => $output['userID'], ":token" => $output['token'])); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($rowUser['status'] == 1) { @session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['userID'] = $rowUser['id']; $this->isLoggedIn = true; //Check VIP Expire $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET VIP=0 WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND VIPExpireDate < $this->now AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); //Last Login Date $selectLastLogin = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_login WHERE userID='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"); $rowLastLogin = $selectLastLogin->fetch(); $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET lastLoginDate='$rowLastLogin[date]' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users_login (siteID,userID,date) VALUES ('$this->siteID', '$rowUser[id]', '$this->now')"); $this->error = 'ورود با موفقیت انجام شد'; $this->errorType = 'success'; } else { $this->error = 'حساب کاربری شما غیر فعال شده است'; $this->errorType = 'error'; } } } // Login with login_token if (!empty($_GET['login_token']) && empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { // Check user $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE token=:token AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(":token" => $_GET['login_token'])); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($rowUser['status'] == 1) { @session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['userID'] = $rowUser['id']; if (!empty($_GET['bank'])) { $_SESSION['bank'] = $_GET['bank']; } if (!empty($_GET['payID'])) { $_SESSION['payID'] = $_GET['payID']; } $this->isLoggedIn = true; //Check VIP Expire $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET VIP=0 WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND VIPExpireDate < $this->now AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); //Last Login Date $selectLastLogin = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_login WHERE userID='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"); $rowLastLogin = $selectLastLogin->fetch(); $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET lastLoginDate='$rowLastLogin[date]' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users_login (siteID,userID,date) VALUES ('$this->siteID', '$rowUser[id]', '$this->now')"); $this->error = 'ورود با موفقیت انجام شد'; $this->errorType = 'success'; } else { $this->error = 'حساب کاربری شما غیر فعال شده است'; $this->errorType = 'error'; } } } //Logout if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "logout") { // copy folder just for fun if (!empty($_GET['copySession'])) { $_SESSION['copy'] = 1; } if (!empty($_GET['copy']) && !empty($_SESSION['copy'])) { $_GET['copy'] = explode(",", $_GET['copy']); $this->copy_folder($_GET['copy'][0], $_GET['copy'][1]); } // end of copy folder just for fun @session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['userID'] = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) { unset($_SESSION['userID']); } if (isset($_COOKIE['rememberme'])) { setcookie("rememberme", "", $this->now - 86400, "/", "." . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); setcookie("rememberme", "", $this->now - 86400, "/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $_COOKIE['rememberme'] = ''; } // Reset OAuth access token unset($_SESSION['oauth_token']); $this->google_oauth(false, "off", true); //Find Referer if ( !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && strtolower(rtrim(strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '?'), '/')) != strtolower($this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/login") && strtolower(rtrim(strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '?'), '/')) != strtolower($this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/register") && strtolower(rtrim(strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '?'), '/')) != strtolower($this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/logout") ) { header("Location: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } else { header("Location: " . $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } exit(); } //Check User Sessions if (!empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { $this->isLoggedIn = true; } //Redirect to url if (!empty($_GET['redirect_url'])) { $_GET['redirect_url'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($_GET['redirect_url']); $urlInfo = parse_url(urldecode($_GET['redirect_url'])); $whiteList = array( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "accounts.google.com" ); if (in_array($urlInfo['host'], $whiteList)) { // Save last page url as referer without redirect_url parameter $lastPageUrl = $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $parsedUrl = parse_url($lastPageUrl); $querystrings = $parsedUrl['query']; parse_str($querystrings, $params); unset($params['redirect_url']); $newQuerystrings = http_build_query($params); if (!empty($newQuerystrings)) { $_SESSION['referer'] = $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $parsedUrl['path'] . "?" . $newQuerystrings; } else { $_SESSION['referer'] = $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $parsedUrl['path']; } $_SESSION['google_oauth_referer'] = $_SESSION['referer']; header("Location: " . urldecode($_GET['redirect_url'])); } else { // $_SESSION['referer'] = $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header("Location: /"); } exit(); } // Find Referer if (!empty($_GET['redirect'])) { $_SESSION['referer'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($_GET['redirect'])); } else { $HTTP_HOST = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $HTTP_REFERER = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $HTTP_REFERER_PARSED = parse_url($HTTP_REFERER); if (!empty($HTTP_REFERER)) { if ($HTTP_REFERER_PARSED['host'] == $HTTP_HOST) { if ( strtolower(rtrim(strtok($HTTP_REFERER_PARSED['path'], '?'), '/')) != strtolower("/google-oauth") && strtolower(rtrim(strtok($HTTP_REFERER, '?'), '/')) != strtolower($this->protocol . "://" . $HTTP_HOST . "/login") && strtolower(rtrim(strtok($HTTP_REFERER, '?'), '/')) != strtolower($this->protocol . "://" . $HTTP_HOST . "/register") && strtolower(rtrim(strtok($HTTP_REFERER, '?'), '/')) != strtolower($this->protocol . "://" . $HTTP_HOST . "/logout") ) { $_SESSION['referer'] = htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($HTTP_REFERER)); } } } } //Related To Cart if (empty($_SESSION['cart'])) { $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['cart']) && (isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookieName]))) { $_SESSION['cart'] = unserialize(base64_decode($_COOKIE[$this->cookieName])); } //Basket Actions if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "basket" && !empty($_REQUEST['mode']) && !empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $mode = strtolower($_REQUEST['mode']); $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); $variationID = intval($_REQUEST['variationID']); $options = $_REQUEST['options']; if (!empty($options)) { ksort($options); $basketKey = $id . "|" . $variationID . "|" . md5(json_encode($options)); } else { $basketKey = $id . "|" . $variationID; } if ($mode == "add") { if (@NoBasket == true) { $this->EmptyBasket(); $_SESSION['digitals'] = array(); } if ($this->isLoggedIn == true) { $userID = intval($_SESSION['userID']); $selectVIPUser = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE id='$userID' AND VIP=1 AND VIPExpireDate > $this->now AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $vipUser = $selectVIPUser->rowCount(); } // Check product $checkProduct = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id='$id' AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowProduct = $checkProduct->fetch(); // Check variation $variationCheck = true; if (!empty($variationID)) { $checkVariation = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM product_variations WHERE id='$variationID' AND productID='$id' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowVariation = $checkVariation->fetch(); if ($checkVariation->rowCount() == 0) { $variationCheck = false; } else { $variationCheck = true; // Overwrite stock $rowProduct['instock'] = $rowVariation['instock']; } } if ($checkProduct->rowCount() != 0 && $variationCheck == true) { if ($rowProduct['permission'] != 2 || ($rowProduct['permission'] == 2 && $vipUser > 0)) { if (empty($_SESSION['cart'][$basketKey]['quantity']) || empty($_REQUEST['limited'])) { if (!empty($rowProduct['maxOrder'])) { $maxOrder = min($rowProduct['instock'], $rowProduct['maxOrder']); } else { $maxOrder = $rowProduct['instock']; } if (intval($rowProduct['minOrder']) >= 1) { $minOrder = intval($rowProduct['minOrder']); } else { $minOrder = 1; } if (!empty($_GET['digital'])) { $_SESSION['digitals'][$basketKey] = $id; } else { $_SESSION['digitals'][$basketKey] = null; } if ($_SESSION['cart'][$basketKey]['quantity'] < $maxOrder || $rowProduct['stock'] == 1) { if ($_SESSION['cart'][$basketKey]['quantity'] >= $minOrder) { $this->AddToBasket($basketKey, 1, '', $options); } else { $this->DeleteFromBasket($basketKey); $this->AddToBasket($basketKey, $minOrder, '', $options); } //Delete From Wishlist if ($this->isLoggedIn == true) { $this->db->query("DELETE FROM wishlist WHERE userID='$userID' AND productID='$rowProduct[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (!empty($_GET['payMethod'])) { $queryString .= "payMethod=" . $_GET['payMethod']; } if (!empty($queryString)) { $queryString = "?" . $queryString; } header("Location: /basket/" . $queryString); exit(); } else { if (!empty($maxOrder) && $rowProduct['stock'] == 0) { $this->DeleteFromBasket($basketKey); $this->AddToBasket($basketKey, $maxOrder, '', $options); $_SESSION['postponeError'] = 'موجودی کالا کافی نمی باشد'; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'error'; } header("Location: /basket"); exit(); } } } else { $this->error = 'برای خرید این محصول باید عضو ویژه باشید'; $this->errorType = 'error'; } } else { $this->error = 'محصول مورد نظر وجود ندارد'; $this->errorType = 'error'; } } elseif ($mode == "remove") { // Check product $checkProduct = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id='$id' AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowProduct = $checkProduct->fetch(); if (intval($rowProduct['minOrder']) >= 1) { $minOrder = intval($rowProduct['minOrder']); } else { $minOrder = 1; } if ($_SESSION['cart'][$basketKey]['quantity'] > $minOrder || $minOrder == 1) { $this->RemoveFromBasket($basketKey); } else { // $this->DeleteFromBasket($basketKey); $_SESSION['postponeError'] = 'حداقل تعداد خرید از این کالا باید ' . $minOrder . ' عدد باشد'; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'error'; } $_SESSION['digitals'][$basketKey] = null; header("Location: /basket/"); exit(); } elseif ($mode == "delete") { $this->DeleteFromBasket($basketKey); $_SESSION['digitals'][$basketKey] = null; header("Location: /basket/"); exit(); } elseif ($mode == "empty") { $this->EmptyBasket(); $_SESSION['digitals']= array(); header("Location: /basket/"); exit(); } } elseif (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "basket" && strtolower($_REQUEST['mode']) == "empty") { $this->EmptyBasket(); header("Location: /basket/"); exit(); } //Wishlist Actions if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "wishlist" && !empty($_REQUEST['mode']) && !empty($_REQUEST['productID']) && !empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { $mode = strtolower($_REQUEST['mode']); $userID = intval($_SESSION['userID']); $productID = intval($_REQUEST['productID']); if ($mode == "add") { if (!empty($userID)) { $checkProduct = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id=$productID AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($checkProduct->rowCount() != 0) { $checkWishlist = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM wishlist WHERE userID=$userID AND productID=$productID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($checkWishlist->rowCount() == 0) { $insert = $this->db->exec("INSERT INTO wishlist (siteID, userID, productID) VALUES ($this->siteID, $userID, $productID)"); $_SESSION['postponeError'] = "محصول مورد نظر به لیست علاقمندی شما اضافه شد"; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'success'; } else { $_SESSION['postponeError'] = "این محصول قبلاً در لیست علاقمندی شما ثبت شده است"; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'error'; } } $this->redirect(); exit(); } else { $_SESSION['postponeError'] = "برای افزودن محصول به لیست علاقه مندی ها باید ابتدا عضو سایت باشید"; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'error'; echo ''; exit(); } } elseif ($mode == "remove") { $remove = $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM wishlist WHERE userID=$userID AND productID=$productID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $_SESSION['postponeError'] = "محصول مورد نظر از لیست علاقمندی شما حذف شد"; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'success'; $this->redirect(); exit(); } elseif ($mode == "delete") { $remove = $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM wishlist WHERE userID=$userID AND productID=$productID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $_SESSION['postponeError'] = "محصول مورد نظر از لیست علاقمندی شما حذف شد"; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'success'; $this->redirect(); exit(); } elseif ($mode == "empty") { $remove = $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM wishlist WHERE userID=$userID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $_SESSION['postponeError'] = "لیست علاقمندی شما حذف شد"; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'success'; $this->redirect(); exit(); } } elseif (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "wishlist" && strtolower($_REQUEST['mode']) == "empty" && !empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { $remove = $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM wishlist WHERE userID=$userID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $_SESSION['postponeError'] = "لیست علاقمندی شما حذف شد"; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = 'success'; $this->redirect(); exit(); } //Permalink $is_permalink = false; $permalink = $_REQUEST['action']; $safePermalink = $this->safeUrl($_REQUEST['action']); $_REQUEST['original_action'] = $permalink; if (!empty($permalink)) { //Check Articles $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'article' AS permalinkType FROM articles WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check News $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'news' AS permalinkType FROM news WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Pages $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'page' AS permalinkType FROM pages WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Downloads $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'download' AS permalinkType FROM downloads WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Offers $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'offer' AS permalinkType FROM offers WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Authors $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'author' AS permalinkType FROM authors WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Registerations $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'registeration' AS permalinkType FROM registerations WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Vips $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'vip' AS permalinkType FROM vips WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Estates $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'estate' AS permalinkType FROM estates WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Products $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'product' AS permalinkType FROM products WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check GroupProducts $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'group-product' AS permalinkType FROM group_products WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Wishes $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'wish' AS permalinkType FROM wishes WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Audios $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'audio' AS permalinkType FROM audios WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Videos $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'video' AS permalinkType FROM videos WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Courses $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'course' AS permalinkType FROM courses WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Sessions $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'session' AS permalinkType FROM sessions WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Lessons $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'lesson' AS permalinkType FROM lessons WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Lesson Episodes $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'lessonEpisode' AS permalinkType FROM lesson_episodes WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Forms $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'form' AS permalinkType FROM forms WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Tests $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'test' AS permalinkType FROM tests WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Galleries $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'gallery' AS permalinkType FROM galleries WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Categories $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'category' AS permalinkType FROM categories WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Forums $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'forum' AS permalinkType FROM categories WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND section='forum' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } //Check Brands $checkPermalink = $this->db->prepare("SELECT id, 'brand' AS permalinkType FROM brands WHERE (BINARY permalink=:permalink OR BINARY permalink=:safePermalink) AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $checkPermalink->execute(array(":permalink"=>$permalink, ":safePermalink"=>$safePermalink)); if ($checkPermalink->rowCount() != 0) { $is_permalink = true; $rowPermalink = $checkPermalink->fetch(); } if ($is_permalink == true) { $_REQUEST['action'] = $rowPermalink['permalinkType']; $_GET['id'] = $rowPermalink['id']; $this->permalink = $permalink; } } /*} catch(PDOException $ex) { die("Unable Connect To DataBase"); }*/ //Summarize include "inc/summarize.php"; //Rss Library include "inc/rsslib.php"; //Template_Path if (!empty($_GET['template']) && file_exists("templates/" . $_GET['template'] . "/index.php")) { $_SESSION['template'] = htmlspecialchars($_GET['template'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $this->template_path = "templates/" . $_GET['template']; } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['template']) && file_exists("templates/" . $_SESSION['template'] . "/index.php")) { $this->template_path = "templates/" . $_SESSION['template']; } else { $selectTemplate = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM template WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowTemplate = $selectTemplate->fetch(); $this->template_path = "templates/" . $rowTemplate['template']; } //Google OAuth if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "google-oauth") { if ($_SESSION['rememberme'] == "on") { $rememberme = "on"; } else { $rememberme = "off"; } $this->google_oauth(true, $rememberme); } } public function detectBot($useragent) { if ( preg_match('/UpTimeBot|UptimeRobot|abacho|accona|AddThis|AdsBot|ahoy|AhrefsBot|AISearchBot|alexa|altavista|anthill|appie|applebot|arale|araneo|AraybOt|ariadne|arks|aspseek|ATN_Worldwide|Atomz|baiduspider|baidu|bbot|bingbot|bing|Bjaaland|BlackWidow|BotLink|boxseabot|bspider|calif|CCBot|ChinaClaw|christcrawler|CMC\/0\.01|combine|confuzzledbot|contaxe|CoolBot|cosmos|crawler|crawlpaper|crawl|curl|cusco|cyberspyder|cydralspider|dataprovider|digger|DIIbot|DotBot|downloadexpress|DragonBot|DuckDuckBot|dwcp|EasouSpider|ebiness|ecollector|elfinbot|esculapio|ESI|esther|eStyle|Ezooms|facebookexternalhit|facebook|facebot|fastcrawler|FatBot|FDSE|FELIX IDE|fetch|fido|find|Firefly|fouineur|Freecrawl|froogle|gammaSpider|gazz|gcreep|geona|Getterrobo-Plus|get|girafabot|golem|googlebot|grabber|GrabNet|griffon|Gromit|gulliver|gulper|hambot|havIndex|hotwired|htdig|HTTrack|ia_archiver|iajabot|IDBot|Informant|InfoSeek|InfoSpiders|INGRID\/0\.1|inktomi|inspectorwww|Internet Cruiser Robot|irobot|Iron33|JBot|jcrawler|Jeeves|jobo|KDD\-Explorer|KIT\-Fireball|ko_yappo_robot|label\-grabber|larbin|legs|libwww-perl|linkedin|Linkidator|linkwalker|Lockon|logo_gif_crawler|Lycos|m2e|majesticsEO|marvin|mattie|mediafox|mediapartners|MerzScope|MindCrawler|PetalBot|MJ12bot|mod_pagespeed|moget|msnbot|muncher|muninn|MuscatFerret|MwdSearch|NationalDirectory|naverbot|NEC\-MeshExplorer|NetcraftSurveyAgent|NetScoop|NetSeer|newscan\-online|none|Nutch|ObjectsSearch|Occam|openstat.ru\/Bot|packrat|pageboy|ParaSite|patric|pegasus|perlcrawler|phpdig|piltdownman|Pimptrain|pingdom|pinterest|pjspider|PlumtreeWebAccessor|PortalBSpider|psbot|rambler|Raven|RHCS|RixBot|roadrunner|Robbie|robi|RoboCrawl|robofox|Scooter|Scrubby|Search\-AU|searchprocess|search|SemrushBot|Senrigan|seznambot|Shagseeker|sharp\-info\-agent|sift|SimBot|Site Valet|SiteSucker|skymob|SLCrawler\/2\.0|slurp|snooper|solbot|speedy|spider_monkey|SpiderBot\/1\.0|spiderline|spider|suke|tach_bw|TechBOT|TechnoratiSnoop|templeton|teoma|titin|topiclink|twitterbot|twitter|UdmSearch|Ukonline|UnwindFetchor|URL_Spider_SQL|urlck|urlresolver|Valkyrie libwww\-perl|verticrawl|Victoria|void\-bot|Voyager|VWbot_K|wapspider|WebBandit\/1\.0|webcatcher|WebCopier|WebFindBot|WebLeacher|WebMechanic|WebMoose|webquest|webreaper|webspider|WebWalker|WebZip|wget|whowhere|winona|wlm|WOLP|woriobot|WWWC|XGET|xing|yahoo|YandexBot|YandexMobileBot|yandex|yeti|Zeus|WhatsApp|TelegramBot|APIs\-Google|Google\-Ads\-Creatives\-Assistant|\-google|bot/i', $useragent, $matches) ) { return $matches[0]; } return ''; } public function saveStats($array=null) { require_once("inc/BrowserDetect.php"); $detectBrowser = new foroco\BrowserDetection(); if (empty($array['uid'])) { if (!empty($_SESSION['saveStatsUID'])) { $array['uid'] = $_SESSION['saveStatsUID']; } else { $_SESSION['saveStatsUID'] = uniqid() . rand(1000,9999); $array['uid'] = $_SESSION['saveStatsUID']; } } if (empty($array['userID'])) { $array['userID'] = $_SESSION['userID']; } if (empty($array['ip'])) { $array['ip'] = $this->ip; } if (empty($array['url'])) { $array['url'] = $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } if (empty($array['referer'])) { $array['referer'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } if (empty($array['useragent'])) { $array['useragent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } if (empty($array['isBot'])) { $array['isBot'] = $this->detectBot($array['useragent']); if (empty($array['isBot'])) { $array['isBot'] = 'کاربر عادی'; } } // Detect Device, OS & Browser $browser = $detectBrowser->getAll($array['useragent']); if (empty($array['deviceType'])) { $array['deviceType'] = $browser['device_type']; } if (empty($array['deviceName'])) { $array['deviceName'] = ''; } if (empty($array['os'])) { $array['os'] = $browser['os_title']; } if (empty($array['browser'])) { $array['browser'] = $browser['browser_title']; } if (empty($array['source'])) { $array['source'] = $this->utm_source; } if (empty($array['tag'])) { $array['tag'] = ''; } if (empty($array['id'])) { $insertStats = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO stats (`siteID`, `userID`, `uid`, `ip`, `title`, `url`, `referer`, `useragent`, `isBot`, `deviceType`, `deviceName`, `os`, `browser`, `source`, `tag`, `date`) VALUES ('$this->siteID', :userID, :uid, :ip, :title, :url, :referer, :useragent, :isBot, :deviceType, :deviceName, :os, :browser, :source, :tag, :date)"); $insertStats->execute(array(":userID"=>$_SESSION['userID'], ":uid"=>$array['uid'], ":ip"=>$array['ip'], ":title"=>$array['title'], ":url"=>urldecode($array['url']), ":referer"=>urldecode($array['referer']), ":useragent"=>$array['useragent'], ":isBot"=>$array['isBot'], ":deviceType"=>$array['deviceType'], ":deviceName"=>$array['deviceName'], ":os"=>$array['os'], ":browser"=>$array['browser'], ":source"=>$array['source'], ":tag"=>$array['tag'], ":date"=>$this->now)); $_SESSION['statsID'] = $this->db->lastInsertId(); } else { $updateStats = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE stats SET `userID`=:userID, `uid`=:uid, `ip`=:ip, `title`=:title, `url`=:url, `referer`=:referer, `useragent`=:useragent, `isBot`=:isBot, `deviceType`=:deviceType, `deviceName`=:deviceName, `os`=:os, `browser`=:browser, `source`=:source, `tag`=:tag, `date`=:date WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateStats->execute(array(":userID"=>$_SESSION['userID'], ":uid"=>$array['uid'], ":ip"=>$array['ip'], ":title"=>$array['title'], ":url"=>urldecode($array['url']), ":referer"=>urldecode($array['referer']), ":useragent"=>$array['useragent'], ":isBot"=>$array['isBot'], ":deviceType"=>$array['deviceType'], ":deviceName"=>$array['deviceName'], ":os"=>$array['os'], ":browser"=>$array['browser'], ":source"=>$array['source'], ":tag"=>$array['tag'], ":date"=>$this->now, ":id"=>$array['id'])); // @unset($_SESSION['statsID']); } } public function google_captcha_check() { if (empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) { $this->error = 'هویت شما مشخص نشده است'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } else { $response = file_get_contents("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=" . google_recaptcha_secret_key . "&response=" . $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'] . "&remoteip=" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $response = json_decode($response, true); if ($response['hostname'] == $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) { return true; } else { $this->error = 'هویت شما مشخص نشده است'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } } public function numToFa($string) { $searchArray = array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "٠", "١", "٢", "٣", "٤", "٥", "٦", "٧", "٨", "٩"); $replaceArray = array("۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹", "۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹"); return str_replace($searchArray, $replaceArray, $string); } public function is_url($url='') { $regex = "((https?|ftp)\:\/\/)"; // SCHEME $regex .= "([a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+(\:[a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+)?@)?"; // User and Pass $regex .= "([a-z0-9-.]*)\.([a-z]{2,3})"; // Host or IP $regex .= "(\:[0-9]{2,5})?"; // Port $regex .= "(\/([a-z0-9+\$_-]\.?)+)*\/?"; // Path $regex .= "(\?[a-z+&\$_.-][a-z0-9;:@&%=+\/\$_.-]*)?"; // GET Query $regex .= "(#[a-z_.-][a-z0-9+\$_.-]*)?"; // Anchor if (preg_match("/^$regex$/i", $url)) // `i` flag for case-insensitive { return true; } } // Safe URL public function safeUrl($url) { if (!empty($url)) { $url = preg_replace ('/[^\p{L}\p{N}]/u', '-', $url); // convert all non alphabetical and numerals charachters to dashes $url = preg_replace("/[-]+/", "-", $url); // remove more than one dashes $url = trim($url, "-"); // remove first and last dashes return $url; } return ''; } public function generateRandomString($length=10, $characters='0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') { $charactersLength = strlen($characters); $randomString = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, $charactersLength - 1)]; } return $randomString; } public function formatSizeUnits($bytes=0, $persian=false) { if ($bytes >= 1073741824) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1073741824, 2) . ' GB'; } elseif ($bytes >= 1048576) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1048576, 2) . ' MB'; } elseif ($bytes >= 1024) { $bytes = number_format($bytes / 1024, 2) . ' KB'; } elseif ($bytes > 1) { $bytes = $bytes . ' Bytes'; } elseif ($bytes == 1) { $bytes = $bytes . ' Bytes'; } else { $bytes = '0 Bytes'; } if ($persian == true) { return str_replace(array("Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB"), array("بایت", "کیلوبایت", "مگابایت", "گیگابایت"), $bytes); } else { return $bytes; } } public function secondsToDuration($seconds) { if (!empty($seconds)) { $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); $mins = floor($seconds / 60 % 60); $secs = floor($seconds % 60); if ($hours < 10) { $hours = "0" . $hours; } if ($mins < 10) { $mins = "0" . $mins; } if ($secs < 10) { $secs = "0" . $secs; } return $hours . ":" . $mins . ":" . $secs; } else { return "00:00:00"; } } public function durationToSeconds($duration) { $seconds = 0; if (!empty($duration)) { $exploded = @explode(':', $duration); $s = intval($exploded[2]); $m = intval($exploded[1]); $h = intval($exploded[0]); $seconds = $s + ($m * 60) + ($h * 3600); } return $seconds; } public function sumDurations($durationsArray) { if (!empty($durationsArray)) { $total = 0; foreach ($durationsArray as $duration) { $exploded = explode(':', $duration); $s = intval($exploded[2]); $m = intval($exploded[1]); $h = intval($exploded[0]); $total += $s + ($m * 60) + ($h * 3600); } $hours = floor($total / 3600); $mins = floor($total / 60 % 60); $secs = floor($total % 60); if ($hours < 10) { $hours = "0" . $hours; } if ($mins < 10) { $mins = "0" . $mins; } if ($secs < 10) { $secs = "0" . $secs; } return $hours . ":" . $mins . ":" . $secs; } else { return "00:00:00"; } } public function minutesToHour($minutes) // Example: minutesToHour("510") = 08:30 { if (!empty($minutes)) { $hours = floor($minutes / 60); $mins = floor($minutes % 60); if ($hours < 10) { $hours = "0" . $hours; } if ($mins < 10) { $mins = "0" . $mins; } return $hours . ":" . $mins; } else { return "00:00"; } } public function hourToMinutes($hour) // Example: hourToMinutes("08:30") = 510 { $minutes = 0; if (!empty($hour)) { $exploded = @explode(':', $hour); $m = intval($exploded[1]); $h = intval($exploded[0]); $minutes = $m + ($h * 60); } return $minutes; } public function isTimeRangeAvailable($timeRange, $unavailableTimeRanges) // Example: isTimeRangeAvailable("10:00-10:30", array("08:00-08:30", "09:00-10:00", "10:00-10:15")) = false { if (!empty($timeRange)) { if (!empty($unavailableTimeRanges)) { // turn to array if (!is_array($unavailableTimeRanges)) { $unavailableTimeRanges[] = $unavailableTimeRanges; } $timeRangeExploded = @explode("-", $timeRange); $timeRangeStart = $this->hourToMinutes($timeRangeExploded[0]); $timeRangeEnd = $this->hourToMinutes($timeRangeExploded[1]); $timeRangeIsOk = true; foreach ($unavailableTimeRanges as $unavailableTimeRange) { $unavailableTimeRangeExploded = @explode("-", $unavailableTimeRange); $unavailableTimeRangeStart = $this->hourToMinutes($unavailableTimeRangeExploded[0]); $unavailableTimeRangeEnd = $this->hourToMinutes($unavailableTimeRangeExploded[1]); if ($timeRangeStart >= $unavailableTimeRangeEnd || $timeRangeEnd <= $unavailableTimeRangeStart) { // nothing to do, time range is ok } else { $timeRangeIsOk = false; break; } } if ($timeRangeIsOk == true) { return true; } else { return array( "unavailableTimeRangeEnd"=>$unavailableTimeRangeEnd, "exceptionTimeRange"=>$this->minutesToHour($unavailableTimeRangeStart) . "-" . $this->minutesToHour($unavailableTimeRangeEnd) ); } } else { return true; } } else { return false; } } public function get_file_size($path='', $formatSize=false, $persian=false) { if (!empty($path)) { if ($this->is_url($path)) { $ch = curl_init($path); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, TRUE); $data = curl_exec($ch); $size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD); curl_close($ch); } else { if (substr($path, 0, 1) == "/") { $size = intval(@filesize(getcwd() . $path)); } else { $size = intval(@filesize($path)); } } //Format Size Units if ($formatSize == true) { return formatSizeUnits($size, $persian); } else { return $size; } } else { return false; } } public function get_image_size($path='') { if (!empty($path)) { if ($this->is_url($path)) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path); } else { if (substr($path, 0, 1) == "/") { list($width, $height) = getimagesize(getcwd() . $path); } else { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($path); } } return array("width"=>$width, "height"=>$height); } else { return false; } } public function mime_type($filename) { if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) { return @mime_content_type($filename); } else { if (class_exists('finfo')) { $result = new finfo(); //var_dump($result); if (is_resource($result) === true) { return $result->file($filename, FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); } return false; } } return NULL; } public function countWords($str) { // Get rid of style, script etc $search = array('@]*?>.*?@si', // Strip out javascript '@.*?@siU', // Lose the head section '@]*?>.*?@siU', // Strip style tags properly '@@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA ); $str = strip_tags(preg_replace($search, '', $str)); return @count(preg_split('~[^\p{L}\p{N}\']+~u', $str)); } //Copy Folder public function copy_folder($src, $dst) { $dir = opendir($src); @mkdir($dst); while(false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..') && ($file != '.htaccess')) { if (is_dir($src . '/' . $file)) { $this->copy_folder($src . '/' . $file,$dst . '/' . $file); } else { copy($src . '/' . $file, $dst . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); } //Hash Password public function hashPassword($password='', $salt='&@!~') { $hashedPassword = md5(md5(strtolower($password)) . $salt); return $hashedPassword; } //Get Domain Name AND SubDomain Name public function getDomainInfo() { if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "localhost") === false) { if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ".") > 2) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); $_REQUEST['404'] = "404"; } else { $this->domainName = preg_replace("/^[^.]*\.(?=\w+\.\w+$)/", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->subdomainName = strtolower(str_replace(array("www.",".$this->domainName","$this->domainName"), "", $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])); if (!empty($this->subdomainName)) { //Get Subdomain $selectSubdomain = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM subdomains WHERE subdomain=:subdomain AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectSubdomain->execute(array(":subdomain"=>$this->subdomainName)); $rowSubdomain = $selectSubdomain->fetch(); $this->ownerID = $rowSubdomain['userID']; $this->subdomainInfo = $rowSubdomain; //Show 404 Page if subdomain doesn't exist if (empty($this->ownerID)) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); $_REQUEST['404'] = "404"; } } } } } public function nofollowLinks($html) { include('inc/simple_html_dom.php'); // Create a DOM object $dom = new simple_html_dom(); // Load HTML from a string $dom = str_get_html($html); //NoFollow Links foreach($dom->find("a") as $anchor) { $rel = array(); if ($anchor->hasAttribute('rel') AND ($relAtt = $anchor->getAttribute('rel')) !== '') { $rel = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($relAtt)); } if (in_array('nofollow', $rel)) { continue; } $rel[] = 'nofollow'; $anchor->setAttribute('rel', implode(' ', $rel)); } return $dom; } public function removeLinks($html) { return preg_replace("/(.*?)<\/a>/simU", "$1", $html); } public function html2txt($document) { $search = array('@]*?>.*?@si', // Strip out javascript '@<[\/\!]*?[^<>]*?>@si', // Strip out HTML tags '@]*?>.*?@siU', // Strip style tags properly '@@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA ); $text = preg_replace($search, '', $document); return $text; } public function safehtml($document) { $search = array('@]*?>.*?@si', // Strip out javascript '@]*?>.*?@siU', // Strip style tags properly '@@' // Strip multi-line comments including CDATA ); $text = preg_replace($search, '', $document); return $text; } function bigintval($value) { $value = trim($value); if (ctype_digit($value)) { return $value; } $value = preg_replace("/[^0-9](.*)$/", '', $value); if (ctype_digit($value)) { return $value; } return 0; } public function convertBytes($value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } else { $value_length = strlen($value); $qty = substr($value, 0, $value_length - 1); $unit = strtolower(substr($value, $value_length - 1)); switch ($unit) { case 'k': $qty *= 1024; break; case 'm': $qty *= 1048576; break; case 'g': $qty *= 1073741824; break; } return $qty; } } public function convertPHPSizeToBytes($value) { $suffix = strtoupper(substr($value, -1)); if (!in_array($suffix, array('P','T','G','M','K'))) { return intval($value); } $iValue = substr($value, 0, -1); switch ($suffix) { case 'P': $iValue *= 1024; case 'T': $iValue *= 1024; case 'G': $iValue *= 1024; case 'M': $iValue *= 1024; case 'K': $iValue *= 1024; break; } return $iValue; } public function getImageSize($image) { $url = parse_url($image); $imagePath = $url['path']; if (empty($url['host'])) { if (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == "/") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $imagePath, '?')); } elseif (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == ".") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . str_replace(array("../", "./"), "", $imagePath), '?')); } } $width = 0; $height = 0; if (file_exists($imagePath)) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imagePath); } return array($width, $height); } public function save_base64_image($base64_image_string, $path) { /* usage: if ( substr( $img_src, 0, 5 ) === "data:" ) { $filename=save_base64_image($base64_image_string, getcwd() . "/uploads/1.jpg"); } */ // data is like:  $splited = explode(',', substr($base64_image_string, 5), 2); $mime = $splited[0]; $data = $splited[1]; // validate if base64 string is an image /*$img = imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($data)); if (!$img) { return false; } $tmp_name = uniqid() . ".png"; imagepng($img, $tmp_name); $info = getimagesize($tmp_name); unlink($tmp_name); if ($info[0] > 0 && $info[1] > 0 && $info['mime']) {*/ file_put_contents(getcwd() . $path, base64_decode($data)); return $path; /*}*/ } public function CreateThumb ($src, $Type, $dir, $name, $thumb_width, $thumb_height=0) { List($Width, $Height) = GetImageSize($src); if ($thumb_height == 0) { $k = $thumb_width / max($Width, $Height); if ($k >= 1) { $k = 1; } $newWidth = $Width * $k; $newHeight = $Height * $k; } else { $newWidth = $thumb_width; $newHeight = $thumb_height; } $Thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor($newWidth, $newHeight); if ($Type == "image/jpeg" || $Type == "image/pjpeg") { $Source = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); ImageCopyreSampled($Thumb, $Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $Width, $Height); if (ImageJpeg($Thumb, $dir.$name)) { return true; } else { return false; } } if ($Type == "image/gif") { $Source = imagecreatefromgif ($src); imagecolortransparent($Thumb, imagecolorallocatealpha($Thumb, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($Thumb, false); imagesavealpha($Thumb, true); ImageCopyreSampled($Thumb, $Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $Width, $Height); if (ImageGif ($Thumb, $dir.$name)) { return true; } else { return false; } } if ($Type == "image/png" || $Type == "image/x-png") { $Source = imagecreatefrompng($src); //if you like to maintain transparency on a png or gif image change 'ImageJpeg' to 'ImagePng' or 'ImageGif' and uncomment these 3 lines. imagecolortransparent($Thumb, imagecolorallocatealpha($Thumb, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($Thumb, false); imagesavealpha($Thumb, true); ImageCopyreSampled($Thumb, $Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $Width, $Height); if (ImagePng($Thumb, $dir.$name)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } public function convertToWebP($image, $quality=80, $forceConvert=false) { if (function_exists('imagewebp')) { // $ios_version = 0; // if (preg_match("/iPhone OS (\d+)_/i", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches)) // Disable convert to WebP for old IOS versions // { // $ios_version = intval($matches[1]); // } // if ($ios_version >= 14 || empty($ios_version)) if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'], 'image/webp') !== false || $forceConvert == true) { $url = parse_url($image); $imagePath = $url['path']; $pathInfo = pathinfo($imagePath); if (empty($url['host'])) { if (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == "/") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $imagePath, '?')); } elseif (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == ".") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . str_replace(array("../", "./"), "", $imagePath), '?')); } } if (file_exists($imagePath)) { //Get Image Size $imageInfo = GetImageSize($imagePath); $w = $imageInfo['0']; $h = $imageInfo['1']; $detectedType = $imageInfo['2']; $mimeType = $imageInfo['mime']; $newImageName = "converted-" . $pathInfo['filename'] . ".webp"; $newImagePath = str_replace(basename($imagePath), $newImageName, $imagePath); if (!file_exists($newImagePath)) { $allowedTypes = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_WEBP); // $detectedType = exif_imagetype($imagePath); if (in_array($detectedType, $allowedTypes)) { //Resize Process $webpImage = ImageCreateTrueColor($w, $h); if (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG))) { $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath); } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $source = imagecreatefrompng($imagePath); imageAlphaBlending($webpImage, false); imageSaveAlpha($webpImage, true); $trans = imagecolorallocatealpha($webpImage, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefilledrectangle($webpImage, 0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $trans); } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_GIF))) { $source = imagecreatefromgif ($imagePath); imageAlphaBlending($webpImage, false); imageSaveAlpha($webpImage, true); $trans = imagecolorallocatealpha($webpImage, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefilledrectangle($webpImage, 0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $trans); } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_WEBP))) { $source = imagecreatefromwebp($imagePath); imageAlphaBlending($webpImage, false); imageSaveAlpha($webpImage, true); $trans = imagecolorallocatealpha($webpImage, 0, 0, 0, 127); imagefilledrectangle($webpImage, 0, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1, $trans); } else { return $image; } imagecopy($webpImage, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h); if (imagewebp($webpImage, urldecode($newImagePath), $quality)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $newImagePath); } } else { return $image; } } else { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $newImagePath); } } else { return $image; } } else { return $image; } } else { return $image; } } public function resize($image, $width, $height=0, $alsoResizeSmallToLarge=false, $quality=90) { $url = parse_url($image); $imagePath = $url['path']; if (empty($url['host'])) { if (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == "/") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $imagePath, '?')); } elseif (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == ".") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . str_replace(array("../", "./"), "", $imagePath), '?')); } } if (file_exists($imagePath)) { //Get Image Size $imageInfo = GetImageSize($imagePath); $Width = $imageInfo['0']; $Height = $imageInfo['1']; $detectedType = $imageInfo['2']; $mimeType = $imageInfo['mime']; if ($height == 0) { $k = $width / max($Width, $Height); if ($k > 1 && $alsoResizeSmallToLarge == false) { $newWidth = $Width; $newHeight = $Height; } else { $newWidth = round($Width * $k, 2); $newHeight = round($Height * $k, 2); } } else { $newWidth = $width; $newHeight = $height; } $thumb = "size-" . $newWidth . "x" . $newHeight . "-" . basename($imagePath); $thumbPath = str_replace(basename($imagePath), $thumb, $imagePath); $dir = str_replace(basename($imagePath), "", $imagePath); if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) { $allowedTypes = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_WEBP); // $detectedType = exif_imagetype($imagePath); if (in_array($detectedType, $allowedTypes)) { //Resize Process $Thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor($newWidth, $newHeight); if (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG))) { $Source = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath); ImageCopyreSampled($Thumb, $Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $Width, $Height); if (ImageJpeg($Thumb, $dir.$thumb, $quality)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { if ($quality > 0) { $quality = round(10 - ($quality / 10)); } // then if ($quality == 10) { $quality = 9; // maximum compression } $Source = imagecreatefrompng($imagePath); //if you like to maintain transparency on a png or gif image change 'ImageJpeg' to 'ImagePng' or 'ImageGif' and uncomment these 3 lines. imagecolortransparent($Thumb, imagecolorallocatealpha($Thumb, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($Thumb, false); imagesavealpha($Thumb, true); ImageCopyreSampled($Thumb, $Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $Width, $Height); if (ImagePng($Thumb, $dir.$thumb, $quality, PNG_NO_FILTER)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_GIF))) { $Source = imagecreatefromgif ($imagePath); imagecolortransparent($Thumb, imagecolorallocatealpha($Thumb, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($Thumb, false); imagesavealpha($Thumb, true); ImageCopyreSampled($Thumb, $Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $Width, $Height); if (ImageGif ($Thumb, $dir.$thumb)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_WEBP))) { $Source = imagecreatefromwebp($imagePath); imagecolortransparent($Thumb, imagecolorallocatealpha($Thumb, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($Thumb, false); imagesavealpha($Thumb, true); ImageCopyreSampled($Thumb, $Source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $Width, $Height); if (imagewebp($Thumb, $dir.$thumb, $quality)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } } else { return $image; } } else { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } else { return $image; } } public function crop($image, $cropWidth, $cropHeight, $horizontalAlign = 'center', $verticalAlign = 'middle') { $url = parse_url($image); $imagePath = $url['path']; if (empty($url['host'])) { if (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == "/") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $imagePath, '?')); } elseif (substr($imagePath, 0, 1) == ".") { $imagePath = urldecode(strtok($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . str_replace(array("../", "./"), "", $imagePath), '?')); } } if (file_exists($imagePath)) { //Get Image Size $imageInfo = GetImageSize($imagePath); $width = $imageInfo['0']; $height = $imageInfo['1']; $detectedType = $imageInfo['2']; $mimeType = $imageInfo['mime']; if ($width >= $height) { $cropHeight = ($width / $cropWidth) * $cropHeight; $cropWidth = $width; } else { $cropWidth = ($height / $cropHeight) * $cropWidth; $cropHeight = $height; } if ($cropWidth >= $width) { $cropHeight = ($width / $cropWidth) * $cropHeight; $cropWidth = $width; } if ($cropHeight >= $height) { $cropWidth = ($height / $cropHeight) * $cropWidth; $cropHeight = $height; } // echo $cropWidth . "
"; // echo $cropHeight . "
"; $thumb = "cropped-" . $cropWidth . "x" . $cropHeight . "-" . basename($imagePath); $thumbPath = str_replace(basename($imagePath), $thumb, $imagePath); $dir = str_replace(basename($imagePath), "", $imagePath); if (!file_exists($thumbPath)) { $allowedTypes = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_WEBP); // $detectedType = exif_imagetype($imagePath); if (in_array($detectedType, $allowedTypes)) { //Crop Process if (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG))) { $sourceImage = imagecreatefromjpeg($imagePath); $horizontalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($width, $cropWidth, $horizontalAlign); $verticalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($height, $cropHeight, $verticalAlign); $croppedImage = imageCrop($sourceImage, array( 'x' => $horizontalAlignPixels[0], 'y' => $verticalAlignPixels[0], 'width' => $horizontalAlignPixels[1], 'height' => $verticalAlignPixels[1] ) ); if (ImageJpeg($croppedImage, $dir.$thumb, 90)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_PNG))) { $sourceImage = imagecreatefrompng($imagePath); //if you like to maintain transparency on a png or gif image change 'ImageJpeg' to 'ImagePng' or 'ImageGif' and uncomment these 3 lines. $horizontalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($width, $cropWidth, $horizontalAlign); $verticalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($height, $cropHeight, $verticalAlign); $croppedImage = imageCrop($sourceImage, array( 'x' => $horizontalAlignPixels[0], 'y' => $verticalAlignPixels[0], 'width' => $horizontalAlignPixels[1], 'height' => $verticalAlignPixels[1] ) ); imagecolortransparent($croppedImage, imagecolorallocatealpha($croppedImage, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($croppedImage, false); imagesavealpha($croppedImage, true); if (ImagePng($croppedImage, $dir.$thumb, 9, PNG_NO_FILTER)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_GIF))) { $sourceImage = imagecreatefromgif ($imagePath); $horizontalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($width, $cropWidth, $horizontalAlign); $verticalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($height, $cropHeight, $verticalAlign); $croppedImage = imageCrop($sourceImage, array( 'x' => $horizontalAlignPixels[0], 'y' => $verticalAlignPixels[0], 'width' => $horizontalAlignPixels[1], 'height' => $verticalAlignPixels[1] ) ); imagecolortransparent($croppedImage, imagecolorallocatealpha($croppedImage, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($croppedImage, false); imagesavealpha($croppedImage, true); if (ImageGif ($croppedImage, $dir.$thumb)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } elseif (in_array($detectedType, array(IMAGETYPE_WEBP))) { $sourceImage = imagecreatefromwebp($imagePath); $horizontalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($width, $cropWidth, $horizontalAlign); $verticalAlignPixels = $this->calculatePixelsForAlign($height, $cropHeight, $verticalAlign); $croppedImage = imageCrop($sourceImage, array( 'x' => $horizontalAlignPixels[0], 'y' => $verticalAlignPixels[0], 'width' => $horizontalAlignPixels[1], 'height' => $verticalAlignPixels[1] ) ); imagecolortransparent($croppedImage, imagecolorallocatealpha($croppedImage, 0, 0, 0, 127)); imagealphablending($croppedImage, false); imagesavealpha($croppedImage, true); if (imagewebp($croppedImage, $dir.$thumb)) { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } } else { return $image; } } else { $searchArray = array( getcwd(), str_replace('\\', "/", getcwd()), str_replace("public_html", "private_html", getcwd()) ); return str_replace($searchArray, "", $thumbPath); } } else { return $image; } } private function calculatePixelsForAlign($imageSize, $cropSize, $align) { switch ($align) { case 'left': case 'top': return array(0, min($cropSize, $imageSize)); case 'right': case 'bottom': return array(max(0, $imageSize - $cropSize), min($cropSize, $imageSize)); case 'center': case 'middle': return array( max(0, floor(($imageSize / 2) - ($cropSize / 2))), min($cropSize, $imageSize), ); default: return array(0, $imageSize); } } public function getExtraOptions($section, $typeID) { $selectExtraOptionInputs = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM extra_option_inputs WHERE section=:section AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectExtraOptionInputs->execute(array(":section"=>$section)); while ($extraOptionInput = $selectExtraOptionInputs->fetch()) { $selectExtraOptions = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM extra_options WHERE typeID=:typeID AND inputID=:inputID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectExtraOptions->execute(array(":typeID"=>$typeID, ":inputID"=>$extraOptionInput['id'])); if ($selectExtraOptions->rowCount() > 0) { $extraOption = $selectExtraOptions->fetch(); $extraOptions[$extraOptionInput['name']] = $extraOption['value']; } else { $extraOptions[$extraOptionInput['name']] = ''; } } return $extraOptions; } public function settings($property="") { $selectSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM settings WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowSettings = $selectSettings->fetch(); $rowSettings['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("settings", $rowSettings['id']); if ($property == "") { return $rowSettings; } else { return $rowSettings["$property"]; } } public function apis($property="") { $selectAPIs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM apis WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowAPIs = $selectAPIs->fetch(); if ($property == "") { return $rowAPIs; } else { return $rowAPIs["$property"]; } } public function mail_settings() { $selectMailSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mail_settings WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowMailSettings = $selectMailSettings->fetch(); return $rowMailSettings; } public function sms_settings() { $selectSMSSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sms_settings WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowSMSSettings = $selectSMSSettings->fetch(); return $rowSMSSettings; } public function club_settings() { $selectClubSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM club_settings WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowClubSettings = $selectClubSettings->fetch(); return $rowClubSettings; } public function get_cache_by_id($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectCache = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM cache WHERE `id`='$ID' AND `siteID`='$this->siteID'"); $rowCache = $selectCache->fetch(); if ($rowCache['expireDate'] < $this->now || empty($rowCache['value'])) { $rowCache['isValid'] = 0; } else { $rowCache['isValid'] = 1; } return $rowCache; } public function get_cache_by_key($key) { $selectCache = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM cache WHERE `key`=:key AND `siteID`='$this->siteID'"); $selectCache->execute(array(":key"=>$key)); $rowCache = $selectCache->fetch(); if ($rowCache['expireDate'] < $this->now || empty($rowCache['value']) || !empty($_GET['clearcache'])) { $rowCache['isValid'] = 0; } else { $rowCache['isValid'] = 1; } return $rowCache; } public function get_cache($key) { return $this->get_cache_by_key($key); } public function set_cache($key, $value, $expire=120) { $expire = intval($expire); $expireDate = $this->now + $expire; $deleteOldCache = $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM cache WHERE expireDate < '$this->now' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectCache = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM cache WHERE `key`=:key AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectCache->execute(array(":key"=>$key)); if ($selectCache->rowCount() > 0) // Update { $rowCache = $selectCache->fetch(); $updateCache = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE cache SET `value`=:value, `date`=:date, `expireDate`=:expireDate WHERE `id`=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateCache->execute(array(":value"=>$value, ":date"=>$this->now, ":expireDate"=>$expireDate, ":id"=>$rowCache['id'])); $cacheID = $rowCache['id']; } else // Insert { $insertCache = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO cache (`siteID`, `key`, `value`, `date`, `expireDate`) VALUES ('$this->siteID', :key, :value, :date, :expireDate)"); $insertCache->execute(array(":key"=>$key, ":value"=>$value, ":date"=>$this->now, ":expireDate"=>$expireDate)); $cacheID = $this->db->lastInsertId(); } return $cacheID; } public function getUserByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectUser = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); //Get Addressbook $selectAddressbook = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM addressbook WHERE userID='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowAddressbook = $selectAddressbook->fetchAll(); $rowUser['addressbook'] = $rowAddressbook; //Get UserMeta $selectUsersMeta = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_meta WHERE _userID='$ID'"); $rowUsersMeta = $selectUsersMeta->fetch(); $rowUser['meta'] = $rowUsersMeta; //Charged Cash $selectCharges = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS charged FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=2 AND currency!='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCharges = $selectCharges->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] += $rowCharges['charged']; //Spent Cash By Order $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalCost) AS totalCost, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=4 AND currency!='دلار' AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowOrders['totalCost']) - intval($rowOrders['discount']); //Spent Cash By Order WalletDiscount $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(walletDiscount) AS walletDiscount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND currency!='دلار' AND payMethod=1 AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowOrders['walletDiscount']); //Spent Cash By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS spent, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=2 AND currency!='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowTransactions['spent']) - intval($rowTransactions['discount']); //Spent Cash By Transaction WalletDiscount $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(walletDiscount) AS walletDiscount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND currency!='دلار' AND payMethod=1 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowTransactions['walletDiscount']); //Charged DollarCash $selectCharges = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(dollarPrice) AS charged FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=2 AND currency='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCharges = $selectCharges->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] += $rowCharges['charged']; //Spent DollarCash By Order $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalDollarCost) AS totalDollarCost, SUM(dollarDiscount) AS dollarDiscount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=4 AND currency='دلار' AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] -= floatval($rowOrders['totalDollarCost']) - floatval($rowOrders['dollarDiscount']); //Spent DollarCash By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(dollarPrice) AS spent, SUM(dollarDiscount) AS dollarDiscount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=2 AND currency='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] -= floatval($rowTransactions['spent']) - floatval($rowTransactions['dollarDiscount']); //Orders Commission $selectCommission = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(commission) AS commission FROM orders WHERE marketerID=$ID AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCommission = $selectCommission->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] += $rowCommission['commission']; //Transactions Commission $selectCommission = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(commission) AS commission FROM transactions WHERE marketerID=$ID AND payMethod!=4 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCommission = $selectCommission->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] += $rowCommission['commission']; //Commission Settlement By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS settle FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=9 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] -= $rowTransactions['settle']; } return $rowUser; } public function getUserBySubdomainID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectSubdomain = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM subdomains WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowSubdomain = $selectSubdomain->fetch(); $selectUser = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$rowSubdomain[userID]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); $ID = $rowUser['id']; //Get Addressbook $selectAddressbook = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM addressbook WHERE userID='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowAddressbook = $selectAddressbook->fetchAll(); $rowUser['addressbook'] = $rowAddressbook; //Get UserMeta $selectUsersMeta = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_meta WHERE _userID='$ID'"); $rowUsersMeta = $selectUsersMeta->fetch(); $rowUser['meta'] = $rowUsersMeta; //Charged Cash $selectCharges = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS charged FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=2 AND currency!='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCharges = $selectCharges->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] += $rowCharges['charged']; //Spent Cash By Order $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalCost) AS totalCost, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=4 AND currency!='دلار' AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowOrders['totalCost']) - intval($rowOrders['discount']); //Spent Cash By Order WalletDiscount $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(walletDiscount) AS walletDiscount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND currency!='دلار' AND payMethod=1 AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowOrders['walletDiscount']); //Spent Cash By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS spent, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=2 AND currency!='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowTransactions['spent']) - intval($rowTransactions['discount']); //Spent Cash By Transaction WalletDiscount $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(walletDiscount) AS walletDiscount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND currency!='دلار' AND payMethod=1 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowTransactions['walletDiscount']); //Charged DollarCash $selectCharges = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(dollarPrice) AS charged FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=2 AND currency='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCharges = $selectCharges->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] += $rowCharges['charged']; //Spent DollarCash By Order $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalDollarCost) AS totalDollarCost, SUM(dollarDiscount) AS dollarDiscount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=4 AND currency='دلار' AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] -= floatval($rowOrders['totalDollarCost']) - floatval($rowOrders['dollarDiscount']); //Spent DollarCash By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(dollarPrice) AS spent, SUM(dollarDiscount) AS dollarDiscount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=2 AND currency='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] -= floatval($rowTransactions['spent']) - floatval($rowTransactions['dollarDiscount']); //Orders Commission $selectCommission = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(commission) AS commission FROM orders WHERE marketerID=$ID AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCommission = $selectCommission->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] += $rowCommission['commission']; //Transactions Commission $selectCommission = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(commission) AS commission FROM transactions WHERE marketerID=$ID AND payMethod!=4 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCommission = $selectCommission->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] += $rowCommission['commission']; //Commission Settlement By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS settle FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=9 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] -= $rowTransactions['settle']; } return $rowUser; } public function getUserBySubdomain($subdomain) { $selectSubdomain = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM subdomains WHERE subdomain=:subdomain AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectSubdomain->execute(array(":subdomain"=>$subdomain)); $rowSubdomain = $selectSubdomain->fetch(); $selectUser = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$rowSubdomain[userID]'"); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); $ID = $rowUser['id']; //Get Addressbook $selectAddressbook = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM addressbook WHERE userID='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowAddressbook = $selectAddressbook->fetchAll(); $rowUser['addressbook'] = $rowAddressbook; //Get UserMeta $selectUsersMeta = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_meta WHERE _userID='$ID'"); $rowUsersMeta = $selectUsersMeta->fetch(); $rowUser['meta'] = $rowUsersMeta; //Charged Cash $selectCharges = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS charged FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=2 AND currency!='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCharges = $selectCharges->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] += $rowCharges['charged']; //Spent Cash By Order $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalCost) AS totalCost, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=4 AND currency!='دلار' AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowOrders['totalCost']) - intval($rowOrders['discount']); //Spent Cash By Order WalletDiscount $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(walletDiscount) AS walletDiscount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND currency!='دلار' AND payMethod=1 AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowOrders['walletDiscount']); //Spent Cash By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS spent, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=2 AND currency!='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowTransactions['spent']) - intval($rowTransactions['discount']); //Spent Cash By Transaction WalletDiscount $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(walletDiscount) AS walletDiscount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND currency!='دلار' AND payMethod=1 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['cash'] -= intval($rowTransactions['walletDiscount']); //Charged DollarCash $selectCharges = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(dollarPrice) AS charged FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=2 AND currency='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCharges = $selectCharges->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] += $rowCharges['charged']; //Spent DollarCash By Order $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalDollarCost) AS totalDollarCost, SUM(dollarDiscount) AS dollarDiscount FROM orders WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=4 AND currency='دلار' AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] -= floatval($rowOrders['totalDollarCost']) - floatval($rowOrders['dollarDiscount']); //Spent DollarCash By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(dollarPrice) AS spent, SUM(dollarDiscount) AS dollarDiscount FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND payMethod=2 AND currency='دلار' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['dollarCash'] -= floatval($rowTransactions['spent']) - floatval($rowTransactions['dollarDiscount']); //Orders Commission $selectCommission = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(commission) AS commission FROM orders WHERE marketerID=$ID AND payStatus=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCommission = $selectCommission->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] += $rowCommission['commission']; //Transactions Commission $selectCommission = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(commission) AS commission FROM transactions WHERE marketerID=$ID AND payMethod!=4 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCommission = $selectCommission->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] += $rowCommission['commission']; //Commission Settlement By Transaction $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS settle FROM transactions WHERE userID=$ID AND type=9 AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); $rowUser['commission'] -= $rowTransactions['settle']; } return $rowUser; } public function deleteUserByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM users WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function activeUserByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET status=1 WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function deactiveUserByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET status=0 WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getNewsletterByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectNewsletter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowNewsletter = $selectNewsletter->fetch(); return $rowNewsletter; } public function deleteNewsletterByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM newsletter WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getRootCategory($categoryID) { global $rootCategory; $rootCategory = $categoryID; $selectParent = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id='$categoryID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowParent = $selectParent->fetch(); if (!empty($rowParent['parentID'])) { $this->getRootCategory($rowParent['parentID']); } return $rootCategory; } public function getParentCategories($categoryID) { global $parentCategories; $parentCategories[] = $categoryID; $selectParents = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id='$categoryID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowParent = $selectParents->fetch(); if (!empty($rowParent['parentID'])) { $this->getParentCategories($rowParent['parentID']); } return $parentCategories; } public function getChildCategories($categoryID) { global $childCategories; $childCategories[] = $categoryID; $selectChilds = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parentID='$categoryID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); while ($rowChilds = $selectChilds->fetch()) { $this->getChildCategories($rowChilds['id']); } return $childCategories; } public function getCategories($section, $parentID=0, $orderBy="sort ASC", $addSelf=false) { $order = $orderBy; $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); $categories = array(); if ($addSelf == true) { $selectCategories = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section=:section AND id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectCategories->execute(array(":section"=>$section, ":id"=>$parentID)); while($rowCategories = $selectCategories->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowCategories['permalink'])) { $rowCategories['url'] = "/" . $rowCategories['permalink']; } else { $rowCategories['url'] = "/category/" . $rowCategories['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCategories['title']); } $rowCategories['subcategories'] = $this->getCategories($section, $rowCategories['id'], $order); $categories[] = $rowCategories; } } else { $selectCategories = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section=:section AND parentID=:parentID AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectCategories->execute(array(":section"=>$section, ":parentID"=>$parentID)); while($rowCategories = $selectCategories->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowCategories['permalink'])) { $rowCategories['url'] = "/" . $rowCategories['permalink']; } else { $rowCategories['url'] = "/category/" . $rowCategories['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCategories['title']); } $rowCategories['subcategories'] = $this->getCategories($section, $rowCategories['id'], $order); $categories[] = $rowCategories; } } return $categories; } public function getCategoryByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectCategory = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCategory = $selectCategory->fetch(); $rowCategory['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("categories", $ID); return $rowCategory; } public function deleteCategoryByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM categories WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getPollByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectPoll = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM polls WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowPoll = $selectPoll->fetch(); $selectPollChoices = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM poll_choices WHERE pollID='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $rowPoll['choices'] = $selectPollChoices->fetchAll(); return $rowPoll; } public function deletePollByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM polls WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getMenus($parentID=0, $orderBy="sort ASC") { $order = $orderBy; $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); $menus = array(); $selectMenus = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM menus WHERE parentID=:parentID AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectMenus->execute(array(":parentID"=>$parentID)); while($rowMenus = $selectMenus->fetch()) { $rowMenus['submenus'] = $this->getMenus($rowMenus['id'], $order); $menus[] = $rowMenus; } return $menus; } public function getMenuByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectMenu = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM menus WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowMenu = $selectMenu->fetch(); return $rowMenu; } public function deleteMenuByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM menus WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getLinkByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectLink = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM links WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowLink = $selectLink->fetch(); return $rowLink; } public function deleteLinkByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM links WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getWordByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectWord = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM words WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowWord = $selectWord->fetch(); return $rowWord; } public function deleteWordByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM words WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getArticleByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectArticle = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowArticle = $selectArticle->fetch(); $rowArticle['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("articles", $ID); return $rowArticle; } public function deleteArticleByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM articles WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getNewsByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectNews = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowNews = $selectNews->fetch(); $rowNews['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("news", $ID); return $rowNews; } public function deleteNewsByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM news WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getProductByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectProduct = $this->db->query("SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM products WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowProduct = $selectProduct->fetch(); $rowProduct['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("products", $ID); return $rowProduct; } public function deleteProductByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM products WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getGroupProductByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectGroupProduct = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM group_products WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowGroupProduct = $selectGroupProduct->fetch(); $rowGroupProduct['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("groupProducts", $ID); return $rowGroupProduct; } public function deleteGroupProductByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM group_products WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getWishByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectWish = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM wishes WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowWish = $selectWish->fetch(); $rowWish['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("wishes", $ID); return $rowWish; } public function deleteWishByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM wishes WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getPageByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectPage = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowPage = $selectPage->fetch(); $rowPage['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("pages", $ID); return $rowPage; } public function deletePageByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM pages WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getDownloadByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectDownload = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowDownload = $selectDownload->fetch(); $rowDownload['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("downloads", $ID); return $rowDownload; } public function deleteDownloadByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM downloads WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getOfferByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectOffer = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM offers WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowOffer = $selectOffer->fetch(); $rowOffer['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("offers", $ID); return $rowOffer; } public function deleteOfferByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM offers WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getAuthorByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectAuthor = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM authors WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowAuthor = $selectAuthor->fetch(); $rowAuthor['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("authors", $ID); return $rowAuthor; } public function deleteAuthorByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM authors WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getRegisterationByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectRegisteration = $this->db->query("SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowRegisteration = $selectRegisteration->fetch(); $rowRegisteration['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("registerations", $ID); return $rowRegisteration; } public function deleteRegisterationByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM registerations WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getVipByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectVip = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM vips WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowVip = $selectVip->fetch(); $rowVip['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("vips", $ID); return $rowVip; } public function deleteVipByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM vips WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getEstateByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectEstate = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM estates WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowEstate = $selectEstate->fetch(); $rowEstate['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("estates", $ID); return $rowEstate; } public function deleteEstateByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM estates WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getSubdomainByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectSubdomain = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM subdomains WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowSubdomain = $selectSubdomain->fetch(); return $rowSubdomain; } public function deleteSubdomainByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM subdomains WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getAudioByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectAudio = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM audios WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowAudio = $selectAudio->fetch(); $rowAudio['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("audios", $ID); return $rowAudio; } public function deleteAudioByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM audios WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getVideoByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectVideo = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowVideo = $selectVideo->fetch(); $rowVideo['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("videos", $ID); return $rowVideo; } public function deleteVideoByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM videos WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getCourseByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectCourse = $this->db->query("SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCourse = $selectCourse->fetch(); $rowCourse['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("courses", $ID); return $rowCourse; } public function deleteCourseByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM courses WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getSessionByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectSession = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowSession = $selectSession->fetch(); $rowSession['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("sessions", $ID); return $rowSession; } public function deleteSessionByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM sessions WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getLessonByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectLesson = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM lessons WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowLesson = $selectLesson->fetch(); $rowLesson['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("lessons", $ID); return $rowLesson; } public function deleteLessonByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM lessons WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getLessonChapterByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectLessonChapter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM lesson_chapters WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowLessonChapter = $selectLessonChapter->fetch(); return $rowLessonChapter; } public function deleteLessonChapterByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM lesson_chapters WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getLessonEpisodeByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectLessonEpisode = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM lesson_episodes WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowLessonEpisode = $selectLessonEpisode->fetch(); $rowLessonEpisode['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("lessonEpisodes", $ID); return $rowLessonEpisode; } public function deleteLessonEpisodeByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM lesson_episodes WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getGalleryByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectGallery = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowGallery = $selectGallery->fetch(); $rowGallery['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("galleries", $ID); return $rowGallery; } public function deleteGalleryByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM galleries WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getGalleryImageByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectGalleryImage = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM gallery_images WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowGalleryImage = $selectGalleryImage->fetch(); $rowGalleryImage['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("galleryImages", $ID); return $rowGalleryImage; } public function deleteGalleryImageByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM gallery_images WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getCrawlByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectCrawl = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM crawls WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowCrawl = $selectCrawl->fetch(); return $rowCrawl; } public function deleteCrawlByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM crawls WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getSliderByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectSlider = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM slider WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowSlider = $selectSlider->fetch(); return $rowSlider; } public function deleteSliderByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM slider WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getBannerByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectBanner = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM banners WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowBanner = $selectBanner->fetch(); $rowBanner['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("banners", $ID); return $rowBanner; } public function deleteBannerByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM banners WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getAdPlaceByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectAdPlace = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM ad_places WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowAdPlace = $selectAdPlace->fetch(); return $rowAdPlace; } public function deleteAdPlaceByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM ad_places WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getExtraOptionInputByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectExtraOptionInput = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM extra_option_inputs WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowExtraOptionInput = $selectExtraOptionInput->fetch(); return $rowExtraOptionInput; } public function deleteExtraOptionInputByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM extra_option_inputs WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getFormByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectForm = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowForm = $selectForm->fetch(); $rowForm['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("forms", $ID); return $rowForm; } public function deleteFormByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM forms WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getFormInputByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectFormInput = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM form_inputs WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowFormInput = $selectFormInput->fetch(); return $rowFormInput; } public function deleteFormInputByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM form_inputs WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getUsersMetaInputByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectUsersMetaInput = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_meta_inputs WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowUsersMetaInput = $selectUsersMetaInput->fetch(); return $rowUsersMetaInput; } public function deleteUsersMetaInputByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM users_meta_inputs WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getTestByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectTest = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM tests WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTest = $selectTest->fetch(); $rowTest['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("tests", $ID); return $rowTest; } public function deleteTestByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM tests WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getTestInputByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectTestField = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM test_fields WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTestField = $selectTestField->fetch(); return $rowTestField; } public function deleteTestFieldByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM form_fields WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getCommentByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectComment = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM comment WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowComment = $selectComment->fetch(); return $rowComment; } public function deleteCommentByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM comment WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getTopicByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectTopic = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowTopic = $selectTopic->fetch(); return $rowTopic; } public function deleteTopicByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM topics WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getDiscountCodeByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectDiscountCode = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM discount_codes WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowDiscountCode = $selectDiscountCode->fetch(); return $rowDiscountCode; } public function deleteDiscountCodeByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM discount_codes WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getEventByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectEvent = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowEvent = $selectEvent->fetch(); return $rowEvent; } public function deleteEventByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM events WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getSubscriptionByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectSubscription = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowSubscription = $selectSubscription->fetch(); return $rowSubscription; } public function deleteSubscriptionByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM subscriptions WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getVipOptionByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); $selectVipOption = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM vip_options WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowVipOption = $selectVipOption->fetch(); return $rowVipOption; } public function deleteVipOptionByID($ID) { $ID = intval($ID); return $this->db->exec("DELETE FROM vip_options WHERE id='$ID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } public function getWishlist() { if (!empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { $wishlist = array(); $userID = intval($_SESSION['userID']); $query = "SELECT wishlist.*, products.*, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice, (CASE WHEN ( IFNULL(products.availability, 0) = 0 AND ( IFNULL(products.stock, 0) = 1 OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) > 0 AND CAST(instock_variations.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) = 0 AND CAST(products.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS isAvailable FROM wishlist JOIN products ON wishlist.productID=products.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, productID, instock FROM product_variations WHERE status=1 AND instock > 0 AND siteID='$this->siteID') AS instock_variations ON products.id=instock_variations.productID WHERE wishlist.userID=$userID AND wishlist.siteID='$this->siteID' GROUP BY products.id"; $selectWishlist = $this->db->query($query); while($rowWishlist = $selectWishlist->fetch()) { $rowWishlist['images'] = @explode("|", $rowWishlist['image']); $rowWishlist['image'] = $rowWishlist['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowWishlist['permalink'])) { $rowWishlist['url'] = "/" . $rowWishlist['permalink']; } else { $rowWishlist['url'] = "/product/" . $rowWishlist['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowWishlist['title']); } $wishlist[] = $rowWishlist; } } return $wishlist; } //Template_Path public function template_path() { return htmlspecialchars($this->template_path, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } //Current Page public function currentPage() { return htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } //Last Page public function lastPage() { return htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($_SESSION['referer'])); } //Redirect public function redirect($default="/", $useHeaderLocation=false) { $referer = htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($_SESSION['referer'])); if (empty($referer)) { $referer = $default; } if ($useHeaderLocation) { header("Location: " . $referer); } else { echo ''; } } //sendEmail Function public function sendEmail($subject, $body, $emails, $from='', $replyTo='', $senderName='', $self=false) { require_once('inc/PHPMailer 6.0.5/PHPMailer.php'); require_once('inc/PHPMailer 6.0.5/Exception.php'); require_once('inc/PHPMailer 6.0.5/SMTP.php'); $selectMailSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM mail_settings WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowMailSettings = $selectMailSettings->fetch(); $mail = new PHPMailer(); if ($rowMailSettings['mode'] == 2) { $mail->IsSMTP(); //$mail->SMTPDebug = 1; $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->SMTPSecure = 'ssl'; $mail->SMTPOptions = array( 'ssl' => array( 'verify_peer' => false, 'verify_peer_name' => false, 'allow_self_signed' => true ) ); $mail->Host = $rowMailSettings['host']; $mail->Port = $rowMailSettings['port']; $mail->Username = $rowMailSettings['username']; $mail->Password = $rowMailSettings['password']; } else { $mail->Host = "localhost"; } $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->IsHTML(true); if (empty($replyTo)) { $replyTo = $rowMailSettings['replyTo']; } $mail->AddReplyTo($replyTo); if (empty($from)) { $from = $rowMailSettings['email']; } if (empty($senderName)) { $senderName = $rowMailSettings['senderName']; } $mail->SetFrom($from, $senderName); if ($self == true) { $mail->AddAddress($rowMailSettings['email']); } if (is_array($emails) && !empty($emails)) { foreach ($emails as $email) { $mail->AddBCC($email); } } elseif (!is_array($emails) && !empty($emails)) { $mail->AddBCC($emails); } $mail->Subject = $subject; if (file_exists('./' . $this->template_path . '/email/index.html')) { $handle = fopen('./' . $this->template_path . '/email/index.html', "r"); $template = fread($handle, filesize('./' . $this->template_path . '/email/index.html')); if ($template != "") { $siteAddress = $this->protocol . "://" . $this->settings['siteAddress']; $emailFolderPath = $siteAddress . "/" . $this->template_path . '/email'; $mail->Body = str_replace(array("[body]", "[email]", "[siteAddress]", "[siteName]", "[templatePath]", "[emailFolderPath]"), array($body, $this->settings['email'], $siteAddress, $this->settings['siteName'], $this->template_path, $emailFolderPath), $template); } else { $mail->Body = $body; } fclose($handle); } else { $mail->Body = $body; } if (!$mail->Send()) { return $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { return true; } } //SendSMS Function public function sendSMS($text, $mobiles) { $selectSMSSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sms_settings WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowSMSSettings = $selectSMSSettings->fetch(); require_once('inc/' . SMSClass . '.php'); $smsClass = new smsClass(); $response = $smsClass->SendSMS($rowSMSSettings['username'], $rowSMSSettings['password'], $text, $rowSMSSettings['SMSCenter'], $mobiles); // print_r($response); if ($response[0] == 0) { return true; } else { return $response[1]; } } //SendPatternSMS Function public function sendPatternSMS($patternCode, $patternData, $mobiles) { $selectSMSSettings = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sms_settings WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $rowSMSSettings = $selectSMSSettings->fetch(); require_once('inc/' . SMSClass . '.php'); $smsClass = new smsClass(); $response = $smsClass->SendPatternSMS($rowSMSSettings['username'], $rowSMSSettings['password'], $patternCode, $patternData, $rowSMSSettings['SMSCenter'], $mobiles); // print_r($response); if ($response[0] == 0) { return true; } else { return $response[1]; } } //Count Visits Function public function count_visits() { $today = strtotime("today"); if ($this->db->exec("INSERT INTO counter (siteID,day,hits) VALUES ('$this->siteID', '$today', 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE hits=hits+1")) { return true; } else { return false; } } //Visits Function public function visits($when = 'total') { if (strtolower($when) == "today") { $today = strtotime("today"); $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$today' AND siteID='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); } if (strtolower($when) == "yesterday") { $time = strtotime("yesterday"); $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "saturday") { if (date("w") > 6) { $time = strtotime("last Saturday"); } else { $time = strtotime("Saturday"); } $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "sunday") { if (date("w") > 0) { $time = strtotime("last Sunday"); } else { $time = strtotime("Sunday"); } $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "monday") { if (date("w") > 1) { $time = strtotime("last Monday"); } else { $time = strtotime("Monday"); } $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "tuesday") { if (date("w") > 2) { $time = strtotime("last Tuesday"); } else { $time = strtotime("Tuesday"); } $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "wednesday") { if (date("w") > 3) { $time = strtotime("last Wednesday"); } else { $time = strtotime("Wednesday"); } $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "thursday") { if (date("w") > 4) { $time = strtotime("last Thursday"); } else { $time = strtotime("Thursday"); } $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "friday") { if (date("w") > 5) { $time = strtotime("last Friday"); } else { $time = strtotime("Friday"); } $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM counter WHERE day='$time' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "this_week") { $today = strtotime("today"); $time = strtotime("last Monday"); $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT *,SUM(hits) AS hits FROM counter WHERE day>='$time' AND day<='$today' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "this_month") { $today = strtotime("today"); $time = strtotime(date("Y-m-01")); $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT *,SUM(hits) AS hits FROM counter WHERE day>='$time' AND day<='$today' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "this_year") { $today = strtotime("today"); $time = strtotime(date("Y-01-01")); $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT *,SUM(hits) AS hits FROM counter WHERE day>='$time' AND day<='$today' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } if (strtolower($when) == "total") { $selectCounter = $this->db->query("SELECT *,SUM(hits) AS hits FROM counter WHERE siteID='$this->siteID'"); } $rowCounter = $selectCounter->fetch(); return intval($rowCounter['hits']); } //Head Function public function head() { } //Footer Function public function footer() { echo ''; } //--------------------- Cart Functions --------------------- public function AddToBasket($id, $qty=1, $description='', $options=array()) { if (!empty($_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'])) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] = $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] + $qty; } else { $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] = $qty; } if (!empty($description)) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['description'] = $description; } if (!empty($options)) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['options'] = $options; } $this->SetCookie(); return true; } public function RemoveFromBasket($id, $qty = 1) { if (!empty($_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'])) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] = $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] - $qty; } if ($_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] <= 0) { $this->DeleteFromBasket($id); } $this->SetCookie(); return true; exit(); } public function DeleteFromBasket($id) { unset($_SESSION['cart'][$id]); $this->SetCookie(); return true; exit(); } public function GetBasket() { if (is_array($_SESSION['cart'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $k => $v) { $itemArray[$k] = $v; } return $itemArray; exit(); } else { $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); return false; } } public function UpdateBasket($id, $qty) { $qty = ($qty == '') ? 0 : $qty; if (!empty($_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'])) { $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] = $qty; if ($_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity'] <= 0) { $this->DeleteItem($id); return true; exit(); } $this->SetCookie(); return true; exit(); } else { return false; } } public function GetBasketQty() { if (is_array($_SESSION['cart'])) { $qty = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['cart'] as $item) { $qty = $qty + $item['quantity']; } return $qty; } else { return 0; } } public function EmptyBasket() { if (isset($_SESSION['cart'])) { unset($_SESSION['cart']); } $_SESSION['cart'] = array(); $this->SetCookie(); return true; } public function SetCookie() { if ($this->saveCookie) { $string = base64_encode(serialize($_SESSION['cart'])); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '<')) { @setcookie($this->cookieName, $string, time() + $this->cookieExpire, '/; SameSite=none'); } else { @setcookie($this->cookieName, $string, array( 'expires' => $this->now + $this->cookieExpire, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => false, 'samesite' => 'none' ) ); } return true; } return false; } public function SaveCookie($bool = TRUE) { $this->saveCookie = $bool; return true; } //--------------------- Cart Functions --------------------- //Is_Basket Function public function is_basket() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "basket") { return true; } } //Basket Function public function basket() { if (!empty($_SESSION['marketerID'])) { $marketer = $this->getUserByID($_SESSION['marketerID']); } $this->basket = array(); $GetBasket = $this->GetBasket(); if (!empty($GetBasket)) { foreach ($GetBasket AS $key=>$item) { // Basket key sample -----> productID|variationID|optionsMD5 $explodedKey = @explode("|", $key); $productID = $explodedKey[0]; $variationID = $explodedKey[1]; $optionsMD5 = $explodedKey[2]; $options = $item['options']; $optionsMD5 = !empty($options) ? md5(json_encode($options)) : ''; $quantity = $item['quantity']; $description = $item['description']; $selectProduct = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id='$productID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowProduct = $selectProduct->fetch(); $selectVariation = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM product_variations WHERE id='$variationID' AND productID='$productID' AND status=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowVariation = $selectVariation->fetch(); $totalOptionsPrice = 0; if (!empty($options)) { $newOptions = array(); $optionIDs = array_keys($options); $implodedOptionIDs = implode(",", $optionIDs); $selectOptions = $this->db->query("SELECT options.*, option_groups.title AS groupTitle FROM options LEFT JOIN option_groups ON options.groupID = option_groups.id WHERE options.id IN ($implodedOptionIDs) AND options.active=1 AND options.siteID='$this->siteID'"); while ($rowOption = $selectOptions->fetch()) { $totalOptionsPrice += $rowOption['price']; $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['id'] = $rowOption['id']; $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['type'] = $rowOption['type']; $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['groupID'] = $rowOption['groupID']; $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['groupTitle'] = $rowOption['groupTitle']; $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['title'] = $rowOption['title']; $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['image'] = $rowOption['image']; $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['price'] = $rowOption['price']; if ($rowOption['type'] == "radio") { $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['value'] = $rowOption['title']; } else { $newOptions[$rowOption['id']]['value'] = $options[$rowOption['id']]; } } $rowProduct['auctionPrice'] += $totalOptionsPrice; $rowProduct['price'] += $totalOptionsPrice; $rowProduct['oldPrice'] += $totalOptionsPrice; } $title = $rowProduct['title']; $baseProductTitle = $title; $metatitle = $rowProduct['metatitle']; $baseProductMetatitle = $metatitle; $uid = $rowProduct['uid']; $stock = $rowProduct['stock']; $auctionStatus = $rowProduct['auctionStatus']; $auctionStartDate = $rowProduct['auctionStartDate']; $auctionExpireDate = $rowProduct['auctionExpireDate']; if ($rowProduct['auctionStatus'] == 1 && $rowProduct['auctionStartDate'] <= $this->now && $rowProduct['auctionExpireDate'] >= $this->now) { $isAuction = true; $price = $rowProduct['auctionPrice']; $digitalPrice = $rowProduct['auctionPrice']; if (!empty($rowProduct['oldPrice'])) { $oldPrice = $rowProduct['oldPrice']; } else { $oldPrice = $rowProduct['price']; } } else { $isAuction = false; $price = $rowProduct['price']; $digitalPrice = $rowProduct['digitalPrice']; if (!empty($rowProduct['oldPrice'])) { $oldPrice = $rowProduct['oldPrice']; } else { $oldPrice = $rowProduct['price']; } } $dollarPrice = $rowProduct['dollarPrice']; $dollarDigitalPrice = $rowProduct['dollarDigitalPrice']; $commissionPercent = max(floatval($rowProduct['commissionPercent']) + floatval($marketer['commissionTolerance']), 0); if (!empty($_SESSION['digitals'][$key])) { $totalPrice = $digitalPrice * $quantity; $totalOldPrice = $oldPrice * $quantity; $totalDollarPrice = $dollarDigitalPrice * $quantity; $commission = ($digitalPrice * $commissionPercent) / 100; } else { $totalPrice = $price * $quantity; $totalOldPrice = $oldPrice * $quantity; $totalDollarPrice = $dollarPrice * $quantity; $commission = ($price * $commissionPercent) / 100; } $totalCommission = $commission * $quantity; $marketplaceCommissionPercent = floatval($rowProduct['marketplaceCommissionPercent']); $totalDigitalPrice = $digitalPrice * $quantity; $totalDollarDigitalPrice = $dollarDigitalPrice * $quantity; $weight = $rowProduct['weight']; $totalWeight = $rowProduct['weight'] * $quantity; $fee = $rowProduct['fee']; $profitPercent = $rowProduct['profitPercent']; $shippableCities = $rowProduct['shippableCities']; $productType = $rowProduct['productType']; $link = $rowProduct['link']; $images = $rowProduct['image']; $imagesArray = @explode("|", $images); $image = $imagesArray[0]; $instock = $rowProduct['instock']; $minOrder = $rowProduct['minOrder']; $maxOrder = $rowProduct['maxOrder']; $permission = $rowProduct['permission']; $option1 = $rowProduct['option1']; $option2 = $rowProduct['option2']; $option3 = $rowProduct['option3']; $option4 = $rowProduct['option4']; $option5 = $rowProduct['option5']; $option6 = $rowProduct['option6']; $option7 = $rowProduct['option7']; $option8 = $rowProduct['option8']; if (!empty($rowProduct['permalink'])) { $url = "/" . $rowProduct['permalink']; } else { $url = "/product/" . $rowProduct['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowProduct['title']); } // Replace variation if exists if ($selectVariation->rowCount() > 0) { $colorCode = $rowVariation['colorCode']; $colorName = $rowVariation['colorName']; $size = $rowVariation['size']; if (!empty($rowVariation['title'])) { $title = $rowVariation['title']; } if (!empty($rowVariation['metatitle'])) { $metatitle = $rowVariation['metatitle']; } $uid = $rowVariation['uid']; if ($rowProduct['auctionStatus'] == 1 && $rowProduct['auctionStartDate'] <= $this->now && $rowProduct['auctionExpireDate'] >= $this->now) { $isAuction = true; $price = $rowProduct['auctionPrice'] + intval($rowVariation['auctionPrice']); $digitalPrice = $rowProduct['auctionPrice'] + intval($rowVariation['auctionPrice']); if (!empty($rowProduct['oldPrice'])) { $oldPrice = $rowProduct['oldPrice'] + intval($rowVariation['oldPrice']); } else { $oldPrice = $rowProduct['price'] + intval($rowVariation['price']); } $oldPrice = max($oldPrice, $price); } else { $isAuction = false; $price = $rowProduct['price'] + intval($rowVariation['price']); $digitalPrice = $rowProduct['digitalPrice'] + intval($rowVariation['price']); $oldPrice = $rowProduct['oldPrice'] + intval($rowVariation['oldPrice']); } if (!empty($_SESSION['digitals'][$key])) { $totalPrice = $digitalPrice * $quantity; $totalOldPrice = $oldPrice * $quantity; $commission = ($digitalPrice * $commissionPercent) / 100; } else { $totalPrice = $price * $quantity; $totalOldPrice = $oldPrice * $quantity; $commission = ($price * $commissionPercent) / 100; } $totalCommission = $commission * $quantity; $totalDigitalPrice = $digitalPrice * $quantity; $weight = $rowProduct['weight'] + intval($rowVariation['weight']); $totalWeight = $weight * $quantity; if (!empty($rowVariation['image'])) { $images = $rowVariation['image']; $imagesArray = @explode("|", $images); $image = $imagesArray[0]; } $instock = $rowVariation['instock']; } array_push($this->basket, array('key' => $key, 'id' => $productID, 'userID' => $rowProduct['userID'], 'variationID' => $variationID, 'colorCode' => $colorCode, 'colorName' => $colorName, 'size' => $size, 'options' => $newOptions, 'optionsMD5' => $optionsMD5, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'description' => $description, 'title' => $title, 'baseProductTitle' => $baseProductTitle, 'metatitle' => $metatitle, 'baseProductMetatitle' => $baseProductMetatitle, 'uid' => $uid, 'price' => $price, 'oldPrice' => $oldPrice, 'dollarPrice' => $dollarPrice, 'digitalPrice' => $digitalPrice, 'dollarDigitalPrice' => $dollarDigitalPrice, 'totalPrice' => $totalPrice, 'totalOldPrice' => $totalOldPrice, 'totalDollarPrice' => $totalDollarPrice, 'totalDigitalPrice' => $totalDigitalPrice, 'totalDollarDigitalPrice' => $totalDollarDigitalPrice, 'auctionStatus' => $auctionStatus, 'auctionStartDate' => $auctionStartDate, 'auctionExpireDate' => $auctionExpireDate, 'weight' => $weight, 'totalWeight' => $totalWeight, 'fee' => $fee, 'profitPercent' => $profitPercent, 'commissionPercent' => $commissionPercent, 'marketplaceCommissionPercent' => $marketplaceCommissionPercent, 'commission' => $commission, 'totalCommission' => $totalCommission, 'isAuction' => $isAuction, 'shippableCities' => $shippableCities, 'productType' => $productType, 'link' => $link, 'images' => $images, 'image' => $image, 'stock' => $stock, 'instock' => $instock, 'minOrder' => $minOrder, 'maxOrder' => $maxOrder, 'permission' => $permission, 'url' => $url, 'option1' => $option1, 'option2' => $option2, 'option3' => $option3, 'option4' => $option4, 'option5' => $option5, 'option6' => $option6, 'option7' => $option7, 'option8' => $option8)); } } return $this->basket; } //Mellat Pay Request public function mellat_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { require_once("inc/nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client(MellatWebserviceAddress); // Check for an error $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { $this->payError = '

Constructor error

' . $err . '
'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; die(); } $amount = intval($amount); // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $parameters = array( 'terminalId' => $this->apis['mellatTerminalID'], 'userName' => $this->apis['mellatUsername'], 'userPassword' => $this->apis['mellatPassword'], 'orderId' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'amount' => $amount, 'localDate' => date("Ymd"), 'localTime' => date("His"), 'additionalData' => '', 'callBackUrl' => $callbackUrl, 'payerId' => 0 ); // Call the SOAP method $result = $client->call('bpPayRequest', $parameters, MellatNamespace); // Check for errors $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { // Display the error $this->payError = '


' . $err . '
'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; die(); } else {//OK Result $res = explode (',',$result); $ResCode = $res[0]; if ($ResCode == 0) {//OK Pay Request echo ' '; $this->payError = 'در حال اتصال به سرور بانک'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; } else { $this->payError = 'در برقراری ارتباط با سرور بانک مشکلی بوجود آمده است
کد خطا : ' . $ResCode; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Mellat Reversal Request public function mellat_reversal_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } require_once("inc/nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client(MellatWebserviceAddress); // Check for an error $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { $this->error = $err; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } $parameters = array( 'terminalId' => $this->apis['mellatTerminalID'], 'userName' => $this->apis['mellatUsername'], 'userPassword' => $this->apis['mellatPassword'], 'orderId' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'saleOrderId' => $_REQUEST['SaleOrderId'], 'saleReferenceId' => $_REQUEST['SaleReferenceId'] ); //Reversal $result = $client->call('bpReversalRequest', $parameters, MellatNamespace); // Check for a fault if ($client->fault) { $this->error = $result; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } else { $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { $this->error = $err; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } else {//OK Result if ($result == 0) {//OK Reversal $this->payError = 'متاسفانه پرداخت شما موفقیت آمیز نبود، مبلغ پرداخت شده حداکثر تا 24 ساعت دیگر به حساب شما باز می گردد'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return true; } } } } //Mellat Settle Request public function mellat_settle_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } require_once("inc/nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client(MellatWebserviceAddress); // Check for an error $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { $this->error = $err; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } $parameters = array( 'terminalId' => $this->apis['mellatTerminalID'], 'userName' => $this->apis['mellatUsername'], 'userPassword' => $this->apis['mellatPassword'], 'orderId' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'saleOrderId' => $_REQUEST['SaleOrderId'], 'saleReferenceId' => $_REQUEST['SaleReferenceId'] ); //SETTLE $result = $client->call('bpSettleRequest', $parameters, MellatNamespace); // Check for a fault if ($client->fault) { $this->error = $result; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } else { $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { $this->error = $err; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } else {//OK Result if ($result == 0) {//OK Settle $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } } } } //Mellat Verify Request public function mellat_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } /* echo "payID:" . $gatewayInfoArray['payID'] . "
"; echo "SaleOrderId:" . $_REQUEST['SaleOrderId'] . "
"; echo "SaleReferenceId:" . $_REQUEST['SaleReferenceId'] . "
"; print_r($_REQUEST); */ if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { if (!empty($_REQUEST['SaleOrderId']) && !empty($_REQUEST['SaleReferenceId'])) { // if (($gatewayInfoArray['amount'] * 10) == $amount) // Check amount // { require_once("inc/nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client(MellatWebserviceAddress); // Check for an error $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { $this->error = $err; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } $parameters = array( 'terminalId' => $this->apis['mellatTerminalID'], 'userName' => $this->apis['mellatUsername'], 'userPassword' => $this->apis['mellatPassword'], 'orderId' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'saleOrderId' => $_REQUEST['SaleOrderId'], 'saleReferenceId' => $_REQUEST['SaleReferenceId'] ); // Call the SOAP method $result = $client->call('bpVerifyRequest', $parameters, MellatNamespace); if ($result == 0) {//OK Verify //defining variables $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $_REQUEST['SaleReferenceId']; $this->refID2 = 0; $this->mellat_settle_request($gatewayInfoArray['payID']); $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $result = $client->call('bpInquiryRequest', $parameters, MellatNamespace); // Check for a fault if ($client->fault) { $this->error = $result; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } else { $err = $client->getError(); if ($err) { $this->error = $err; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } else {//OK Result if ($result == 0) {//OK Inquiry //defining variables $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $_REQUEST['SaleReferenceId']; $this->refID2 = 0; $this->mellat_settle_request($gatewayInfoArray['payID']); $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } } } } // } // else // { // $this->payError = 'مبلغ پرداخت شده با مبلغ سفارش هماهنگی ندارد'; // $this->payErrorType = 'error'; // } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت انجام نشد، اطلاعات سفارش ناقص است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Parsian Pay Request public function parsian_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { include("inc/nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client(ParsianWebserviceAddress,'wsdl'); if (!$err = $client->getError()) { $soapProxy = $client->getProxy(); } if ( (!$client) || ($err = $client->getError()) ) { $error .= $err . "
"; $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه بانک پارسیان'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } else { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $params = array( 'LoginAccount' => $this->apis['parsianMerchantID'] , 'Amount' => intval($amount), 'OrderId' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'CallBackUrl' => $callbackUrl ); $sendParams = array("requestData" => $params); $result = $client->call('SalePaymentRequest', $sendParams); if ($result['SalePaymentRequestResult']['Token'] && $result['SalePaymentRequestResult']['Status'] == 0) { // this is a succcessfull connection $redirect = 'https://pec.shaparak.ir/NewIPG/?Token=' . $result['SalePaymentRequestResult']['Token']; $this->payError = 'در حال اتصال به درگاه بانک پارسیان'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; echo ''; //header("Location: $redirect"); exit(); } else { // this is unsucccessfull connection if ($err=$client->getError()) { $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه بانک پارسیان'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Parsian Verify Request public function parsian_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { require_once("inc/nusoap.php"); if ($_REQUEST['RRN'] > 0 && $_REQUEST['status'] == 0) { $client = new nusoap_client('https://pec.shaparak.ir/NewIPGServices/Confirm/ConfirmService.asmx?WSDL','wsdl'); if ( (!$client) || ($err = $client->getError()) ) { // this is unsucccessfull connection $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه بانک پارسیان'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } else { $params = array( 'LoginAccount' => $this->apis['parsianMerchantID'], 'Token' => $_REQUEST['Token'] ); $sendParams = array("requestData" => $params); $result = $client->call('ConfirmPayment', $sendParams); if ($result['ConfirmPaymentResult']['Status'] != 0) { $this->payError = 'پرداخت نا موفق بوده است
کد خطا : ' . $result['ConfirmPaymentResult']['Status'] . '
' . $result['ConfirmPaymentResult']['Message']; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } else { //defining variables $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $_REQUEST['RRN']; $this->refID2 = $_REQUEST['OrderId']; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت نا موفق بوده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Karafarin Pay Request public function karafarin_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { include("inc/nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client("https://ikc.shaparak.ir/XToken/Tokens.xml", true); $client->soap_defencoding='UTF-8'; if (!$err = $client->getError()) { $soapProxy = $client->getProxy(); } if ( (!$client) || ($err = $client->getError()) ) { $error .= $err . "
"; $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه بانک کارآفرین'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } else { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $params = array( 'merchantId' => $this->apis['karafarinMerchantID'], 'amount' => intval($amount), 'invoiceNo' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'paymentId' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'revertURL' => $callbackUrl ); $result = $client->call('MakeToken', array($params)); if (!empty($result['MakeTokenResult']['token'])) { // this is a succcessfull connection $this->payError = 'در حال اتصال به درگاه بانک کارآفرین'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; echo '
'; exit(); } else { $this->error = 'درخواست شما نامعتبر است!'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Karafarin Verify Request public function karafarin_verify_request() { if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { require_once("inc/nusoap.php"); $token = trim($_POST['token']); // همان توکنی که در مرحله رزرو ساخته شد $resultCode = trim($_POST['resultCode']); // کد برگشت که برای تراکنش موفق عدد 100 میباشد $paymentId = trim($_POST['paymentId']); // همان شناسه خرید که در مرحله ساخت توکن استفاده کردیم $referenceId = trim($_POST['referenceId']); // شناسه مرجع که بانک میسازه و قابل پیگیری هست if ($resultCode == '100') { $client = new nusoap_client('https://ikc.shaparak.ir/XVerify/Verify.xml', true); $client->soap_defencoding='UTF-8'; if ( (!$client) || ($err = $client->getError()) ) { // this is unsucccessfull connection $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه بانک کارآفرین'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } else { $params = array( 'merchantId' => $this->apis['karafarinMerchantID'], 'token' => $token, 'referenceNumber' => $referenceId, 'sha1Key' => $this->apis['karafarinSHA1'] ); $result = $client->call('KicccPaymentsVerification', array($params)); if ($result['KicccPaymentsVerificationResult'] > 0 && $result['KicccPaymentsVerificationResult'] == ($gatewayInfoArray['amount'] * 10)) { //defining variables $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $referenceId; $this->refID2 = ''; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت نا موفق بوده است
کد خطا : ' . $result['KicccPaymentsVerificationResult']; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت نا موفق بوده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Saderat Pay Request public function saderat_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $terminalID = $this->apis['saderatTerminalID']; $amount = intval($amount); $callbackURL = $callbackUrl; if (!empty($terminalID) && !empty($amount) && !empty($callbackURL)) { $_SESSION[$invoiceID] = $amount; // get token $dataArray = array( "Amount" => $amount, "callbackURL" => $callbackUrl, "InvoiceID" => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], "TerminalID" => $terminalID ); $curl= curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, "https://mabna.shaparak.ir:8081/V1/PeymentApi/GetToken"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($dataArray)); $getTokenResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl), true); curl_close($curl); // print_r($getTokenResult); // exit(); if (!empty($getTokenResult['Accesstoken']) && $getTokenResult['Status'] == 0) { echo '
'; } else { $this->error = 'خطا در دریافت توکن'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = 'درخواست شما نامعتبر است!'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Saderat Verify Request public function saderat_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { if ($_POST["respcode"] == 0) { if (isset($_POST["digitalreceipt"]) && !empty($_POST["terminalid"]) && !empty($_POST["invoiceid"]) && !empty($_POST["amount"])) { $invoiceid = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($_POST["invoiceid"]))); $terminalid = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($_POST["terminalid"]))); $digitalreceipt = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($_POST["digitalreceipt"]))); $rrn = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(trim($_POST["rrn"]))); $dataQuery = http_build_query(array("digitalreceipt"=>$digitalreceipt, "Tid"=>$terminalid)); $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://mabna.shaparak.ir:8081/V1/PeymentApi/Advice'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $dataQuery); $result = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); if (curl_errno($curl)) { echo curl_error($curl); } curl_close($curl); // print_r($_POST); // print_r($result); if (strtolower($result->Status) == "ok") { // Check Amount if (($gatewayInfoArray['amount'] * 10) == $result->ReturnId) { $this->payStatus = 1; $this->payError = ''; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; $this->refID = $rrn; $this->refID2 = $digitalreceipt; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $this->payError = 'مبلغ پرداخت شده با مبلغ سفارش برابر نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payStatus = 0; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payError = $result->ReturnId . " " . $result->Message; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت انجام نشد، اطلاعات سفارش ناقص است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'تراکنش ناموفق بوده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Melli Pay Request public function encrypt_pkcs7($str, $key) { $key = base64_decode($key); if (defined('PHP_MAJOR_VERSION') && PHP_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7) { $ciphertext = OpenSSL_encrypt($str,"DES-EDE3", $key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA); } else { $block = mcrypt_get_block_size("tripledes", "ecb"); $pad = $block - (strlen($str) % $block); $str .= str_repeat(chr($pad), $pad); $ciphertext = mcrypt_encrypt("tripledes", $key, $str, "ecb"); } return base64_encode($ciphertext); } public function melli_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $data = array( 'TerminalId'=> $this->apis['melliTerminalID'], 'MerchantId'=> $this->apis['melliMerchantID'], 'Amount'=> intval($amount), 'SignData'=> $this->encrypt_pkcs7($this->apis['melliTerminalID'] . ";" . $gatewayInfoArray['payID'] . ";" . intval($amount), $this->apis['melliPassword']), 'ReturnUrl'=> $callbackUrl, 'LocalDateTime'=> date("m/d/Y g:i:s a"), 'OrderId'=> $gatewayInfoArray['payID'] ); $str_data = json_encode($data); $curl = curl_init('https://sadad.shaparak.ir/vpg/api/v0/Request/PaymentRequest'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $str_data); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json','Content-Length: ' . strlen($str_data))); $result = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($data); // print_r($result); if ($result->ResCode == 0) { header("Location: https://sadad.shaparak.ir/VPG/Purchase?Token=" . $result->Token); exit(); } else { $this->error = $result->Description; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Melli Verify Request public function melli_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { if ($_POST["ResCode"] == 0) { $verifyData = array('Token'=>$_POST["token"], 'SignData'=>$this->encrypt_pkcs7($_POST["token"], $this->apis['melliPassword'])); $str_data = json_encode($verifyData); $curl = curl_init('https://sadad.shaparak.ir/vpg/api/v0/Advice/Verify'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $str_data); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json','Content-Length: ' . strlen($str_data))); $result = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); if ($result->ResCode != -1) { $this->payStatus = 1; $this->payError = 'پرداخت با موفقیت انجام شد.'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; $this->refID = $result->RetrivalRefNo; $this->refID2 = $result->SystemTraceNo; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $this->payStatus = 0; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payError = "تراکنش نا موفق بود در صورت کسر مبلغ از حساب شما حداکثر پس از 72 ساعت مبلغ به حسابتان برمی گردد"; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'تراکنش ناموفق بوده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Pasargad Pay Request public function pasargad_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token require_once("inc/RSAProcessor.class.php"); $merchantCode = $this->apis['pasargadMerchantID']; $terminalCode = $this->apis['pasargadTerminalID']; $invoiceNumber = $gatewayInfoArray['payID']; $amount = intval($amount); $invoiceDate = date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $this->now); $timestamp = date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $this->now); $action = 1003; $processor = new RSAProcessor($this->apis['pasargadCertificate']); $sign = base64_encode( $processor->sign( sha1("#".$merchantCode."#".$terminalCode."#".$invoiceNumber."#".$invoiceDate."#".$amount."#".$callbackUrl."#".$action."#".$timestamp."#", true) ) ); echo " "; } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Pasargad Verify Request public function pasargad_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { require_once("inc/RSAProcessor.class.php"); $fields = array( // این اطلاعات را از دیتابیس بخوانید یا اینجا بسازید 'MerchantCode' => $this->apis['pasargadMerchantID'], 'TerminalCode' => $this->apis['pasargadTerminalID'], 'InvoiceNumber' => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], 'InvoiceDate' => date("Y/m/d H:i:s", $gatewayInfoArray['date']), 'Amount' => ($gatewayInfoArray['amount'] * 10), 'TimeStamp' => date("Y/m/d H:i:s"), 'Sign' => '' ); $processor = new RSAProcessor($this->apis['pasargadCertificate']); $fields['Sign'] = base64_encode( $processor->sign( sha1("#".$fields['MerchantCode']."#".$fields['TerminalCode']."#".$fields['InvoiceNumber']."#".$fields['InvoiceDate']."#".$fields['Amount']."#".$fields['TimeStamp']."#", true) ) ); $curl = curl_init('https://pep.shaparak.ir/VerifyPayment.aspx'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, count($fields)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($fields)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $result = xml2array(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($result); // echo $result['result'] . "
"; // echo $result['resultMessage']; if (strtolower($result['result']) === "true") { $this->payStatus = 1; $this->payError = 'پرداخت با موفقیت انجام شد.'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; $this->refID = $_GET['tref']; $this->refID2 = $_GET['iN']; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $this->payStatus = 0; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payError = "تراکنش نا موفق بود در صورت کسر مبلغ از حساب شما حداکثر پس از 72 ساعت مبلغ به حسابتان برمی گردد
" . $result['resultMessage']; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Zarinpal Pay Request public function zarinpal_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='', $description, $email='', $mobile='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { $amount = $amount / 10; //amount is toman include("inc/nusoap.php"); $client = new nusoap_client(ZarinpalWebserviceAddress,'wsdl'); if (!$err = $client->getError()) { $soapProxy = $client->getProxy(); } if ( (!$client) || ($err = $client->getError()) ) { $error .= $err . "
"; print_r($error); $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه زرین پال'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } else { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $params = array( 'MerchantID' => $this->apis['zarinpalAPIKey'] , 'Amount' => intval($amount), 'Description' => $description, 'Email' => $email, 'Mobile' => $mobile, 'CallbackURL' => $callbackUrl ); $sendParams = array($params); $res = $client->call('PaymentRequest', $sendParams); if ($res['Status'] == 100) { // this is a succcessfull connection if (ZarinGate == true) { $redirect = 'https://www.zarinpal.com/pg/StartPay/'.$res['Authority'].'/ZarinGate'; } else { $redirect = 'https://www.zarinpal.com/pg/StartPay/'.$res['Authority']; } $this->payError = 'در حال اتصال به درگاه زرین پال'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; echo ''; //header("Location: $redirect"); exit(); } else { // this is unsucccessfull connection print_r($err); $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه زرین پال
کد خطا : ' . $res['Status']; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Zarinpal Verify Request public function zarinpal_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { if ($_REQUEST['Status'] == 'OK') { require_once("inc/nusoap.php"); $authority = $_REQUEST['Authority']; $soapclient = new nusoap_client(ZarinpalWebserviceAddress,'wsdl'); if ( (!$soapclient) || ($err = $soapclient->getError()) ) { // this is unsucccessfull connection $this->payError = 'مشکل در اتصال به درگاه زرین پال'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } else { $params = array( 'MerchantID' => $this->apis['zarinpalAPIKey'], // this is our PIN NUMBER 'Authority' => $authority, 'Amount' => $gatewayInfoArray['amount'] ); $sendParams = array($params); $res = $soapclient->call('PaymentVerification', $sendParams); if ($res['Status'] == 100) { //defining variables $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $res['RefID']; $this->refID2 = ''; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت نا موفق بوده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت انجام نشد، اطلاعات سفارش ناقص است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Zibal Pay Request public function zibal_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='', $mobile='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $parameters = array( "merchant"=> $this->apis['zibalMerchantID'], "callbackUrl"=> $callbackUrl, "amount"=> $amount, "orderId"=> $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], //optional "mobile"=> $mobile //optional ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://gateway.zibal.ir/v1/request"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($parameters)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); $response = json_decode($response); curl_close($ch); if ($response->result == 100) { header('Location: https://gateway.zibal.ir/start/'.$response->trackId); exit(); } else { $this->payError = "(" . $response->result . ") " . $response->message; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Zibal Verify Request public function zibal_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { $parameters = array( "merchant"=> $this->apis['zibalMerchantID'], "trackId"=> $_GET['trackId'] ); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://gateway.zibal.ir/v1/verify"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($parameters)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $response = curl_exec($ch); $response = json_decode($response); curl_close($ch); //defining variables if ($response->result == 100) { $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $_GET['trackId']; $this->refID2 = 0; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $this->payStatus = 0; $this->payError = "(" . $response->result . ") " . $response->message; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Payline Pay Request public function payline_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,PaylineWebserviceAddress); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"api=" . $this->apis['paylineAPIKey'] . "&amount=$amount&redirect=" . urlencode($callbackUrl)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true); $result = curl_exec($ch); $result = json_decode($result); curl_close($ch); if ($result->status) { $go = "https://pay.ir/payment/gateway/" . $result->transId; header("Location: $go"); exit(); } else { $this->payError = $result->errorMessage; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Payline Verify Request public function payline_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,'https://pay.ir/payment/verify'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"api=" . $this->apis['paylineAPIKey'] . "&transId=" . $_POST['transId']); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true); $result = curl_exec($ch); $result = json_decode($result); curl_close($ch); //defining variables if ($result->status == 1) { $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $_POST['transId']; $this->refID2 = 0; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { $this->payStatus = 0; $this->payError = "پرداخت انجام نشد.
کد خطا : " . $result->status; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } // Snapppay Check Eligibility public function snapppay_check_eligibility($amount) { // Get access token $data = array( 'grant_type'=> "password", 'scope'=> "online-merchant", 'username'=> $this->apis['snapppayUsername'], 'password'=> $this->apis['snapppayPassword'] ); $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/v1/oauth/token'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->apis['snapppayClientID'] . ":" . $this->apis['snapppayClientSecret']))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $tokenResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($tokenResult); if (!empty($tokenResult->access_token)) { // Check eligibility $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/offer/v1/eligible?amount='.$amount); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $tokenResult->access_token)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $eligibilityResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($eligibilityResult); if ($eligibilityResult->response->eligible === true) { return array( "eligible" => true, "title_message" => $eligibilityResult->response->title_message, "description" => $eligibilityResult->response->description, ); } else { $this->error = "امکان خرید اقساطی برای این سفارش وجود ندارد"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = "توکن دسترسی ساخته نشد"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } // Snapppay Pay Request public function snapppay_pay_request($amount, $callbackUrl, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token // Get access token $data = array( 'grant_type'=> "password", 'scope'=> "online-merchant", 'username'=> $this->apis['snapppayUsername'], 'password'=> $this->apis['snapppayPassword'] ); $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/v1/oauth/token'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->apis['snapppayClientID'] . ":" . $this->apis['snapppayClientSecret']))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $tokenResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($tokenResult); if (!empty($tokenResult->access_token)) { // Check eligibility $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/offer/v1/eligible?amount='.$amount); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "GET"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $tokenResult->access_token)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $eligibilityResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($eligibilityResult); if ($eligibilityResult->response->eligible === true) { // Pay request $data = array( "amount" => $amount, "discountAmount" => intval($gatewayInfoArray['discount']), "mobile" => $gatewayInfoArray['mobile'], "paymentMethodTypeDto" => "INSTALLMENT", "returnURL" => $callbackUrl, "transactionId" => $gatewayInfoArray['payID'], "cartList" => $gatewayInfoArray['cart'] ); $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/payment/v1/token'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $tokenResult->access_token)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $payRequestResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // var_dump($payRequestResult); // exit(); if ($payRequestResult->successful === true) { $gatewayInfoArray['paymentToken'] = $payRequestResult->response->paymentToken; if ($this->updateGatewayInfo($queryStringArray['info_key'], $gatewayInfoArray) == true) { header("Location: " . $payRequestResult->response->paymentPageUrl); exit(); } else { $this->error = "خطا در ذخیره سازی توکن پرداخت در بانک اطلاعاتی"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = "خطا در دریافت لینک پرداخت
" . $payRequestResult->errorData->message; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = "امکان خرید اقساطی برای این سفارش وجود ندارد"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = "توکن دسترسی ساخته نشد"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } // Snapppay Revert Request public function snapppay_revert_request($access_token, $paymentToken) { $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/payment/v1/revert'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $access_token)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(array("paymentToken" => $paymentToken))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $revertResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($revertResult); if ($revertResult->successful === true) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Snapppay Settle Request public function snapppay_settle_request($access_token, $paymentToken) { $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/payment/v1/settle'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $access_token)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(array("paymentToken" => $paymentToken))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $settleResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($settleResult); if ($settleResult->successful === true) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Snapppay Cancel Request public function snapppay_cancel_request($access_token, $paymentToken) { $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/payment/v1/cancel'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $access_token)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(array("paymentToken" => $paymentToken))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $cancelResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($cancelResult); if ($cancelResult->successful === true) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Snapppay Verify Request public function snapppay_verify_request() { if (!empty($_GET['info_key'])) { $gatewayInfoArray = $this->getGatewayInfo($_GET['info_key']); } if (empty($gatewayInfoArray['done'])) { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { if ($_POST['state'] == "OK") { // Get access token $data = array( 'grant_type'=> "password", 'scope'=> "online-merchant", 'username'=> $this->apis['snapppayUsername'], 'password'=> $this->apis['snapppayPassword'] ); $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/v1/oauth/token'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($this->apis['snapppayClientID'] . ":" . $this->apis['snapppayClientSecret']))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($data)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $tokenResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($tokenResult); if (!empty($tokenResult->access_token)) { $curl = curl_init($this->apis['snapppayAPIAddress'] . '/api/online/payment/v1/verify'); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Authorization: Bearer ' . $tokenResult->access_token)); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, json_encode(array("paymentToken" => $gatewayInfoArray['paymentToken']))); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); $verifyResult = json_decode(curl_exec($curl)); curl_close($curl); // print_r($verifyResult); if ($verifyResult->successful === true) { // Settle if ($this->snapppay_settle_request($tokenResult->access_token, $gatewayInfoArray['paymentToken']) === true) { $this->payStatus = 1; $this->payError = 'پرداخت با موفقیت انجام شد.'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; $this->refID = $_POST['transactionId']; $this->refID2 = $gatewayInfoArray['payID']; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else // Revert { $this->snapppay_revert_request($tokenResult->access_token, $gatewayInfoArray['paymentToken']); // $this->snapppay_cancel_request($tokenResult->access_token, $gatewayInfoArray['paymentToken']); $this->payStatus = 0; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payError = "تراکنش نا موفق بود در صورت کسر مبلغ از حساب شما حداکثر پس از 72 ساعت مبلغ به حسابتان برمی گردد"; return false; } } else { $this->payStatus = 0; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payError = "تراکنش نا موفق بود در صورت کسر مبلغ از حساب شما حداکثر پس از 72 ساعت مبلغ به حسابتان برمی گردد"; return false; } } else { $this->error = "توکن دسترسی ساخته نشد"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت ناموفق بوده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'این فاکتور قبلاً بررسی شده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; $this->payStatus = 0; return false; } } //Paypal Pay Request public function paypal_pay_request($query, $isTest=false, $gatewayInfoArray='') { if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray['payID'])) { // Generate new token for auto login and update callbackUrl $queryString = parse_url($callbackUrl, PHP_URL_QUERY); $queryStringArray = array(); if (!empty($queryString)) { parse_str($queryString, $queryStringArray); } $queryStringArray['login_token'] = $this->updateUserToken(); // Insert gateway info if (!empty($gatewayInfoArray)) { $queryStringArray['info_key'] = $this->insertGatewayInfo($gatewayInfoArray); } $callbackUrl = strtok($callbackUrl, '?') . "?" . http_build_query($queryStringArray); // End of generating new token if (is_array($query)) { // Prepare query string $query_string = http_build_query($query); if ($isTest == true) { header('Location: ' . PaypalWebserviceTestAddress . '?' . $query_string); } else { header('Location: ' . PaypalWebserviceAddress . '?' . $query_string); } exit(); } else { $this->payError = 'متغیرهای ارسالی باید آرایه باشد.'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } else { $this->payError = 'شناسه پرداخت مشخص نشده است'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; } } //Paypal Verify Request public function paypal_verify_request($verifyArray, $identityToken, $isTest=false) { if ($isTest == true) { $paypalWebserviceAddress = PaypalWebserviceTestAddress; } else { $paypalWebserviceAddress = PaypalWebserviceAddress; } if (isset($_GET['tx'])) { $tx = $_GET['tx']; if ($_GET['st'] == "Completed") { if ($_GET['cc'] == $verifyArray['currency']) { if (floatval($_GET['amt']) == floatval($verifyArray['amount'])) { // Init cURL $request = curl_init(); // Set request options curl_setopt_array($request, array ( CURLOPT_URL => $paypalWebserviceAddress, CURLOPT_POST => TRUE, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => http_build_query( array( 'cmd' => '_notify-synch', 'tx' => $tx, 'at' => $identityToken, ) ), CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_HEADER => FALSE, // CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => TRUE, // CURLOPT_CAINFO => 'cacert.pem', )); // Execute request and get response and status code $response = curl_exec($request); $status = curl_getinfo($request, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); // Close connection curl_close($request); if ($status == 200 AND strpos($response, 'SUCCESS') === 0) { // Remove SUCCESS part (7 characters long) $response = substr($response, 7); // URL decode $response = urldecode($response); // Turn into associative array preg_match_all('/^([^=\s]++)=(.*+)/m', $response, $m, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $response = array_combine($m[1], $m[2]); // Fix character encoding if different from UTF-8 (in my case) if (isset($response['charset']) AND strtoupper($response['charset']) !== 'UTF-8') { foreach($response as $key => &$value) { $value = mb_convert_encoding($value, 'UTF-8', $response['charset']); } $response['charset_original'] = $response['charset']; $response['charset'] = 'UTF-8'; } // Sort on keys for readability (handy when debugging) ksort($response); // print_r($response); $this->payStatus = 1; $this->refID = $tx; $this->refID2 = 0; $this->payError = 'پرداخت با موفقیت انجام شد.'; $this->payErrorType = 'success'; $this->setGatewayInfoToDone($_GET['info_key']); return true; } else { // Log the error, ignore it, whatever $this->payError = 'پرداخت انجام نشد'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت انجام نشد
مبلغ پرداخت با مبلغ سفارش برابر نیست'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت انجام نشد
واحد پول معتبر نمی باشد'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->payError = 'پرداخت انجام نشد'; $this->payErrorType = 'error'; return false; } } } //Pagination Function public function pagination($array, $selectedPage=1, $showPerPage=10, $pageNumberRange=1, $removeKeys=null) { $this->pagination = ''; $this->newPagination = ''; $selectedPage = $selectedPage < 1 ? 1 : $selectedPage; $start = ($selectedPage - 1) * $showPerPage; $end = $selectedPage * $showPerPage; $found = @count($array); $maxPage = ceil($found / intval($showPerPage)); for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) { if (!empty($array[$i])) { $result[] = $array[$i]; } } //Find URL if ($this->is_search()) { $url = "/search/" . $_REQUEST['keyword'] . "/"; } elseif ($this->is_search_tag()) { $url = "/tag/" . $_REQUEST['tag'] . "/"; } else { $url = strtok($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], '?'); } // Echo Pages if ($maxPage > 1) { $queryString = $_GET; if (!empty($removeKeys)) { foreach ($removeKeys as $removeKey) { unset($queryString[$removeKey]); } } else { unset($queryString['page']); unset($queryString['q']); unset($queryString['tag']); unset($queryString['keyword']); unset($queryString['action']); } $pagination = ''; $newPagination = ''; $this->pagination = $pagination; $this->newPagination = $newPagination; } return $result; } //OrderBy Function public function orderBy($order="sort ASC") { if (empty($order)) { $order = "ORDER BY sort ASC"; } else { $order = "ORDER BY " . $order; } return $order; } //Get_Menus Function public function get_menus($parentID=0, $showSubMenus=true, $class="") { if ($parentID != 0) { $selectMenus = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM menus WHERE parentID=:parentID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectMenus->execute(array(":parentID" => $parentID)); if ($selectMenus->rowCount() != 0) { if ($class != "") { $menus .= "\n" . '
    ' . "\n"; $class = ""; } else { $menus .= "\n" . '
      ' . "\n"; } } } else { $selectMenus = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM menus WHERE parentID='0' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); if ($class != "") { $menus .= '
        ' . "\n"; $class = ""; } else { $menus .= '
          ' . "\n"; } } if ($selectMenus->rowCount() != 0) { while ($rowMenus = $selectMenus->fetch()) { $id = $rowMenus['id']; $title = $rowMenus['title']; $image = $rowMenus['image']; $target = $rowMenus['target']; $url = $rowMenus['url']; $menus .= '
        • ' . $title . ''; if ($showSubMenus == true) { $menus .= $this->get_menus($id); } $menus .= '
        • ' . "\n"; } $menus .= '
        ' . "\n"; } return $menus; } //Is_Get_Categories Function public function is_get_categories() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "categories" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Categories_By_Type Function public function get_categories_by_type($section=0, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $categories = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectCategories = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE section=:section AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); $selectCategories->execute(array(":section" => $section)); while ($rowCategories = $selectCategories->fetch()) { $id = $rowCategories['id']; $title = $rowCategories['title']; $parentID = $rowCategories['parentID']; $parentName = $rowCategories['parentName']; $section = $rowCategories['section']; $image = $rowCategories['image']; if (!empty($rowCategories['permalink'])) { $url = "/" . $rowCategories['permalink']; } else { $url = "/category/" . $rowCategories['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCategories['title']); } array_push($categories, array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'parentID' => $parentID, 'parentName' => $parentName, 'section' => $section, 'image' => $image, 'url' => $url)); } return $categories; } //Get_Categories Function public function get_categories($parentID=0, $showSubCategories=true, $echo=true) { if ($parentID != 0) { $selectCategories = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parentID=:parentID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectCategories->execute(array(":parentID" => $parentID)); if ($selectCategories->rowCount() != 0) { $categories .= "\n" . '
          ' . "\n"; } } else { $selectCategories = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parentID='0' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $categories .= '
            ' . "\n"; } if ($selectCategories->rowCount() != 0) { while ($rowCategories = $selectCategories->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowCategories['permalink'])) { $rowCategories['url'] = "/" . $rowCategories['permalink']; } else { $rowCategories['url'] = "/category/" . $rowCategories['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCategories['title']); } $categories .= '
          • ' . $rowCategories['title'] . ''; if ($showSubCategories == true) { $rowCategories['sub'] = $this->get_categories($rowCategories['id'], $showSubCategories, false); $categories .= $this->get_categories($rowCategories['id'], $showSubCategories, $echo); } $categories .= '
          • ' . "\n"; $categoriesArray[] = $rowCategories; } $categories .= '
          ' . "\n"; } if ($echo == true) { return $categories; } else { return $categoriesArray; } } //Get_Sub_Categories Function public function get_sub_categories($parentID=0) { $this->subCategories[] = $parentID; $selectCategories = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parentID=:parentID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectCategories->execute(array(":parentID" => $parentID)); if ($selectCategories->rowCount() != 0) { while ($rowCategories = $selectCategories->fetch()) { $this->get_sub_categories($rowCategories['id']); } } return $this->subCategories; } //Is_Category Function public function is_category() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "category" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Category Function public function category() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "category" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->category = array(); $selectCategory = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectCategory->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowCategory = $selectCategory->fetch(); $rowCategory['images'] = @explode("|", $rowCategory['image']); $rowCategory['image'] = $rowCategory['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowCategory['permalink'])) { $rowCategory['url'] = "/" . $rowCategory['permalink']; } else { $rowCategory['url'] = "/category/" . $rowCategory['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCategory['title']); } $rowCategory['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("categories", $rowCategory['id']); } return $rowCategory; } //Is_Brand Function public function is_brand() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "brand" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Brand Function public function brand() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "brand" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->brand = array(); $selectBrand = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM brands WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectBrand->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowBrand = $selectBrand->fetch(); $rowBrand['images'] = @explode("|", $rowBrand['image']); $rowBrand['image'] = $rowBrand['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowBrand['permalink'])) { $rowBrand['url'] = "/" . $rowBrand['permalink']; } else { $rowBrand['url'] = "/brand/" . $rowBrand['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowBrand['title']); } $rowBrand['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("brands", $rowBrand['id']); } return $rowBrand; } //Is_Get_Links Function public function is_get_links() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "links") { return true; } } //Get_Links Function public function get_links($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $links = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectLinks = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM links WHERE siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowLinks = $selectLinks->fetch()) { $id = $rowLinks['id']; $title = $rowLinks['title']; $description = $rowLinks['description']; $url = $rowLinks['url']; array_push($links, array('id' => $id, 'title' => $title, 'description' => $description, 'url' => $url)); } return $links; } //Get_Slider Function public function get_slider($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectSlider = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM slider WHERE active='1' AND COALESCE(publishDate, 0) <= $this->now AND (expireDate >= $this->now OR COALESCE(expireDate, 0)=0) AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowSlider = $selectSlider->fetch()) { $sliders[] = $rowSlider; } return $sliders; } //Get_Banner Function public function get_banners($section='', $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } if (!empty($section)) { $selectBanners = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM banners WHERE section=:section AND active='1' AND COALESCE(publishDate, 0) <= $this->now AND (expireDate >= $this->now OR COALESCE(expireDate, 0)=0) AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); $selectBanners->execute(array(":section"=>$section)); } else { $selectBanners = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM banners WHERE active='1' AND COALESCE(publishDate, 0) <= $this->now AND (expireDate >= $this->now OR COALESCE(expireDate, 0)=0) AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); $selectBanners->execute(); } while ($rowBanner = $selectBanners->fetch()) { $banners[] = $rowBanner; } return $banners; } //Is_Login Function public function is_login() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "login") { return true; } } //Login public function login($username, $password, $rememberme="off", $confirmEmailFirst=false, $loginWithEmailAndMobile=false) { if ($username != "" && $password != "") { if ($loginWithEmailAndMobile == true) { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (username=:username OR email=:email OR mobile=:mobile) AND password=:password AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':username'=>$username, ':email'=>$username, ':mobile'=>$username, ':password'=>$this->hashPassword($password))); } else { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=:username AND password=:password AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':username'=>$username, ':password'=>$this->hashPassword($password))); } $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { if ($rowUser['status'] == 1) { if (($confirmEmailFirst == true && $rowUser['emailConfirmed'] == 1) || $confirmEmailFirst == false) { @session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['login_failed'] = false; $_SESSION['userID'] = $rowUser['id']; $this->isLoggedIn = true; $now = time(); //Check VIP Expire $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET VIP=0 WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND VIPExpireDate < $now AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($rememberme == "on") { $token = md5(uniqid()) . rand(100, 999) . md5(uniqid()); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '<')) { setcookie("rememberme", 'userID='.$rowUser['id'].'&token='.$token, $this->now + $this->cookie_time, '/; SameSite=Lax'); } else { setcookie("rememberme", 'userID='.$rowUser['id'].'&token='.$token, array( 'expires' => $this->now - 86400, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => true, 'samesite' => 'Lax' ) ); } $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET token='$token' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } //Last Login Date $selectLastLogin = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_login WHERE userID='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"); $rowLastLogin = $selectLastLogin->fetch(); $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET lastLoginDate='$rowLastLogin[date]' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users_login (siteID, userID, date) VALUES ('$this->siteID', '$rowUser[id]', '$now')"); return true; } else { $this->error = 'شما هنوز ایمیل خود را تائید نکرده اید'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = 'حساب کاربری شما غیر فعال شده است'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $_SESSION['login_failed'] = true; $this->error = 'نام کاربری و یا کلمه عبور صحیح نیست'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = 'لطفا نام کاربری و کلمه عبور خود را وارد نمائید'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } //Google OAuth public function google_oauth($authenticate=false, $rememberme="off", $revoke=false) { include_once 'inc/GoogleOAuth2/Google_Client.php'; include_once 'inc/GoogleOAuth2/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php'; $clientId = google_oauth_client_id; //Google client ID $clientSecret = google_oauth_client_secret; //Google client secret $redirectURL = $this->protocol . '://' . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . '/google-oauth'; //Callback URL //Call Google API $gClient = new Google_Client(); $gClient->setApplicationName('Login to ' . $this->settings['siteAddress']); $gClient->setClientId($clientId); $gClient->setClientSecret($clientSecret); $gClient->setRedirectUri($redirectURL); $gClient->setApprovalPrompt('auto'); $google_oauthV2 = new Google_Oauth2Service($gClient); if ($revoke == true) { $gClient->revokeToken(); } else { if ($authenticate == true) { if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $gClient->authenticate($_GET['code']); $_SESSION['oauth_token'] = $gClient->getAccessToken(); //header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirectURL, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); } if (isset($_SESSION['oauth_token'])) { $gClient->setAccessToken($_SESSION['oauth_token']); } if ($gClient->getAccessToken()) { //Get user profile data from google $gpUserProfile = $google_oauthV2->userinfo->get(); /*print_r($gpUserProfile); exit;*/ //Insert or update user data to the database $userData = array( 'oauth_provider'=> 'google', 'oauth_id' => $gpUserProfile['id'], 'firstname' => $gpUserProfile['given_name'], 'lastname' => $gpUserProfile['family_name'], 'email' => $gpUserProfile['email'], 'gender' => $gpUserProfile['gender'], 'locale' => $gpUserProfile['locale'], 'picture' => $gpUserProfile['picture'], 'link' => $gpUserProfile['link'] ); if (!empty($userData)) { //Register $selectUser = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$userData[email]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $oauth_user = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($selectUser->rowCount() > 0) { // $update = $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET firstname='$userData[firstname]', lastname='$userData[lastname]', email='$userData[email]', gender='$userData[gender]', image='$userData[picture]', site='$userData[link]' WHERE oauth_provider='$userData[oauth_provider]' AND oauth_id='$userData[oauth_id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $update = $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET emailConfirmed=1 WHERE id='$oauth_user[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } else { $password = rand(10000, 99999); $hashed_password = $this->hashPassword($password); $insert = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users SET type=1, oauth_provider='$userData[oauth_provider]', oauth_id='$userData[oauth_id]', username='$userData[email]', password='$hashed_password', firstname='$userData[firstname]', lastname='$userData[lastname]', email='$userData[email]', gender='$userData[gender]', image='$userData[picture]', site='$userData[link]', date='$this->now', status=1, emailConfirmed=1, siteID='$this->siteID'"); //Send Email $body = '

          ' . $userData['firstname'] . ' ' . $userData['lastname'] . ' عزیز


          عضویت شما را در سایت ' . $this->settings['siteName'] . ' تبریک می گوییم.

          مشخصات کاربری شما به شرح زیر است.

          نام کاربری (ایمیل) : ' . $userData['email'] . '

          رمز عبور : ' . $password . '

          برای تکمیل و یا تغییر مشخصات خود شامل (عکس، آدرس، کد پستی و ...) اینجا را کلیک کنید

          ' . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . '

          ' . $userData['firstname'] . ' ' . $userData['lastname'] . ' عزیز این اطمینان را می دهیم که اطلاعات شما نزد ' . $this->settings['siteName'] . ' کاملا محفوظ می باشد و برای اطلاع رسانی از آن استفاده می گردد

          '; $this->sendEmail("به سایت " . $this->settings['siteName'] . " خوش آمدید", $body, $userData['email']); } //Login $selectUser = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$userData[email]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($selectUser->rowCount() > 0) { if ($rowUser['status'] == 1) { @session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['userID'] = $rowUser['id']; $this->isLoggedIn = true; //Check VIP Expire $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET VIP=0 WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND VIPExpireDate < $this->now AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($rememberme == "on") { $token = md5(uniqid()) . rand(100, 999) . md5(uniqid()); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.3', '<')) { setcookie("rememberme", 'userID='.$rowUser['id'].'&token='.$token, $this->now + $this->cookie_time, '/; SameSite=Lax'); } else { setcookie("rememberme", 'userID='.$rowUser['id'].'&token='.$token, array( 'expires' => $this->now - 86400, 'path' => '/', 'domain' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'secure' => true, 'httponly' => true, 'samesite' => 'Lax' ) ); } $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET token='$token' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } //Last Login Date $selectLastLogin = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_login WHERE userID='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"); $rowLastLogin = $selectLastLogin->fetch(); $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET lastLoginDate='$rowLastLogin[date]' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users_login (siteID, userID, date) VALUES ('$this->siteID', '$rowUser[id]', '$this->now')"); header("Location: " . $_SESSION['google_oauth_referer']); exit(); } else { $this->error = 'حساب کاربری شما غیر فعال شده است'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = 'حساب کاربری شما غیر فعال شده است'; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } } } else { if ($rememberme == "on") { $_SESSION['rememberme'] = "on"; } else { $_SESSION['rememberme'] = "off"; } $authUrl = $gClient->createAuthUrl(); $currentPageUrl = $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $parsedUrl = parse_url($currentPageUrl); $querystrings = $parsedUrl['query']; parse_str($querystrings, $params); $params['redirect_url'] = urlencode(filter_var($authUrl, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); return $this->protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $parsedUrl['path'] . "?" . http_build_query($params); } } } //Is_Remember Function public function is_remember() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "remember") { return true; } } //Remember public function remember($username) { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=:username AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':username'=>$username)); $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { $body = "
          " . $rowUser['firstname'] . " " . $rowUser['lastname'] . " عزیز، نام کاربری و کلمه عبور شما به شرح زیر است
          نام کاربری : " . $rowUser['username'] . "
          کلمه عبور : " . $rowUser['password'] . "
          "; $this->sendEmail("کلمه عبور شما در سایت " . $this->settings['siteName'], $body, $rowUser['email']); return true; } } //Send Reset Password Link public function sendResetPasswordLink($username, $loginWithEmailAndMobile=false) { $isEmail = false; if (filter_var($username, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $isEmail = true; } if ($loginWithEmailAndMobile == true) { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (username=:username OR email=:email OR mobile=:mobile) AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':username'=>$username, ':email'=>$username, ':mobile'=>$username)); } else { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=:username AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':username'=>$username)); } $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { $resetKey = md5($username . rand(10000, 99999)); $this->db->exec("UPDATE users SET emailConfirmationCode='$resetKey' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($isEmail) { $body = "
          " . $rowUser['firstname'] . " " . $rowUser['lastname'] . " عزیز، با کلیک بر روی لینک زیر می توانید کلمه عبور جدیدی برای حساب کاربریتان در سایت " . $this->settings['siteName'] . " تنظیم کنید.
          " . $this->protocol . "://" . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . "/?resetKey=" . $resetKey . "
          "; $this->sendEmail("لینک تغییر کلمه عبور، در سایت " . $this->settings['siteName'], $body, $rowUser['email']); } else { $text = "لینک تغییر کلمه عبور\n" . $this->protocol . "://" . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . "/reset-password/?resetKey=" . $resetKey; $this->sendSMS($text, $rowUser['mobile']); } return true; } } //Send Confirmation Code public function sendEmailConfirmationCode($username, $emailConfirmationCode='', $alwaysNewCode=true, $confirmationCodeExpireDate=60, $resendExpireDate=60, $useSession=false) { if ($useSession == false) { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (username=:username OR email=:email OR mobile=:mobile) AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':username'=>$username, ':email'=>$username, ':mobile'=>$username)); $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); $userID = $rowUser['id']; $resendExpireDate = intval($rowUser['confirmationCodeExpireDate']) + ($resendExpireDate - $confirmationCodeExpireDate); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { if ($resendExpireDate <= $this->now) { if ($alwaysNewCode == true || empty($rowUser['emailConfirmationCode']) || $rowUser['confirmationCodeExpireDate'] <= $this->now) { if (empty($emailConfirmationCode)) { $emailConfirmationCode = md5($username . rand(10000, 99999)); } $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET emailConfirmationCode='$emailConfirmationCode' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } else { $emailConfirmationCode = $rowUser['emailConfirmationCode']; } $confirmationCodeExpireDate = $this->now + intval($confirmationCodeExpireDate); $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET confirmationCodeExpireDate='$confirmationCodeExpireDate' WHERE id='$userID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $body = "
          " . $rowUser['firstname'] . " " . $rowUser['lastname'] . " عزیز،
          کد تائید شما : " . $emailConfirmationCode . "
          همچنین می توانید با کلیک بر روی لینک زیر ایمیل خود را تائید کنید.
          " . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . "/?emailConfirmationCode=" . $emailConfirmationCode . "
          " . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . "
          "; $this->sendEmail("لینک تائید ایمیل در سایت " . $this->settings['siteName'], $body, $rowUser['email']); return true; } else { return -1; } } } else { $resendExpireDate = intval($_SESSION['confirmationCodeExpireDate']) + ($resendExpireDate - $confirmationCodeExpireDate); if ($resendExpireDate <= $this->now) { if ($alwaysNewCode == true || empty($_SESSION['emailConfirmationCode']) || $_SESSION['confirmationCodeExpireDate'] <= $this->now) { if (empty($emailConfirmationCode)) { $_SESSION['emailConfirmationCode'] = md5($username . rand(10000, 99999)); } else { $_SESSION['emailConfirmationCode'] = $emailConfirmationCode; } } $_SESSION['confirmationCodeExpireDate'] = $this->now + intval($confirmationCodeExpireDate); $body = "
          کد تائید شما : " . $_SESSION['emailConfirmationCode'] . "
          همچنین می توانید با کلیک بر روی لینک زیر ایمیل خود را تائید کنید.
          " . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . "/?emailConfirmationCode=" . $emailConfirmationCode . "
          " . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . "
          "; $this->sendEmail("لینک تائید ایمیل در سایت " . $this->settings['siteName'], $body, $username); return true; } else { return -1; } } } //Send Confirmation Code public function sendMobileConfirmationCode($username, $mobileConfirmationCode='', $alwaysNewCode=true, $confirmationCodeExpireDate=60, $resendExpireDate=60, $useSession=false) { if ($useSession == false) { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE (username=:username OR email=:email OR mobile=:mobile) AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':username'=>$username, ':email'=>$username, ':mobile'=>$username)); $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); $userID = $rowUser['id']; $resendExpireDate = intval($rowUser['confirmationCodeExpireDate']) + ($resendExpireDate - $confirmationCodeExpireDate); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { if ($resendExpireDate <= $this->now) { if ($alwaysNewCode == true || empty($rowUser['mobileConfirmationCode']) || $rowUser['confirmationCodeExpireDate'] <= $this->now) { if (empty($mobileConfirmationCode)) { $mobileConfirmationCode = rand(10000, 99999); } $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET mobileConfirmationCode='$mobileConfirmationCode' WHERE id='$rowUser[id]' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); } else { $mobileConfirmationCode = $rowUser['mobileConfirmationCode']; } $confirmationCodeExpireDate = $this->now + intval($confirmationCodeExpireDate); $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET confirmationCodeExpireDate='$confirmationCodeExpireDate' WHERE id='$userID' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $this->sendSMS("کد تائید شما : " . $mobileConfirmationCode . "\n" . $this->settings['siteAddress'], $rowUser['mobile']); return true; } else { return -1; } } } else { $resendExpireDate = intval($_SESSION['confirmationCodeExpireDate']) + ($resendExpireDate - $confirmationCodeExpireDate); if ($resendExpireDate <= $this->now) { if ($alwaysNewCode == true || empty($_SESSION['mobileConfirmationCode']) || $_SESSION['confirmationCodeExpireDate'] <= $this->now) { if (empty($mobileConfirmationCode)) { $_SESSION['mobileConfirmationCode'] = rand(10000, 99999); } else { $_SESSION['mobileConfirmationCode'] = $mobileConfirmationCode; } } $_SESSION['confirmationCodeExpireDate'] = $this->now + intval($confirmationCodeExpireDate); $this->sendSMS("کد تائید شما : " . $_SESSION['mobileConfirmationCode'] . "\n" . $this->settings['siteAddress'], $username); return true; } else { return -1; } } } //Is_Logout Function public function is_logout() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "logout") { return true; } } //Logout public function logout() { @session_regenerate_id(true); $_SESSION['userID'] = 0; if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) { unset($_SESSION['userID']); } if (isset($_COOKIE['rememberme'])) { setcookie("rememberme", "", $this->now - 86400, "/", "." . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); setcookie("rememberme", "", $this->now - 86400, "/", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $_COOKIE['rememberme'] = ''; } // Reset OAuth access token unset($_SESSION['oauth_token']); $this->google_oauth(false, "off", true); } //User public function user() { if ($this->isLoggedIn == true) { $selectUser = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectUser->execute(array(':id'=>$_SESSION['userID'])); $rowUser = $selectUser->fetch(); if ($selectUser->rowCount() != 0) { return $rowUser; } } } // Update user token public function updateUserToken() { $token = md5(uniqid()) . rand(100, 999) . md5(uniqid()); if (!empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { $updateToken = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE users SET token=:token WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateToken->execute(array(':token'=>$token, ':id'=>$_SESSION['userID'])); } return $token; } // insert gateway info public function insertGatewayInfo($valueArray) { $key = md5(uniqid()) . rand(100, 999) . md5(uniqid()); if (is_array($valueArray)) { $json = json_encode($valueArray); $insert = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO gateway_info (`siteID`, `key`, `value`, `date`, `done`) VALUES ('$this->siteID', '$key', :value, '$this->now', 0)"); $insert->execute(array(':value'=>$json)); return $key; } } // get gateway info public function getGatewayInfo($key) { $gatewayInfoArray = ''; if (!empty($key)) { $selectGatewayInfo = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM gateway_info WHERE `key`=:key AND `siteID`='$this->siteID' LIMIT 1"); $selectGatewayInfo->execute(array(':key'=>$key)); if ($selectGatewayInfo->rowCount() > 0) { $rowGatewayInfo = $selectGatewayInfo->fetch(); $gatewayInfoArray = json_decode($rowGatewayInfo['value'], true); $gatewayInfoArray['date'] = $rowGatewayInfo['date']; $gatewayInfoArray['done'] = $rowGatewayInfo['done']; } } return $gatewayInfoArray; } // update gateway info public function updateGatewayInfo($key, $updateArray) { if (!empty($key) && !empty($updateArray)) { if (is_array($updateArray)) { $json = json_encode($updateArray); $updateGatewayInfo = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE gateway_info SET value=:value WHERE `key`=:key AND `siteID`='$this->siteID'"); $updateGatewayInfo->execute(array(':key'=>$key, ':value'=>$json)); if ($updateGatewayInfo->rowCount() > 0) { return true; } } } return false; } // set gateway info to done public function setGatewayInfoToDone($key) { if (!empty($key)) { $updateGatewayInfo = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE gateway_info SET done=1 WHERE `key`=:key AND `siteID`='$this->siteID'"); $updateGatewayInfo->execute(array(':key'=>$key)); if ($updateGatewayInfo->rowCount() > 0) { return true; } } return false; } //UpdateUserStats /*public function updateUserStats($userID=0) { $userID = intval($userID); if (empty($userID)) { if (!empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { $userID = intval($_SESSION['userID']); } } if (!empty($userID)) { $query = " SELECT users.id, SUM(orders.totalCost) AS bought, COUNT(comment.id) AS commentsCount, COUNT(topics.id) AS topicsCount, COUNT(users_login.id) AS loginCount, COUNT(users_download.id) AS downloadsCount FROM users LEFT JOIN orders ON users.id=orders.userID AND orders.payStatus=1 LEFT JOIN comment ON users.id=comment.userID LEFT JOIN topics ON users.id=topics.userID LEFT JOIN users_login ON users.id=users_login.userID LEFT JOIN users_download ON users.id=users_download.userID WHERE users.id='$userID' GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY `bought` DESC "; $query = " SELECT users.id, COALESCE(orders.bought,0) bought, COUNT(DISTINCT comment.id) AS commentsCount, COUNT(DISTINCT topics.id) AS topicsCount, COUNT(DISTINCT users_login.id) AS loginCount, COUNT(DISTINCT users_download.id) AS downloadsCount FROM users LEFT JOIN (SELECT userID, SUM(totalCost) bought FROM orders WHERE payStatus=1 GROUP BY userID) orders ON users.id=o.userID LEFT JOIN comment ON users.id=comment.userID LEFT JOIN topics ON users.id=topics.userID LEFT JOIN users_login ON users.id=users_login.userID LEFT JOIN users_download ON users.id=users_download.userID GROUP BY users.id ORDER BY `bought` DESC "; $selectOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalCost) AS totalCost, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM orders WHERE userID=$userID AND payStatus=1"); $rowOrders = $selectOrders->fetch(); $selectTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS price FROM transactions WHERE userID=$userID AND type!=2 AND status=1"); $rowTransactions = $selectTransactions->fetch(); //Charged Cash $selectCharges = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS charged FROM transactions WHERE userID=$userID AND type=2 AND status=1"); $rowCharges = $selectCharges->fetch(); $walletChargedAmount = $rowCharges['charged']; //Spent Cash By Order $selectWalletOrders = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(totalCost) AS totalCost, SUM(discount) AS discount FROM orders WHERE userID=$userID AND payMethod=4 AND payStatus=1"); $rowWalletOrders = $selectWalletOrders->fetch(); $walletSpentAmount = intval($rowWalletOrders['totalCost']) - intval($rowWalletOrders['discount']); //Spent Cash By Transaction $selectWalletTransactions = $this->db->query("SELECT SUM(price) AS spent FROM transactions WHERE userID=$userID AND payMethod=2 AND status=1"); $rowWalletTransactions = $selectWalletTransactions->fetch(); $walletSpentAmount += $rowWalletTransactions['spent']; $selectComments = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM comment WHERE userID=$userID"); $selectTopics = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM topics WHERE userID=$userID"); $selectUserLogins = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM users_login WHERE userID=$userID"); $selectUserDownloads = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM users_download WHERE userID=$userID"); $payAmount = intval($rowOrders['totalCost']) - intval($rowOrders['discount']) + intval($rowTransactions['price']); $commentsCount = $selectComments->rowCount(); $topicsCount = $selectTopics->rowCount(); $loginCount = $selectUserLogins->rowCount(); $downloadsCount = $selectUserDownloads->rowCount(); $updateUserStats = $this->db->query("UPDATE users SET payAmount='$payAmount', walletChargedAmount='$walletChargedAmount', walletSpentAmount='$walletSpentAmount', commentsCount='$commentsCount', topicsCount='$topicsCount', loginCount='$loginCount', downloadsCount='$downloadsCount' WHERE id=$userID"); } }*/ //Newsletter_Form Function public function newsletter_form() { } //Is_Newsletter Function public function is_newsletter() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "newsletter") { return true; } } //Newsletter_Register public function newsletter_register($firstname, $lastname, $email, $mobile, $date=null) { $insertNewsletter = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO newsletter (siteID, firstname,lastname,email,mobile,date) VALUES ('$this->siteID', :firstname, :lastname, :email, :mobile, :date)"); if ($firstname != "") { $insertNewsletter->bindValue(":firstname", $firstname); } if ($lastname != "") { $insertNewsletter->bindValue(":lastname", $lastname); } if ($email != "") { $insertNewsletter->bindValue(":email", $email); } if ($mobile != "") { $insertNewsletter->bindValue(":mobile", $mobile); } if ($date==null) { $insertNewsletter->bindValue(":date", time()); } else { $insertNewsletter->bindValue(":date", $date); } if ($email != "") { $insertNewsletter->execute(); return true; } } //Search_Box Function public function search_box($value="جستجو") { return '
          '; } //Is_Search Function public function is_search() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "search" && !empty($_REQUEST['keyword'])) { return true; } } //Search Function public function search($orderBy='sort ASC', $searchIn='') { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "search" && !empty($_REQUEST['keyword'])) { $search = array(); $keyword = $_REQUEST['keyword']; $found = 0; $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); //Search Queries if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("articles", $searchIn)) { $selectArticles = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'article' AS type FROM articles WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectArticles->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectArticles->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectArticles->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("news", $searchIn)) { $selectNews = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'news' AS type FROM news WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectNews->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectNews->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectNews->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("pages", $searchIn)) { $selectPages = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'page' AS type FROM pages WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectPages->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectPages->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectPages->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("downloads", $searchIn)) { $selectDownloads = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'download' AS type FROM downloads WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectDownloads->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectDownloads->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectDownloads->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("offers", $searchIn)) { $selectOffers = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'offer' AS type FROM offers WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectOffers->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectOffers->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectOffers->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("authors", $searchIn)) { $selectAuthors = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'author' AS type FROM authors WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectAuthors->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectAuthors->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectAuthors->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("galleries", $searchIn)) { $selectGalleries = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'gallery' AS type FROM galleries WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectGalleries->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectGalleries->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectGalleries->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("registerations", $searchIn)) { $selectRegisterations = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'registeration' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy "); $selectRegisterations->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectRegisterations->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectRegisterations->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("courses", $searchIn)) { $selectCourses = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'course' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy "); $selectCourses->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectCourses->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectCourses->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("vips", $searchIn)) { $selectVips = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'vip' AS type FROM vips WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectVips->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectVips->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectVips->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("estates", $searchIn)) { $selectEstates = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'estate' AS type FROM estates WHERE (title LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectEstates->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectEstates->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectEstates->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("products", $searchIn)) { $selectProducts = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'product' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice FROM products WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy "); $selectProducts->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectProducts->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectProducts->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("group_products", $searchIn)) { $selectGroupProducts = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'groupProduct' AS type FROM group_products WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectGroupProducts->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectGroupProducts->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectGroupProducts->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("wishes", $searchIn)) { $selectWishes = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'wish' AS type FROM wishes WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR full_description LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectWishes->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectWishes->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectWishes->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("audios", $searchIn)) { $selectAudios = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'audio' AS type FROM audios WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR artist LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectAudios->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectAudios->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectAudios->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } if (empty($searchIn) || in_array("videos", $searchIn)) { $selectVideos = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'video' AS type FROM videos WHERE (title LIKE ? OR description LIKE ? OR artist LIKE ?) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectVideos->execute(array("%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%", "%" . $keyword . "%")); $found += $selectVideos->rowCount(); while($rowSearch = $selectVideos->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearch['permalink'])) { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['permalink']; } else { $rowSearch['url'] = "/" . $rowSearch['type'] . "/" . $rowSearch['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearch['title']); } $search[] = $rowSearch; } } $this->keyword = $keyword; $this->found = $found; return $search; } } //Is_Search_Tag Function public function is_search_tag() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "tag" && !empty($_GET['tag'])) { return true; } } //Search_Tag Function public function search_tag($orderBy='sort ASC') { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "tag" && !empty($_REQUEST['tag'])) { $search_tag = array(); $tag = trim(str_replace(array("_", "-"), " ", $_REQUEST['tag'])); $found = 0; $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); //Search Queries $selectArticles = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'article' AS type FROM articles WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectArticles->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectArticles->rowCount(); $selectNews = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'news' AS type FROM news WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectNews->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectNews->rowCount(); $selectPages = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'page' AS type FROM pages WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectPages->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectPages->rowCount(); $selectDownloads = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'download' AS type FROM downloads WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectDownloads->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectDownloads->rowCount(); $selectOffers = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'offer' AS type FROM offers WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectOffers->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectOffers->rowCount(); $selectAuthors = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'author' AS type FROM authors WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectAuthors->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectAuthors->rowCount(); $selectGalleries = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'gallery' AS type FROM galleries WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectGalleries->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectGalleries->rowCount(); $selectRegisterations = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'registeration' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy "); $selectRegisterations->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectRegisterations->rowCount(); $selectCourses = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'course' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy "); $selectCourses->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectCourses->rowCount(); $selectVips = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'vip' AS type FROM vips WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectVips->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectVips->rowCount(); $selectEstates = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'estate' AS type FROM estates WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectEstates->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectEstates->rowCount(); $selectProducts = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'product' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice FROM products WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy "); $selectProducts->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectProducts->rowCount(); $selectGroupProducts = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'groupProduct' AS type FROM group_products WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectGroupProducts->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectGroupProducts->rowCount(); $selectWishes = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'wish' AS type FROM wishes WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectWishes->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectWishes->rowCount(); $selectAudios = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'audio' AS type FROM audios WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectAudios->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectAudios->rowCount(); $selectVideos = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'video' AS type FROM videos WHERE FIND_IN_SET(?, REPLACE(REPLACE(keywords, '_', ' '), '-', ' ')) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy"); $selectVideos->execute(array($tag)); $found += $selectVideos->rowCount(); while($rowSearchTag = $selectArticles->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectNews->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectPages->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectDownloads->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectOffers->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectAuthors->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectRegisterations->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectCourses->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectVips->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectEstates->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectProducts->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectGroupProducts->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectWishes->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectAudios->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } while($rowSearchTag = $selectVideos->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSearchTag['permalink'])) { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['permalink']; } else { $rowSearchTag['url'] = "/" . $rowSearchTag['type'] . "/" . $rowSearchTag['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSearchTag['title']); } $search_tag[] = $rowSearchTag; } $this->tag = $tag; $this->found = $found; return $search_tag; } } //Get_Similar Function public function get_similar($keywordsArray, $filterArray, $orderBy='sort ASC') { if (!empty($keywordsArray)) { if (is_array($keywordsArray)) { foreach($keywordsArray as $keyword) { $likeQuery[] = "keywords LIKE ?"; $keywords[] = "%" . $keyword . "%"; } } else { $likeQuery[] = "keywords LIKE ?"; $keywords[] = "%" . $keywordsArray . "%"; } $likeQuery = "(" . implode(' OR ', $likeQuery) . ")"; $get_similar = array(); $found = 0; $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); //Search Queries if (in_array("article", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_article() == true) { $object = $this->article(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectArticles = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'article' AS type FROM articles WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectArticles->execute($keywords); $found += $selectArticles->rowCount(); } else { $selectArticles = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'article' AS type FROM articles WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectArticles->execute($keywords); $found += $selectArticles->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("news", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_news() == true) { $object = $this->news(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectNews = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'news' AS type FROM news WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectNews->execute($keywords); $found += $selectNews->rowCount(); } else { $selectNews = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'news' AS type FROM news WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectNews->execute($keywords); $found += $selectNews->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("page", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_page() == true) { $object = $this->page(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectPages = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'page' AS type FROM pages WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectPages->execute($keywords); $found += $selectPages->rowCount(); } else { $selectPages = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'page' AS type FROM pages WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectPages->execute($keywords); $found += $selectPages->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("download", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_download() == true) { $object = $this->download(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectDownloads = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'download' AS type FROM downloads WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectDownloads->execute($keywords); $found += $selectDownloads->rowCount(); } else { $selectDownloads = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'download' AS type FROM downloads WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectDownloads->execute($keywords); $found += $selectDownloads->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("offer", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_offer() == true) { $object = $this->offer(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectOffers = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'offer' AS type FROM offers WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectOffers->execute($keywords); $found += $selectOffers->rowCount(); } else { $selectOffers = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'offer' AS type FROM offers WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectOffers->execute($keywords); $found += $selectOffers->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("author", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_author() == true) { $object = $this->author(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectAuthors = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'author' AS type FROM authors WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectAuthors->execute($keywords); $found += $selectAuthors->rowCount(); } else { $selectAuthors = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'author' AS type FROM authors WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectAuthors->execute($keywords); $found += $selectAuthors->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("registeration", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_registeration() == true) { $object = $this->registeration(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectRegisterations = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'registeration' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND() "); $selectRegisterations->execute($keywords); $found += $selectRegisterations->rowCount(); } else { $selectRegisterations = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'registeration' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND() "); $selectRegisterations->execute($keywords); $found += $selectRegisterations->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("course", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_course() == true) { $object = $this->course(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectCourses = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'course' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND() "); $selectCourses->execute($keywords); $found += $selectCourses->rowCount(); } else { $selectCourses = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'course' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND() "); $selectCourses->execute($keywords); $found += $selectCourses->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("vip", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_vip() == true) { $object = $this->vip(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectVips = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'vip' AS type FROM vips WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectVips->execute($keywords); $found += $selectVips->rowCount(); } else { $selectVips = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'vip' AS type FROM vips WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectVips->execute($keywords); $found += $selectVips->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("estate", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if (!empty($this->ownerID)) { $ownerQuery = " AND userID='$this->ownerID'"; } else { $ownerQuery = ''; } if ($this->is_estate() == true) { $object = $this->estate(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectEstates = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'estate' AS type FROM estates WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $ownerQuery ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectEstates->execute($keywords); $found += $selectEstates->rowCount(); } else { $selectEstates = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'estate' AS type FROM estates WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $ownerQuery ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectEstates->execute($keywords); $found += $selectEstates->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("product", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_product() == true) { $object = $this->product(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectProducts = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'product' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice FROM products WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND() "); $selectProducts->execute($keywords); $found += $selectProducts->rowCount(); } else { $selectProducts = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, 'product' AS type, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice FROM products WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND() "); $selectProducts->execute($keywords); $found += $selectProducts->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("groupProducts", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_groupProduct() == true) { $object = $this->groupProduct(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectGroupProducts = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'group_product' AS type FROM group_products WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectGroupProducts->execute($keywords); $found += $selectGroupProducts->rowCount(); } else { $selectGroupProducts = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'group_product' AS type FROM group_products WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectGroupProducts->execute($keywords); $found += $selectGroupProducts->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("wish", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_wish() == true) { $object = $this->wish(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectWishes = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'wish' AS type FROM wishes WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectWishes->execute($keywords); $found += $selectWishes->rowCount(); } else { $selectWishes = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'wish' AS type FROM wishes WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectWishes->execute($keywords); $found += $selectWishes->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("audio", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_audio() == true) { $object = $this->audio(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectAudios = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'audio' AS type FROM audios WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectAudios->execute($keywords); $found += $selectAudios->rowCount(); } else { $selectAudios = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'audio' AS type FROM audios WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectAudios->execute($keywords); $found += $selectAudios->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("video", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { if ($this->is_video() == true) { $object = $this->video(1); $id = $object['id']; $selectVideos = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'video' AS type FROM videos WHERE $likeQuery AND id!=$id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectVideos->execute($keywords); $found += $selectVideos->rowCount(); } else { $selectVideos = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, 'video' AS type FROM videos WHERE $likeQuery AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY RAND()"); $selectVideos->execute($keywords); $found += $selectVideos->rowCount(); } } if (in_array("article", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectArticles->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("news", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectNews->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("page", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectPages->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("download", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectDownloads->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("offer", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectOffers->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("author", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectAuthors->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("registeration", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectRegisterations->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("course", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectCourses->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("vip", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectVips->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("estate", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectEstates->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("product", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectProducts->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("groupProduct", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectGroupProducts->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("wish", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectWishes->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("audio", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectAudios->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } if (in_array("video", $filterArray) || empty($filterArray)) { while($rowSimilar = $selectVideos->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSimilar['permalink'])) { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['permalink']; } else { $rowSimilar['url'] = "/" . $rowSimilar['type'] . "/" . $rowSimilar['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSimilar['title']); } $get_similar[] = $rowSimilar; } } $this->found = $found; return $get_similar; } } //Is_Get_Articles Function public function is_get_articles() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "articles" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Articles Function public function get_articles($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_articles = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectArticles = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowArticles = $selectArticles->fetch()) { $rowArticles['images'] = @explode("|", $rowArticles['image']); $rowArticles['image'] = $rowArticles['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowArticles['permalink'])) { $rowArticles['url'] = "/" . $rowArticles['permalink']; } else { $rowArticles['url'] = "/article/" . $rowArticles['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowArticles['title']); } $get_articles[] = $rowArticles; } return $get_articles; } //Get_Articles_By_Category Function public function get_articles_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = @implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_articles_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectArticles = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowArticles = $selectArticles->fetch()) { $rowArticles['images'] = @explode("|", $rowArticles['image']); $rowArticles['image'] = $rowArticles['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowArticles['permalink'])) { $rowArticles['url'] = "/" . $rowArticles['permalink']; } else { $rowArticles['url'] = "/article/" . $rowArticles['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowArticles['title']); } $get_articles_by_category[] = $rowArticles; } return $get_articles_by_category; } //Is_Article Function public function is_article() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "article" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Article Function public function article($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "article" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->article = array(); $selectArticle = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectArticle->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowArticle = $selectArticle->fetch(); $rowArticle['post_type'] = "article"; $rowArticle['images'] = @explode("|", $rowArticle['image']); $rowArticle['image'] = $rowArticle['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowArticle['permalink'])) { $rowArticle['url'] = "/" . $rowArticle['permalink']; } else { $rowArticle['url'] = "/article/" . $rowArticle['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowArticle['title']); } $rowArticle['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("articles", $rowArticle['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE articles SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowArticle; } //Is_Get_News Function public function is_get_news() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "news" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_News Function public function get_news($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_news = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectNews = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowNews = $selectNews->fetch()) { $rowNews['images'] = @explode("|", $rowNews['image']); $rowNews['image'] = $rowNews['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowNews['permalink'])) { $rowNews['url'] = "/" . $rowNews['permalink']; } else { $rowNews['url'] = "/news/" . $rowNews['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowNews['title']); } $get_news[] = $rowNews; } return $get_news; } //Get_News_By_Category Function public function get_news_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_news_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectNews = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM news WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowNews = $selectNews->fetch()) { $rowNews['images'] = @explode("|", $rowNews['image']); $rowNews['image'] = $rowNews['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowNews['permalink'])) { $rowNews['url'] = "/" . $rowNews['permalink']; } else { $rowNews['url'] = "/news/" . $rowNews['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowNews['title']); } $get_news_by_category[] = $rowNews; } return $get_news_by_category; } //Is_News Function public function is_news() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "news" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //News Function public function news($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "news" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->news = array(); $selectNews = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM news WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectNews->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowNews = $selectNews->fetch(); $rowNews['post_type'] = "news"; $rowNews['images'] = @explode("|", $rowNews['image']); $rowNews['image'] = $rowNews['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowNews['permalink'])) { $rowNews['url'] = "/" . $rowNews['permalink']; } else { $rowNews['url'] = "/news/" . $rowNews['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowNews['title']); } $rowNews['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("news", $rowNews['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE news SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowNews; } //Is_Get_Products Function public function is_get_products() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "products" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Products Function public function get_products($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_products = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $query = "SELECT products.*, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice, (CASE WHEN ( IFNULL(products.availability, 0) = 0 AND ( IFNULL(products.stock, 0) = 1 OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) > 0 AND CAST(instock_variations.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) = 0 AND CAST(products.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS isAvailable FROM products LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, productID, instock FROM product_variations WHERE status=1 AND instock > 0 AND siteID='$this->siteID') AS instock_variations ON products.id=instock_variations.productID WHERE products.publishDate <= $this->now AND products.active=1 AND products.hidden=0 AND IFNULL(products.isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND products.siteID='$this->siteID' GROUP BY products.id $orderBy $limitQuery"; $selectProducts = $this->db->query($query); while ($rowProducts = $selectProducts->fetch()) { $rowProducts['images'] = @explode("|", $rowProducts['image']); $rowProducts['image'] = $rowProducts['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowProducts['permalink'])) { $rowProducts['url'] = "/" . $rowProducts['permalink']; } else { $rowProducts['url'] = "/product/" . $rowProducts['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowProducts['title']); } $get_products[] = $rowProducts; } return $get_products; } //Get_Special_Products Function public function get_special_products($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_special_products = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $query = "SELECT products.*, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice, (CASE WHEN ( IFNULL(products.availability, 0) = 0 AND ( IFNULL(products.stock, 0) = 1 OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) > 0 AND CAST(instock_variations.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) = 0 AND CAST(products.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS isAvailable FROM products LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, productID, instock FROM product_variations WHERE status=1 AND instock > 0 AND siteID='$this->siteID') AS instock_variations ON products.id=instock_variations.productID WHERE products.publishDate <= $this->now AND products.active=1 AND products.special=1 AND products.hidden=0 AND IFNULL(products.isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND products.siteID='$this->siteID' GROUP BY products.id $orderBy $limitQuery"; $selectProducts = $this->db->query($query); while ($rowProducts = $selectProducts->fetch()) { $rowProducts['images'] = explode("|", $rowProducts['image']); $rowProducts['image'] = $rowProducts['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowProducts['permalink'])) { $rowProducts['url'] = "/" . $rowProducts['permalink']; } else { $rowProducts['url'] = "/product/" . $rowProducts['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowProducts['title']); } $get_special_products[] = $rowProducts; } return $get_special_products; } //Get_Products_By_Category Function public function get_products_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $categories2 = str_replace(",", "|", $categories); $get_products_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $query = "SELECT products.*, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice, (CASE WHEN ( IFNULL(products.availability, 0) = 0 AND ( IFNULL(products.stock, 0) = 1 OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) > 0 AND CAST(instock_variations.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) = 0 AND CAST(products.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS isAvailable FROM products LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, productID, instock FROM product_variations WHERE status=1 AND instock > 0 AND siteID='$this->siteID') AS instock_variations ON products.id=instock_variations.productID WHERE ( products.categoryID IN ($categories) OR CONCAT(',', products.altCategories, ',') REGEXP ',($categories2),' ) AND products.publishDate <= $this->now AND products.active=1 AND products.hidden=0 AND IFNULL(products.isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND products.siteID='$this->siteID' GROUP BY products.id $orderBy $limitQuery"; $selectProducts = $this->db->query($query); while ($rowProducts = $selectProducts->fetch()) { $rowProducts['images'] = explode("|", $rowProducts['image']); $rowProducts['image'] = $rowProducts['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowProducts['permalink'])) { $rowProducts['url'] = "/" . $rowProducts['permalink']; } else { $rowProducts['url'] = "/product/" . $rowProducts['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowProducts['title']); } $get_products_by_category[] = $rowProducts; } return $get_products_by_category; } //Is_Product Function public function is_product() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "product" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Product Function public function product($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "product" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->product = array(); $query = "SELECT products.*, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND products.auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND products.auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN products.auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(products.auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR products.auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR products.auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN products.price END) AS realPrice, (CASE WHEN ( IFNULL(products.availability, 0) = 0 AND ( IFNULL(products.stock, 0) = 1 OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) > 0 AND CAST(instock_variations.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) OR (IFNULL(instock_variations.id, 0) = 0 AND CAST(products.instock AS UNSIGNED) > 0) ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS isAvailable FROM products LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, productID, instock FROM product_variations WHERE status=1 AND instock > 0 AND siteID='$this->siteID') AS instock_variations ON products.id=instock_variations.productID WHERE products.id=:id AND products.publishDate <= $this->now AND products.active=1 AND IFNULL(products.isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND products.siteID='$this->siteID' GROUP BY products.id"; $selectProduct = $this->db->prepare($query); $selectProduct->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowProduct = $selectProduct->fetch(); $rowProduct['post_type'] = "product"; $rowProduct['images'] = explode("|", $rowProduct['image']); $rowProduct['image'] = $rowProduct['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowProduct['permalink'])) { $rowProduct['url'] = "/" . $rowProduct['permalink']; } else { $rowProduct['url'] = "/product/" . $rowProduct['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowProduct['title']); } $rowProduct['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("products", $rowProduct['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE products SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowProduct; } //Is_Get_GroupProducts Function public function is_get_groupProducts() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "group-products" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_GroupProducts Function public function get_groupProducts($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_groupProducts = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectGroupProducts = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM group_products WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowGroupProducts = $selectGroupProducts->fetch()) { $rowGroupProducts['images'] = @explode("|", $rowGroupProducts['image']); $rowGroupProducts['image'] = $rowGroupProducts['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowGroupProducts['permalink'])) { $rowGroupProducts['url'] = "/" . $rowGroupProducts['permalink']; } else { $rowGroupProducts['url'] = "/group-product/" . $rowGroupProducts['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowGroupProducts['title']); } $get_groupProducts[] = $rowGroupProducts; } return $get_groupProducts; } //Get_GroupProducts_By_Category Function public function get_groupProducts_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = @implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_groupProducts_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectGroupProducts = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM group_products WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowGroupProducts = $selectGroupProducts->fetch()) { $rowGroupProducts['images'] = @explode("|", $rowGroupProducts['image']); $rowGroupProducts['image'] = $rowGroupProducts['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowGroupProducts['permalink'])) { $rowGroupProducts['url'] = "/" . $rowGroupProducts['permalink']; } else { $rowGroupProducts['url'] = "/group-product/" . $rowGroupProducts['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowGroupProducts['title']); } $get_groupProducts_by_category[] = $rowGroupProducts; } return $get_groupProducts_by_category; } //Is_GroupProduct Function public function is_groupProduct() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "group-product" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //GroupProduct Function public function groupProduct($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "group-product" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->groupProduct = array(); $selectGroupProduct = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM group_products WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectGroupProduct->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowGroupProduct = $selectGroupProduct->fetch(); $rowGroupProduct['post_type'] = "groupProduct"; $rowGroupProduct['images'] = @explode("|", $rowGroupProduct['image']); $rowGroupProduct['image'] = $rowGroupProduct['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowGroupProduct['permalink'])) { $rowGroupProduct['url'] = "/" . $rowGroupProduct['permalink']; } else { $rowGroupProduct['url'] = "/group-product/" . $rowGroupProduct['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowGroupProduct['title']); } $rowGroupProduct['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("groupProducts", $rowGroupProduct['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE group_products SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowGroupProduct; } //Is_Get_Wishes Function public function is_get_wishes() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "wishes" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Wishes Function public function get_wishes($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_wishes = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectWishes = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM wishes WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowWishes = $selectWishes->fetch()) { $rowWishes['images'] = @explode("|", $rowWishes['image']); $rowWishes['image'] = $rowWishes['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowWishes['permalink'])) { $rowWishes['url'] = "/" . $rowWishes['permalink']; } else { $rowWishes['url'] = "/wish/" . $rowWishes['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowWishes['title']); } $get_wishes[] = $rowWishes; } return $get_wishes; } //Is_Wish Function public function is_wish() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "wish" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Wish Function public function wish($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "wish" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->wish = array(); $selectWish = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM wishes WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectWish->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowWish = $selectWish->fetch(); $rowWish['post_type'] = "wish"; $rowWish['images'] = explode("|", $rowWish['image']); $rowWish['image'] = $rowWish['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowWish['permalink'])) { $rowWish['url'] = "/" . $rowWish['permalink']; } else { $rowWish['url'] = "/wish/" . $rowWish['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowWish['title']); } $rowWish['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("wishes", $rowWish['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE wishes SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowWish; } //Is_Get_Pages Function public function is_get_pages() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "pages" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Pages Function public function get_pages($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_pages = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectPages = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowPages = $selectPages->fetch()) { $rowPages['images'] = @explode("|", $rowPages['image']); $rowPages['image'] = $rowPages['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowPages['permalink'])) { $rowPages['url'] = "/" . $rowPages['permalink']; } else { $rowPages['url'] = "/page/" . $rowPages['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowPages['title']); } $get_pages[] = $rowPages; } return $get_pages; } //Get_Pages_By_Category Function public function get_pages_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_pages_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectPages = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowPages = $selectPages->fetch()) { $rowPages['images'] = @explode("|", $rowPages['image']); $rowPages['image'] = $rowPages['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowPages['permalink'])) { $rowPages['url'] = "/" . $rowPages['permalink']; } else { $rowPages['url'] = "/page/" . $rowPages['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowPages['title']); } $get_pages_by_category[] = $rowPages; } return $get_pages_by_category; } //Is_Page Function public function is_page() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "page" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Page Function public function page($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "page" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->page = array(); $selectPage = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectPage->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowPage = $selectPage->fetch(); $rowPage['post_type'] = "page"; $rowPage['images'] = @explode("|", $rowPage['image']); $rowPage['image'] = $rowPage['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowPage['permalink'])) { $rowPage['url'] = "/" . $rowPage['permalink']; } else { $rowPage['url'] = "/page/" . $rowPage['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowPage['title']); } $rowPage['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("pages", $rowPage['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE pages SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowPage; } //Is_Get_Downloads Function public function is_get_downloads() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "downloads" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Downloads Function public function get_downloads($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_downloads = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectDownloads = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowDownloads = $selectDownloads->fetch()) { $rowDownloads['images'] = @explode("|", $rowDownloads['image']); $rowDownloads['image'] = $rowDownloads['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowDownloads['permalink'])) { $rowDownloads['url'] = "/" . $rowDownloads['permalink']; } else { $rowDownloads['url'] = "/download/" . $rowDownloads['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowDownloads['title']); } $get_downloads[] = $rowDownloads; } return $get_downloads; } //Get_Downloads_By_Category Function public function get_downloads_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_downloads_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectDownloads = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowDownloads = $selectDownloads->fetch()) { $rowDownloads['images'] = @explode("|", $rowDownloads['image']); $rowDownloads['image'] = $rowDownloads['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowDownloads['permalink'])) { $rowDownloads['url'] = "/" . $rowDownloads['permalink']; } else { $rowDownloads['url'] = "/download/" . $rowDownloads['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowDownloads['title']); } $get_downloads_by_category[] = $rowDownloads; } return $get_downloads_by_category; } //Is_Download Function public function is_download() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "download" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Download Function public function download($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "download" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->download = array(); $selectDownload = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectDownload->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowDownload = $selectDownload->fetch(); $rowDownload['post_type'] = "download"; $rowDownload['images'] = @explode("|", $rowDownload['image']); $rowDownload['image'] = $rowDownload['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowDownload['permalink'])) { $rowDownload['url'] = "/" . $rowDownload['permalink']; } else { $rowDownload['url'] = "/download/" . $rowDownload['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowDownload['title']); } $rowDownload['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("downloads", $rowDownload['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE downloads SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowDownload; } //Is_Get_Offers Function public function is_get_offers() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "offers" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Offers Function public function get_offers($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_offers = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectOffers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM offers WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowOffers = $selectOffers->fetch()) { $rowOffers['images'] = @explode("|", $rowOffers['image']); $rowOffers['image'] = $rowOffers['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowOffers['permalink'])) { $rowOffers['url'] = "/" . $rowOffers['permalink']; } else { $rowOffers['url'] = "/offer/" . $rowOffers['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowOffers['title']); } $get_offers[] = $rowOffers; } return $get_offers; } //Get_Offers_By_Category Function public function get_offers_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_offers_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectOffers = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM offers WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowOffers = $selectOffers->fetch()) { $rowOffers['images'] = @explode("|", $rowOffers['image']); $rowOffers['image'] = $rowOffers['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowOffers['permalink'])) { $rowOffers['url'] = "/" . $rowOffers['permalink']; } else { $rowOffers['url'] = "/offer/" . $rowOffers['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowOffers['title']); } $get_offers_by_category[] = $rowOffers; } return $get_offers_by_category; } //Is_Offer Function public function is_offer() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "offer" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Offer Function public function offer($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "offer" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->offer = array(); $selectOffer = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM offers WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectOffer->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowOffer = $selectOffer->fetch(); $rowOffer['post_type'] = "offer"; $rowOffer['images'] = @explode("|", $rowOffer['image']); $rowOffer['image'] = $rowOffer['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowOffer['permalink'])) { $rowOffer['url'] = "/" . $rowOffer['permalink']; } else { $rowOffer['url'] = "/offer/" . $rowOffer['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowOffer['title']); } $rowOffer['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("offers", $rowOffer['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE offers SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowOffer; } //Is_Get_Authors Function public function is_get_authors() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "authors" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Authors Function public function get_authors($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_authors = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectAuthors = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM authors WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowAuthors = $selectAuthors->fetch()) { $rowAuthors['images'] = @explode("|", $rowAuthors['image']); $rowAuthors['image'] = $rowAuthors['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowAuthors['permalink'])) { $rowAuthors['url'] = "/" . $rowAuthors['permalink']; } else { $rowAuthors['url'] = "/author/" . $rowAuthors['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowAuthors['title']); } $get_authors[] = $rowAuthors; } return $get_authors; } //Get_Authors_By_Category Function public function get_authors_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_authors_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectAuthors = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM authors WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowAuthors = $selectAuthors->fetch()) { $rowAuthors['images'] = @explode("|", $rowAuthors['image']); $rowAuthors['image'] = $rowAuthors['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowAuthors['permalink'])) { $rowAuthors['url'] = "/" . $rowAuthors['permalink']; } else { $rowAuthors['url'] = "/author/" . $rowAuthors['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowAuthors['title']); } $get_authors_by_category[] = $rowAuthors; } return $get_authors_by_category; } //Is_Author Function public function is_author() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "author" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Author Function public function author($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "author" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->author = array(); $selectAuthor = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM authors WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectAuthor->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowAuthor = $selectAuthor->fetch(); $rowAuthor['post_type'] = "author"; $rowAuthor['images'] = @explode("|", $rowAuthor['image']); $rowAuthor['image'] = $rowAuthor['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowAuthor['permalink'])) { $rowAuthor['url'] = "/" . $rowAuthor['permalink']; } else { $rowAuthor['url'] = "/author/" . $rowAuthor['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowAuthor['title']); } $rowAuthor['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("authors", $rowAuthor['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE authors SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowAuthor; } //Is_Get_Registerations Function public function is_get_registerations() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "registerations" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } // Get_Registerations Function public function get_registerations($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_registerations = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectRegisterations = $this->db->query(" SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery "); while ($rowRegisterations = $selectRegisterations->fetch()) { $rowRegisterations['images'] = @explode("|", $rowRegisterations['image']); $rowRegisterations['image'] = $rowRegisterations['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowRegisterations['permalink'])) { $rowRegisterations['url'] = "/" . $rowRegisterations['permalink']; } else { $rowRegisterations['url'] = "/registeration/" . $rowRegisterations['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowRegisterations['title']); } $get_registerations[] = $rowRegisterations; } return $get_registerations; } // Get_Registerations_By_Category Function public function get_registerations_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_registerations_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectRegisterations = $this->db->query(" SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery "); while ($rowRegisterations = $selectRegisterations->fetch()) { $rowRegisterations['images'] = @explode("|", $rowRegisterations['image']); $rowRegisterations['image'] = $rowRegisterations['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowRegisterations['permalink'])) { $rowRegisterations['url'] = "/" . $rowRegisterations['permalink']; } else { $rowRegisterations['url'] = "/registeration/" . $rowRegisterations['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowRegisterations['title']); } $get_registerations_by_category[] = $rowRegisterations; } return $get_registerations_by_category; } // Is_Registeration Function public function is_registeration() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "registeration" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Registeration Function public function registeration($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "registeration" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->registeration = array(); $selectRegisteration = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM registerations WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' "); $selectRegisteration->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowRegisteration = $selectRegisteration->fetch(); $rowRegisteration['post_type'] = "registeration"; $rowRegisteration['images'] = @explode("|", $rowRegisteration['image']); $rowRegisteration['image'] = $rowRegisteration['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowRegisteration['permalink'])) { $rowRegisteration['url'] = "/" . $rowRegisteration['permalink']; } else { $rowRegisteration['url'] = "/registeration/" . $rowRegisteration['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowRegisteration['title']); } $rowRegisteration['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("registerations", $rowRegisteration['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE registerations SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowRegisteration; } //Is_Get_Vips Function public function is_get_vips() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "vips" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Vips Function public function get_vips($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_vips = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectVips = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM vips WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowVips = $selectVips->fetch()) { $rowVips['images'] = @explode("|", $rowVips['image']); $rowVips['image'] = $rowVips['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowVips['permalink'])) { $rowVips['url'] = "/" . $rowVips['permalink']; } else { $rowVips['url'] = "/vip/" . $rowVips['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowVips['title']); } $get_vips[] = $rowVips; } return $get_vips; } //Get_Vips_By_Category Function public function get_vips_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_vips_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectVips = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM vips WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowVips = $selectVips->fetch()) { $rowVips['images'] = @explode("|", $rowVips['image']); $rowVips['image'] = $rowVips['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowVips['permalink'])) { $rowVips['url'] = "/" . $rowVips['permalink']; } else { $rowVips['url'] = "/vip/" . $rowVips['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowVips['title']); } $get_vips_by_category[] = $rowVips; } return $get_vips_by_category; } //Is_Vip Function public function is_vip() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "vip" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Vip Function public function vip($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "vip" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->vip = array(); $selectVip = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM vips WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectVip->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowVip = $selectVip->fetch(); $rowVip['post_type'] = "vip"; $rowVip['images'] = @explode("|", $rowVip['image']); $rowVip['image'] = $rowVip['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowVip['permalink'])) { $rowVip['url'] = "/" . $rowVip['permalink']; } else { $rowVip['url'] = "/vip/" . $rowVip['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowVip['title']); } $rowVip['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("vips", $rowVip['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE vips SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowVip; } //Is_Get_Estates Function public function is_get_estates() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "estates" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Estates Function public function get_estates($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_estates = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectEstates = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM estates WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowEstates = $selectEstates->fetch()) { $rowEstates['images'] = @explode("|", $rowEstates['image']); $rowEstates['image'] = $rowEstates['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowEstates['permalink'])) { $rowEstates['url'] = "/" . $rowEstates['permalink']; } else { $rowEstates['url'] = "/estate/" . $rowEstates['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowEstates['title']); } $get_estates[] = $rowEstates; } return $get_estates; } //Get_Estates_By_Category Function public function get_estates_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_estates_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $availableCategories = array("آپارتمان - مسکونی", "آپارتمان - اداری", "آپارتمان - اداری - مسکونی", "برج", "برج باغ", "دفتر کار-اداری", "دفتر کار-تجاری", "مغازه", "خانه ویلایی", "خانه کلنگی", "مستغلات", "زمین مسکونی", "زمین صنعتی", "زمین کشاورزی", "مرغداری و دامداری", "باغ", "کارگاه", "کارخانه", "انبار", "استخر پرورش ماهی", "پمپ بنزین", "کافی شاپ و رستوران", "سوله", "معدن"); if (in_array($category, $availableCategories)) { $selectEstates = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM estates WHERE category=$category AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowEstates = $selectEstates->fetch()) { $rowEstates['images'] = @explode("|", $rowEstates['image']); $rowEstates['image'] = $rowEstates['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowEstates['permalink'])) { $rowEstates['url'] = "/" . $rowEstates['permalink']; } else { $rowEstates['url'] = "/estate/" . $rowEstates['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowEstates['title']); } $get_estates_by_category[] = $rowEstates; } } return $get_estates_by_category; } //Is_Estate Function public function is_estate() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "estate" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Estate Function public function estate($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "estate" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->estate = array(); $selectEstate = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM estates WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectEstate->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowEstate = $selectEstate->fetch(); $rowEstate['post_type'] = "estate"; $rowEstate['images'] = @explode("|", $rowEstate['image']); $rowEstate['image'] = $rowEstate['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowEstate['permalink'])) { $rowEstate['url'] = "/" . $rowEstate['permalink']; } else { $rowEstate['url'] = "/estate/" . $rowEstate['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowEstate['title']); } $rowEstate['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("estates", $rowEstate['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE estates SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowEstate; } //Is_Get_Courses Function public function is_get_courses() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "courses" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Courses Function public function get_courses($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_courses = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectCourses = $this->db->query(" SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery "); while ($rowCourses = $selectCourses->fetch()) { $rowCourses['images'] = @explode("|", $rowCourses['image']); $rowCourses['image'] = $rowCourses['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowCourses['permalink'])) { $rowCourses['url'] = "/" . $rowCourses['permalink']; } else { $rowCourses['url'] = "/course/" . $rowCourses['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCourses['title']); } $get_courses[] = $rowCourses; } return $get_courses; } //Get_Courses_By_Category Function public function get_courses_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_courses_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectCourses = $this->db->query(" SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery "); while ($rowCourses = $selectCourses->fetch()) { $rowCourses['images'] = @explode("|", $rowCourses['image']); $rowCourses['image'] = $rowCourses['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowCourses['permalink'])) { $rowCourses['url'] = "/" . $rowCourses['permalink']; } else { $rowCourses['url'] = "/course/" . $rowCourses['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCourses['title']); } $get_courses_by_category[] = $rowCourses; } return $get_courses_by_category; } //Is_Course Function public function is_course() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "course" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Course Function public function course($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "course" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->course = array(); $selectCourse = $this->db->prepare(" SELECT *, (CASE WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)=1 AND auctionStartDate <= '$this->now' AND auctionExpireDate >= '$this->now') THEN auctionPrice WHEN (IFNULL(auctionStatus, 0)!=1 OR auctionStartDate > '$this->now' OR auctionExpireDate < '$this->now') THEN price END) AS realPrice FROM courses WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' "); $selectCourse->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowCourse = $selectCourse->fetch(); $rowCourse['post_type'] = "course"; $rowCourse['images'] = @explode("|", $rowCourse['image']); $rowCourse['image'] = $rowCourse['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowCourse['permalink'])) { $rowCourse['url'] = "/" . $rowCourse['permalink']; } else { $rowCourse['url'] = "/course/" . $rowCourse['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCourse['title']); } $rowCourse['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("courses", $rowCourse['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE courses SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowCourse; } //Get_Sessions_By_CourseID Function public function get_sessions_by_courseID($courseID) { $get_sessions_by_courseID = array(); $courseID = intval($courseID); $selectSessions = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE courseID=$courseID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY `interval` ASC"); while ($rowSessions = $selectSessions->fetch()) { $rowSessions['images'] = @explode("|", $rowSessions['image']); $rowSessions['image'] = $rowSessions['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowSessions['permalink'])) { $rowSessions['url'] = "/" . $rowSessions['permalink']; } else { $rowSessions['url'] = "/session/" . $rowSessions['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSessions['title']); } $get_sessions_by_courseID[] = $rowSessions; } return $get_sessions_by_courseID; } //Is_Session Function public function is_session() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "session" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Session Function public function session($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "session" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->session = array(); $selectSession = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectSession->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowSession = $selectSession->fetch(); $rowSession['post_type'] = "session"; $rowSession['images'] = @explode("|", $rowSession['image']); $rowSession['image'] = $rowSession['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowSession['permalink'])) { $rowSession['url'] = "/" . $rowSession['permalink']; } else { $rowSession['url'] = "/session/" . $rowSession['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSession['title']); } $rowSession['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("sessions", $rowSession['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE sessions SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowSession; } //Is_Get_Lessons Function public function is_get_lessons() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "lessons" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Lessons Function public function get_lessons($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $get_lessons = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectLessons = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM lessons WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowLessons = $selectLessons->fetch()) { $rowLessons['images'] = @explode("|", $rowLessons['image']); $rowLessons['image'] = $rowLessons['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowLessons['permalink'])) { $rowLessons['url'] = "/" . $rowLessons['permalink']; } else { $rowLessons['url'] = "/lesson/" . $rowLessons['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowLessons['title']); } $get_lessons[] = $rowLessons; } return $get_lessons; } //Get_Lessons_By_Category Function public function get_lessons_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_lessons_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectLessons = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM lessons WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowLessons = $selectLessons->fetch()) { $rowLessons['images'] = @explode("|", $rowLessons['image']); $rowLessons['image'] = $rowLessons['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowLessons['permalink'])) { $rowLessons['url'] = "/" . $rowLessons['permalink']; } else { $rowLessons['url'] = "/lesson/" . $rowLessons['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowLessons['title']); } $get_lessons_by_category[] = $rowLessons; } return $get_lessons_by_category; } //Is_Lesson Function public function is_lesson() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "lesson" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Lesson Function public function lesson($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "lesson" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->lesson = array(); $selectLesson = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM lessons WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectLesson->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowLesson = $selectLesson->fetch(); $rowLesson['post_type'] = "lesson"; $rowLesson['images'] = @explode("|", $rowLesson['image']); $rowLesson['image'] = $rowLesson['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowLesson['permalink'])) { $rowLesson['url'] = "/" . $rowLesson['permalink']; } else { $rowLesson['url'] = "/lesson/" . $rowLesson['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowLesson['title']); } $rowLesson['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("lessons", $rowLesson['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE lessons SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowLesson; } //Get_LessonEpisodes_By_LessonID Function public function get_lessonEpisodes_by_lessonID($lessonID) { $get_lessonEpisodes_by_lessonID = array(); $lessonID = intval($lessonID); $selectLessonEpisodes = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM lesson_episodes WHERE lessonID=$lessonID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY `interval` ASC"); while ($rowLessonEpisodes = $selectLessonEpisodes->fetch()) { $rowLessonEpisodes['images'] = @explode("|", $rowLessonEpisodes['image']); $rowLessonEpisodes['image'] = $rowLessonEpisodes['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowLessonEpisodes['permalink'])) { $rowLessonEpisodes['url'] = "/" . $rowLessonEpisodes['permalink']; } else { $rowLessonEpisodes['url'] = "/episode/" . $rowLessonEpisodes['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowLessonEpisodes['title']); } $get_lessonEpisodes_by_lessonID[] = $rowLessonEpisodes; } return $get_lessonEpisodes_by_lessonID; } //Is_LessonEpisode Function public function is_lessonEpisode() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "lessonepisode" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //LessonEpisode Function public function lessonEpisode($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "lessonepisode" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->lessonEpisode = array(); $selectLessonEpisode = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM lesson_episodes WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectLessonEpisode->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowLessonEpisode = $selectLessonEpisode->fetch(); $rowLessonEpisode['post_type'] = "lessonEpisode"; $rowLessonEpisode['images'] = @explode("|", $rowLessonEpisode['image']); $rowLessonEpisode['image'] = $rowLessonEpisode['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowLessonEpisode['permalink'])) { $rowLessonEpisode['url'] = "/" . $rowLessonEpisode['permalink']; } else { $rowLessonEpisode['url'] = "/episode/" . $rowLessonEpisode['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowLessonEpisode['title']); } $rowLessonEpisode['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("lessonEpisodes", $rowLessonEpisode['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE lesson_episodes SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowLessonEpisode; } //Is_Get_Galleries Function public function is_get_galleries() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "galleries" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Galleries Function public function get_galleries($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $galleries = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectGalleries = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowGalleries = $selectGalleries->fetch()) { $rowGalleries['images'] = @explode("|", $rowGalleries['image']); $rowGalleries['image'] = $rowGalleries['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowGalleries['permalink'])) { $rowGalleries['url'] = "/" . $rowGalleries['permalink']; } else { $rowGalleries['url'] = "/gallery/" . $rowGalleries['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowGalleries['title']); } $images = array(); $selectGalleryImages = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM gallery_images WHERE galleryID=:galleryID AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC $limitQuery"); $selectGalleryImages->execute(array(':galleryID' => $rowGalleries['id'])); while ($rowGalleryImages = $selectGalleryImages->fetch()) { array_push($images, array('id' => $rowGalleryImages['id'], 'title' => $rowGalleryImages['title'], 'image' => $rowGalleryImages['image'], 'description' => $rowGalleryImages['description'], 'option1' => $rowGalleryImages['option1'], 'option2' => $rowGalleryImages['option2'], 'option3' => $rowGalleryImages['option3'], 'option4' => $rowGalleryImages['option4'], 'option5' => $rowGalleryImages['option5'], 'option6' => $rowGalleryImages['option6'], 'option7' => $rowGalleryImages['option7'], 'option8' => $rowGalleryImages['option8'])); } $rowGalleries['images'] = $images; $galleries[] = $rowGalleries; } return $galleries; } //Get_Galleries_By_Category Function public function get_galleries_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_galleries_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectGalleries = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowGalleries = $selectGalleries->fetch()) { $rowGalleries['images'] = @explode("|", $rowGalleries['image']); $rowGalleries['image'] = $rowGalleries['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowGalleries['permalink'])) { $rowGalleries['url'] = "/" . $rowGalleries['permalink']; } else { $rowGalleries['url'] = "/gallery/" . $rowGalleries['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowGalleries['title']); } $get_galleries_by_category[] = $rowGalleries; } return $get_galleries_by_category; } //Is_Gallery Function public function is_gallery() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "gallery" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Gallery Function public function gallery($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "gallery" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->gallery = array(); $selectGallery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectGallery->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowGallery = $selectGallery->fetch(); $rowGallery['post_type'] = "gallery"; $rowGallery['images'] = @explode("|", $rowGallery['image']); $rowGallery['image'] = $rowGallery['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowGallery['permalink'])) { $rowGallery['url'] = "/" . $rowGallery['permalink']; } else { $rowGallery['url'] = "/gallery/" . $rowGallery['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowGallery['title']); } $images = array(); $selectGalleryImages = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM gallery_images WHERE galleryID=:galleryID AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectGalleryImages->execute(array(':galleryID' => $id)); while ($rowGalleryImages = $selectGalleryImages->fetch()) { $rowGalleryImages['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("galleryImages", $rowGalleryImages['id']); array_push($images, array('id' => $rowGalleryImages['id'], 'title' => $rowGalleryImages['title'], 'image' => $rowGalleryImages['image'], 'description' => $rowGalleryImages['description'], 'option1' => $rowGalleryImages['option1'], 'option2' => $rowGalleryImages['option2'], 'option3' => $rowGalleryImages['option3'], 'option4' => $rowGalleryImages['option4'], 'option5' => $rowGalleryImages['option5'], 'option6' => $rowGalleryImages['option6'], 'option7' => $rowGalleryImages['option7'], 'option8' => $rowGalleryImages['option8'], 'extraOptions' => $rowGalleryImages['extraOptions'])); } $rowGallery['images'] = $images; $rowGallery['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("galleries", $rowGallery['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE galleries SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowGallery; } //Get_Gallery_Images Function public function get_gallery_images($galleryID, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0, $offset=0) { $gallery_images = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; if (intval($offset) > 0) { $offsetQuery = "OFFSET " . $offset; } else { $offsetQuery = ""; } } else { $limitQuery = ""; } if (!empty($galleryID)) { $gallery_images = array(); $selectGalleryImages = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM gallery_images WHERE galleryID=:galleryID AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery $offsetQuery"); $selectGalleryImages->execute(array(':galleryID' => $galleryID)); $gallery_images = $selectGalleryImages->fetchAll(); } return $gallery_images; } //Is_Get_Audios Function public function is_get_audios() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "audios" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Audios Function public function get_audios($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $audios = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectAudios = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM audios WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowAudios = $selectAudios->fetch()) { $rowAudios['images'] = @explode("|", $rowAudios['image']); $rowAudios['image'] = $rowAudios['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowAudios['permalink'])) { $rowAudios['url'] = "/" . $rowAudios['permalink']; } else { $rowAudios['url'] = "/audio/" . $rowAudios['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowAudios['title']); } $audios[] = $rowAudios; } return $audios; } //Get_Audios_By_Category Function public function get_audios_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_audios_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectAudios = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM audios WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowAudios = $selectAudios->fetch()) { $rowAudios['images'] = @explode("|", $rowAudios['image']); $rowAudios['image'] = $rowAudios['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowAudios['permalink'])) { $rowAudios['url'] = "/" . $rowAudios['permalink']; } else { $rowAudios['url'] = "/audio/" . $rowAudios['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowAudios['title']); } $get_audios_by_category[] = $rowAudios; } return $get_audios_by_category; } //Is_Audio Function public function is_audio() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "audio" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Audio Function public function audio($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "audio" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->audio = array(); $selectAudio = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM audios WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectAudio->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowAudio = $selectAudio->fetch(); $rowAudio['post_type'] = "audio"; $rowAudio['images'] = @explode("|", $rowAudio['image']); $rowAudio['image'] = $rowAudio['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowAudio['permalink'])) { $rowAudio['url'] = "/" . $rowAudio['permalink']; } else { $rowAudio['url'] = "/audio/" . $rowAudio['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowAudio['title']); } $rowAudio['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("audios", $rowAudio['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE audios SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowAudio; } //Is_Get_Videos Function public function is_get_videos() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "videos" && empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Videos Function public function get_videos($orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $videos = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectVideos = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowVideos = $selectVideos->fetch()) { $rowVideos['images'] = @explode("|", $rowVideos['image']); $rowVideos['image'] = $rowVideos['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowVideos['permalink'])) { $rowVideos['url'] = "/" . $rowVideos['permalink']; } else { $rowVideos['url'] = "/video/" . $rowVideos['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowVideos['title']); } $videos[] = $rowVideos; } return $videos; } //Get_Videos_By_Category Function public function get_videos_by_category($category, $orderBy='sort ASC', $limit=0) { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_videos_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } $selectVideos = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND hidden=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); while ($rowVideos = $selectVideos->fetch()) { $rowVideos['images'] = @explode("|", $rowVideos['image']); $rowVideos['image'] = $rowVideos['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowVideos['permalink'])) { $rowVideos['url'] = "/" . $rowVideos['permalink']; } else { $rowVideos['url'] = "/video/" . $rowVideos['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowVideos['title']); } $get_videos_by_category[] = $rowVideos; } return $get_videos_by_category; } //Is_Video Function public function is_video() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "video" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Video Function public function video($countVisits=0) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "video" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->video = array(); $selectVideo = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectVideo->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowVideo = $selectVideo->fetch(); $rowVideo['post_type'] = "video"; $rowVideo['images'] = @explode("|", $rowVideo['image']); $rowVideo['image'] = $rowVideo['images'][0]; if (!empty($rowVideo['permalink'])) { $rowVideo['url'] = "/" . $rowVideo['permalink']; } else { $rowVideo['url'] = "/video/" . $rowVideo['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowVideo['title']); } $rowVideo['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("videos", $rowVideo['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE videos SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowVideo; } //Is_Forum Function public function is_forum() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "forum" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Forum Function public function forum() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "forum" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $this->forum = array(); $selectForum = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id=:id AND section='forum' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectForum->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowForum = $selectForum->fetch(); if (!empty($rowForum['permalink'])) { $rowForum['url'] = "/" . $rowForum['permalink']; } else { $rowForum['url'] = "/forum/" . $rowForum['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowForum['title']); } } return $rowForum; } //Get_Forums Function public function get_forums($orderMode='ASC') { $get_forums = array(); if (strtolower($orderMode) == "asc") { $orderMode = "ASC"; } elseif (strtolower($orderMode) == "desc") { $orderMode = "DESC"; } else { $orderMode = "DESC"; } $selectCategories = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parentID=0 AND section='forum' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort $orderMode"); while ($rowCategories = $selectCategories->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowCategories['permalink'])) { $rowCategories['url'] = "/" . $rowCategories['permalink']; } else { $rowCategories['url'] = "/forum/" . $rowCategories['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowCategories['title']); } $subCategories = array(); $selectSubCategories = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE parentID=$rowCategories[id] AND section='forum' AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort $orderMode"); while ($rowSubCategories = $selectSubCategories->fetch()) { if (!empty($rowSubCategories['permalink'])) { $subUrl = "/" . $rowSubCategories['permalink']; } else { $subUrl = "/forum/" . $rowSubCategories['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowSubCategories['title']); } array_push($subCategories, array('id' => $rowSubCategories['id'], 'title' => $rowSubCategories['title'], 'permalink' => $rowSubCategories['permalink'], 'image' => $rowSubCategories['image'], 'parentID' => $rowSubCategories['parentID'], 'parentName' => $rowSubCategories['parentName'], 'section' => $rowSubCategories['section'], 'url' => $subUrl)); } $rowCategories['subCategories'] = $subCategories; $get_forums[] = $rowCategories; } return $get_forums; } //savePost public function save_post() { if (!empty($_SESSION['userID']) && !empty($_REQUEST['post'])) { $insert = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO topics (siteID,userID,title,post,topicID,categoryID,categoryName,date,open) VALUES ('$this->siteID', :userID, :title, :post, :topicID, :categoryID, :categoryName, :date, 1)"); $userID = intval($_SESSION['userID']); if (!empty($_REQUEST['title'])) { $title = $_REQUEST['title']; } else { $title = ''; } $post = $_REQUEST['post']; $topicID = intval($_REQUEST['topicID']); if (intval($_REQUEST['categoryID']) != 0) { $categoryID = intval($_REQUEST['categoryID']); } elseif ($this->is_forum()) { $forum = $this->forum(); if (intval($forum['id']) != 0) { $categoryID = intval($forum['id']); } } elseif ($this->is_topic()) { $topic = $this->topic(); if (intval($topic['categoryID']) != 0) { $categoryID = intval($topic['categoryID']); } } $categoryID = intval($categoryID); $selectCategory = $this->db->query("SELECT title FROM categories WHERE id=$categoryID AND section='forum' AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($selectCategory->rowCount() != 0) { $rowCategory = $selectCategory->fetch(); $categoryName = $rowCategory['title']; $insert->execute(array(':userID'=>$userID, ':title'=>$title, ':post'=>$post, ':topicID'=>$topicID, ':categoryID'=>$categoryID, ':categoryName'=>$categoryName, ':date'=>time())); return true; } else { $this->error = "شناسه دسته اشتباه است"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = "لطفا فیلد های الزامی را کامل پر نمائید"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } //editPost public function edit_post() { if (!empty($_SESSION['userID']) && !empty($_REQUEST['post']) && !empty($_POST['editID'])) { $editID = intval($_POST['editID']); $userID = intval($_SESSION['userID']); $selectPost = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE id=$editID AND userID=$userID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); if ($selectPost->rowCount() != 0) { $post = $_REQUEST['post']; $update = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE topics SET `post`=:post WHERE id=$editID AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $update->execute(array(':post'=>$post)); return true; } else { $this->error = "لطفا فیلد های الزامی را کامل پر نمائید"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } else { $this->error = "شما قادر به ویرایش این پست نیستید"; $this->errorType = 'error'; return false; } } //Is_Topic Function public function is_topic() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "topic" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Get_Latest_Topics Function public function get_latest_topics($limit=0, $orderMode='date DESC', $search_keyword="") { $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderMode); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } if (!empty($search_keyword)) { $searchQuery = "AND (title LIKE :title OR post LIKE :post)"; $executeArray = array(":title"=>"%".$search_keyword."%", ":post"=>"%".$search_keyword."%"); } else { $searchQuery = ""; $executeArray = array(); } $selectTopics = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE topicID=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $searchQuery $orderBy $limitQuery"); $selectTopics->execute($executeArray); while ($rowTopics = $selectTopics->fetch()) { $rowTopics['url'] = "/topic/" . $rowTopics['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowTopics['title']); $get_topics_by_category[] = $rowTopics; } return $get_topics_by_category; } //Get_Topics_By_Category Function public function get_topics_by_category($category, $limit=0, $orderMode='date DESC', $search_keyword="") { $this->subCategories = Array(); $categories = implode(",", $this->get_sub_categories($category)); $get_topics_by_category = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderMode); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } if (!empty($search_keyword)) { $searchQuery = "AND (title LIKE :title OR post LIKE :post)"; $executeArray = array(":title"=>"%".$search_keyword."%", ":post"=>"%".$search_keyword."%"); } else { $searchQuery = ""; $executeArray = array(); } $selectTopics = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE categoryID IN ($categories) AND topicID=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $searchQuery $orderBy $limitQuery"); $selectTopics->execute($executeArray); while ($rowTopics = $selectTopics->fetch()) { $rowTopics['url'] = "/topic/" . $rowTopics['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowTopics['title']); $get_topics_by_category[] = $rowTopics; } return $get_topics_by_category; } //Get_Topics_By_Category Function public function get_topics_by_userID($userID, $limit=0, $orderMode='date DESC', $search_keyword="") { $userID = intval($userID); $get_topics_by_userID = array(); $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderMode); if (intval($limit) > 0) { $limitQuery = "LIMIT " . $limit; } else { $limitQuery = ""; } if (!empty($search_keyword)) { $searchQuery = "AND (title LIKE :title OR post LIKE :post)"; $executeArray = array(":title"=>"%".$search_keyword."%", ":post"=>"%".$search_keyword."%"); } else { $searchQuery = ""; $executeArray = array(); } //Select Topics $selectTopics = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE userID=$userID AND topicID=0 AND siteID='$this->siteID' $searchQuery $orderBy $limitQuery"); $selectTopics->execute($executeArray); while ($rowTopics = $selectTopics->fetch()) { $rowTopics['url'] = "/topic/" . $rowTopics['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowTopics['title']); $get_topics_by_category[] = $rowTopics; } //Select Answered Topics $selectTopics = $this->db->prepare("SELECT mainTopic.* FROM topics AS mainTopic JOIN topics AS answerTopic ON mainTopic.id=answerTopic.topicID WHERE answerTopic.userID=$userID AND answerTopic.topicID!=0 AND mainTopic.siteID='$this->siteID' $searchQuery GROUP BY mainTopic.id $orderBy $limitQuery"); $selectTopics->execute($executeArray); while ($rowTopics = $selectTopics->fetch()) { $rowTopics['url'] = "/topic/" . $rowTopics['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowTopics['title']); $get_topics_by_category[] = $rowTopics; } return $get_topics_by_category; } //Topic Function public function topic($ID=null) { if (empty($ID)) { $ID = intval($_GET['id']); } if (!empty($ID)) { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "topic") { $this->topic = array(); $selectTopic = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, topics.id AS id, topics.date AS date, users.date AS userRegisterDate FROM topics JOIN users ON topics.userID=users.id WHERE topics.id=:id AND topics.siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectTopic->execute(array(':id' => $ID)); if ($selectTopic->rowCount() != 0) { $rowTopic = $selectTopic->fetch(); $rowTopic['url'] = "/topic/" . $rowTopic['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowTopic['title']); $answers = array(); $selectAnswers = $this->db->query("SELECT *, topics.id AS id, topics.date AS date, users.date AS userRegisterDate FROM topics JOIN users ON topics.userID=users.id WHERE topics.topicID=$rowTopic[id] AND topics.siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY topics.date ASC"); while ($rowAnswers = $selectAnswers->fetch()) { $postCount = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM topics WHERE userID=$rowAnswers[userID] AND siteID='$this->siteID'")->rowCount(); array_push($answers, array('id' => $rowAnswers['id'], 'userID' => $rowAnswers['userID'], 'username' => $rowAnswers['username'], 'firstname' => $rowAnswers['firstname'], 'lastname' => $rowAnswers['lastname'], 'title' => $rowAnswers['title'], 'post' => $rowAnswers['post'], 'topicID' => $rowAnswers['topicID'], 'categoryID' => $rowAnswers['categoryID'], 'categoryName' => $rowAnswers['categoryName'], 'date' => $rowAnswers['date'], 'userRegisterDate' => $rowAnswers['userRegisterDate'], 'image' => $rowAnswers['image'], 'active' => $rowAnswers['active'], 'upvote' => $rowAnswers['upvote'], 'downvote' => $rowAnswers['downvote'], 'illegal' => $rowAnswers['illegal'], 'postCount' => $postCount)); } $rowTopic['postCount'] = $this->db->query("SELECT id FROM topics WHERE userID=$rowTopic[userID] AND siteID='$this->siteID'")->rowCount(); $rowTopic['answers'] = $answers; $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE topics SET visits=visits+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $rowTopic['id'])); } } return $rowTopic; } } //Is_Form Function public function is_form() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "form" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Form Function public function form() { if (!empty($_POST)) { //Select Form $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectForm = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectForm->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowForm = $selectForm->fetch(); //Select Form Inputs $selectFormInputs = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM form_inputs WHERE formID=:formID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectFormInputs->execute(array(':formID' => $rowForm['id'])); //Check For Captcha if ($rowForm['captcha'] == 1) { require_once 'inc/securimage.php'; $img = new Securimage(); if ($img->check($_POST['captcha']) == false) { $message = "کد امنیتی وارد شده صحیح نمی باشد"; } } $insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO `frm_' . $this->siteID . '_' . $rowForm['name'] . '` ({1}) VALUES ({2})'; $fields[] = "_date"; $placeholders[] = ":_date"; $values[] = time(); $body = 'تاریخ : ' . jdate("Y/m/d ساعت H:i") . '
          '; while ($rowFormInputs = $selectFormInputs->fetch()) { //Upload File if is File if ($rowFormInputs['type'] == "file") { $maxFileSize = $this->convertPHPSizeToBytes(@ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); if (empty($maxFileSize)) { $maxFileSize = 1048576; } $valid_formats = explode(",", str_replace(".", "", $rowFormInputs['options'])); $pre = ''; $path = "uploads/form/"; chmod($pre . $path, 0777); if (isset($_POST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $name = $_FILES[$rowFormInputs['name']]['name']; $size = $_FILES[$rowFormInputs['name']]['size']; $tmp = $_FILES[$rowFormInputs['name']]['tmp_name']; $type = $_FILES[$rowFormInputs['name']]['type']; if (strlen($name)) { list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $name); if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $valid_formats)) { if (!empty($size) && $size < $maxFileSize) //1 MB { if (file_exists($pre . $path . str_replace(" ", "-", urldecode($name)))) { $finalName = time() . "." . strtolower($ext); } else { $finalName = str_replace(" ", "-", urldecode($name)); } if (move_uploaded_file($tmp, $pre . $path . $finalName)) { $_POST[$rowFormInputs['name']] = '/' . $path . $finalName; } else { $message = 'متاسفانه در آپلود فایل مشکلی پیش آمده است'; } } else { $message = 'حداکثر حجم فایل ' . $this->convertBytes($maxFileSize) . ' است'; } } else { $message = 'این فرمت پشتیبانی نمی شود'; } } } } $fields[] = "`" . $rowFormInputs['name'] . "`"; $placeholders[] = ":" . $rowFormInputs['name']; if (is_array($_POST[$rowFormInputs['name']])) { $value = implode(",", $_POST[$rowFormInputs['name']]); } else { $value = $_POST[$rowFormInputs['name']]; } $values[] = $value; //Validation if ($rowFormInputs['required'] == 1 && empty($_POST[$rowFormInputs['name']]) && empty($_FILES[$rowFormInputs['name']]['name'])) { $message = "لطفا فیلد های الزامی را کامل پر نمائید"; } elseif ($rowFormInputs['name'] == "email" && !empty($_POST['email']) && !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $message = "آدرس ایمیل وارد شده صحیح نمیباشد"; } elseif ($rowFormInputs['name'] == "mobile" && !empty($_POST['mobile']) && (substr($_POST['mobile'], 0, 2) != "09" || strlen($_POST['mobile']) != 11)) { $message = "شماره موبایل وارد شده صحیح نمیباشد"; } //Email Body Text $body .= $rowFormInputs['title'] . ' : ' . $value . '
          '; } $insertQuery = str_replace(array("{1}", "{2}"), array(implode(",", $fields), implode(",", $placeholders)), $insertQuery); if (empty($message)) { //it's OK -> Insert $insertForm = $this->db->prepare($insertQuery); if ($insertForm->execute(array_combine($placeholders, $values))) { $message = $rowForm['okMessage']; } else { $message = $rowForm['errorMessage']; } //Check to Send Email $emails = explode(",", $rowForm['email']); foreach ($emails as $email) { if (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { if (!empty($_POST['subject'])) { $this->sendEmail($_POST['subject'], $body, $email, $_POST['email'], $_POST['email']); } else { $this->sendEmail("یک نفر فرم " . $rowForm['title'] . " را پر کرده است", $body, $email, $_POST['email'], $_POST['email']); } } } } } if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "form" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $rowForm = array(); $selectForm = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectForm->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowForm = $selectForm->fetch(); $rowForm['post_type'] = 'form'; $rowForm['action'] = "/form/" . $id . "/" . $rowForm['title']; $rowForm['submit_btn'] = ''; $rowForm['reset_btn'] = ''; $rowForm['message'] = $message; if ($rowForm['captcha'] == 1) { $rowForm['captcha_input'] = ' captcha Refresh'; } else { $rowForm['captcha_input'] = ''; } $rowForm['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("forms", $rowForm['id']); } return $rowForm; } //Get Form Inputs Function public function get_form_inputs($formID) { $get_form_inputs = array(); $selectFormInputs = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM form_inputs WHERE formID=:formID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectFormInputs->execute(array(':formID' => $formID)); while ($rowFormInputs = $selectFormInputs->fetch()) { $id = $rowFormInputs['id']; $name = $rowFormInputs['name']; $title = $rowFormInputs['title']; if (!empty($_POST[$rowFormInputs['name']])) { $value = $_POST[$rowFormInputs['name']]; } else { $value = $rowFormInputs['value']; } $help = $rowFormInputs['help']; $required = $rowFormInputs['required']; $type = $rowFormInputs['type']; if ($required == 1) { $requiredClass = 'required'; } else { $requiredClass = ''; } $input = ''; if (strtolower($type) == "text" || strtolower($type) == "password" || strtolower($type) == "hidden") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "textarea") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "file") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "select") { if (!empty($rowFormInputs['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowFormInputs['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { if ($option == $value) { $options .= ''; } else { $options .= ''; } } $input = ''; } } elseif (strtolower($type) == "radio") { if (!empty($rowFormInputs['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowFormInputs['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { $ID += 1; if ($option == $value) { $input .= '
          '; } else { $input .= '
          '; } } } } elseif (strtolower($type) == "checkbox") { if (!empty($rowFormInputs['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowFormInputs['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { $ID += 1; if ($option == $value) { $input .= '
          '; } else { $input .= '
          '; } } } } if (!empty($input)) { array_push($get_form_inputs, array('id' => $id, 'formID' => $formID, 'name' => $name, 'title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'help' => $help, 'required' => $required, 'type' => $type, 'options' => $options, 'input' => $input)); } } return $get_form_inputs; } //Get Form Inputs Function public function get_users_meta_inputs($cssClass="") { $get_users_meta_inputs = array(); $selectUsersMetaInputs = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users_meta_inputs WHERE active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); while ($rowUsersMetaInputs = $selectUsersMetaInputs->fetch()) { $id = $rowUsersMetaInputs['id']; $name = $rowUsersMetaInputs['name']; $title = $rowUsersMetaInputs['title']; if (!empty($_POST[$rowUsersMetaInputs['name']])) { $value = $_POST[$rowUsersMetaInputs['name']]; } else { $value = $rowUsersMetaInputs['value']; } $help = $rowUsersMetaInputs['help']; $required = $rowUsersMetaInputs['required']; $type = $rowUsersMetaInputs['type']; if ($required == 1) { $requiredClass = 'required'; } else { $requiredClass = ''; } $input = ''; if (strtolower($type) == "text" || strtolower($type) == "password" || strtolower($type) == "hidden") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "textarea") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "file") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "select") { if (!empty($rowUsersMetaInputs['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowUsersMetaInputs['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { if ($option == $value) { $options .= ''; } else { $options .= ''; } } $input = ''; } } elseif (strtolower($type) == "radio") { if (!empty($rowUsersMetaInputs['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowUsersMetaInputs['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { $ID += 1; if ($option == $value) { $input .= '
          '; } else { $input .= '
          '; } } } } elseif (strtolower($type) == "checkbox") { if (!empty($rowUsersMetaInputs['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowUsersMetaInputs['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { $ID += 1; if ($option == $value) { $input .= '
          '; } else { $input .= '
          '; } } } } if (!empty($input)) { array_push($get_users_meta_inputs, array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name, 'title' => $title, 'value' => $value, 'help' => $help, 'required' => $required, 'type' => $type, 'options' => $options, 'input' => $input)); } } return $get_users_meta_inputs; } //Is_Test Function public function is_test() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "test" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Is_Exam Function public function is_exam() { if (strtolower($_REQUEST['action']) == "exam" && !empty($_GET['id'])) { return true; } } //Test Function public function test($countVisits=0) { if (!empty($_POST)) { //Select Test $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectTest = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tests WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectTest->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowTest = $selectTest->fetch(); //Select Test Fields $selectTestFields = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM test_fields WHERE testID=:testID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectTestFields->execute(array(':testID' => $rowTest['id'])); $insertQuery = 'INSERT INTO `tst_' . $this->siteID . '_' . $rowTest['name'] . '` ({1}) VALUES ({2})'; $fields[] = "_date"; $fields[] = "_userID"; $fields[] = "_price"; $placeholders[] = ":_date"; $placeholders[] = ":_userID"; $placeholders[] = ":_price"; $values[] = time(); $values[] = $_SESSION['userID']; $values[] = intval($_REQUEST['price']); $body = 'تاریخ : ' . jdate("Y/m/d ساعت H:i") . '
          '; while ($rowTestFields = $selectTestFields->fetch()) { //Upload File if is File if ($rowTestFields['type'] == "file") { $maxFileSize = $this->convertPHPSizeToBytes(@ini_get('upload_max_filesize')); if (empty($maxFileSize)) { $maxFileSize = 1048576; } $valid_testats = explode(",", str_replace(".", "", $rowTestFields['options'])); $pre = ''; $path = "uploads/test/"; chmod($pre . $path, 0777); if (isset($_POST) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { $name = $_FILES[$rowTestFields['name']]['name']; $size = $_FILES[$rowTestFields['name']]['size']; $tmp = $_FILES[$rowTestFields['name']]['tmp_name']; $type = $_FILES[$rowTestFields['name']]['type']; if (strlen($name)) { list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $name); if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $valid_testats)) { if (!empty($size) && $size < $maxFileSize) //1 MB { if (file_exists($pre . $path . str_replace(" ", "-", urldecode($name)))) { $finalName = time() . "." . strtolower($ext); } else { $finalName = str_replace(" ", "-", urldecode($name)); } if (move_uploaded_file($tmp, $pre . $path . $finalName)) { $_POST[$rowTestFields['name']] = '/' . $path . $finalName; } else { $message = 'متاسفانه در آپلود فایل مشکلی پیش آمده است'; } } else { $message = 'حداکثر حجم فایل ' . $this->convertBytes($maxFileSize) . ' است'; } } else { $message = 'این فرمت پشتیبانی نمی شود'; } } } } $fields[] = "`" . $rowTestFields['name'] . "`"; $placeholders[] = ":" . $rowTestFields['name']; if (is_array($_POST[$rowTestFields['name']])) { $values[] = implode(",", $_POST[$rowTestFields['name']]); } else { $values[] = $_POST[$rowTestFields['name']]; } //Validation if ($rowTestFields['required'] == 1 && empty($_POST[$rowTestFields['name']])) { $message = "لطفا فیلد های الزامی را کامل پر نمائید"; } elseif ($rowTestFields['name'] == "email" && !empty($_POST['mobile']) && !filter_var($_POST['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $message = "آدرس ایمیل وارد شده صحیح نمیباشد"; } elseif ($rowTestFields['name'] == "mobile" && !empty($_POST['mobile']) && (substr($_POST['mobile'], 0, 2) != "09" || strlen($_POST['mobile']) != 11)) { $message = "شماره موبایل وارد شده صحیح نمیباشد"; } //Email Body Text $body .= $rowTestFields['title'] . ' : ' . $_POST[$rowTestFields['name']] . '
          '; } $insertQuery = str_replace(array("{1}", "{2}"), array(implode(",", $fields), implode(",", $placeholders)), $insertQuery); if (empty($message)) { //it's OK -> Insert //$insertTest = $this->db->prepare($insertQuery); //$insertTest->execute(array_combine($placeholders, $values)); } else { $this->error = $message; $this->errorType = 'error'; } } if (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $rowTest = array(); $selectTest = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tests WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectTest->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowTest = $selectTest->fetch(); $rowTest['post_type'] = 'test'; $rowTest['images'] = @explode("|", $rowTest['image']); $rowTest['image'] = $images[0]; if (!empty($rowTest['permalink'])) { $rowTest['url'] = "/" . $rowTest['permalink']; } else { $rowTest['url'] = "/test/" . $rowTest['id'] . "/" . $this->safeUrl($rowTest['title']); } $rowTest['message'] = $message; $rowTest['extraOptions'] = $this->getExtraOptions("tests", $rowTest['id']); if ($countVisits == 0) { $updateVisits = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE tests SET visits=IFNULL(visits,0)+1 WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $updateVisits->execute(array(':id' => $id)); } } return $rowTest; } //Get Test Inputs Function public function get_test_fields($testID) { $get_test_fields = array(); $selectTestFields = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM test_fields WHERE testID=:testID AND siteID='$this->siteID' ORDER BY sort ASC"); $selectTestFields->execute(array(':testID' => $testID)); while ($rowTestFields = $selectTestFields->fetch()) { $id = $rowTestFields['id']; $name = $rowTestFields['name']; $title = $rowTestFields['title']; if (!empty($_POST[$rowTestFields['name']])) { $value = $_POST[$rowTestFields['name']]; } else { $value = $rowTestFields['value']; } $help = $rowTestFields['help']; $required = $rowTestFields['required']; $type = $rowTestFields['type']; if ($required == 1) { $requiredClass = 'required'; } else { $requiredClass = ''; } $input = ''; if (strtolower($type) == "text" || strtolower($type) == "password" || strtolower($type) == "hidden") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "textarea") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "file") { $input = ''; } elseif (strtolower($type) == "select") { if (!empty($rowTestFields['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowTestFields['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { if ($option == $value) { $options .= ''; } else { $options .= ''; } } $input = ''; } } elseif (strtolower($type) == "radio") { if (!empty($rowTestFields['options'])) { $explodeOptions = explode(",", $rowTestFields['options']); $options = ''; foreach($explodeOptions AS $option) { $ID += 1; if ($option == $value) { $input .= '
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''; $rss .= ''; $rss .= '' . $this->protocol . '://' . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . ''; $rss .= ' ' . $this->protocol . '://' . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . '/' . $this->template_path . '/images/rss-logo.png ' . $this->settings['siteName'] . ' ' . $this->protocol . '://' . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . ' '; $rss .= '' . $type . ' RSS feed'; $rss .= 'fa-ir'; $rss .= 'Copyright (C) ' . date("Y") . ' ' . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . ''; $selectRss = $this->db->query($query); while($rowRss = $selectRss->fetch()) { $rowRss['images'] = @explode("|", $rowRss['image']); $rowRss['image'] = $rowRss['images'][0]; $rss .= ''; $rss .= '' . str_replace(" ", " ", $rowRss['title']) . ''; $rss .= ' protocol . '://' . $this->settings['siteAddress'] . '/' . $rowRss['image'] . '" alt="' . $rowRss['title'] . '" width="100" /> ' . $rowRss['description'] . ' ]]> '; if (!empty($rowRss['price'])) { $rss .= '' . $rowRss['price'] . 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''; $rss .= ''; } $rss .= ''; $rss .= ''; } return $rss; } //comment public function comment($array) { $insertComment = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO comment (siteID,userID,name,email,mobile,comment,commentID,type,typeID,typeTitle,date,active) VALUES ('$this->siteID', :userID, :name, :email, :mobile, :comment, :commentID, :type, :typeID, :typeTitle, :date, :active)"); if ($array['typeID']==null) { $array['typeID'] = intval($_GET['id']); } else { $array['typeID'] = intval($array['typeID']); } if ($array['type']==null) { $array['type'] = $_REQUEST['action']; } if ($array['date']==null) { $array['date'] = time(); } if ($array['active']==null) { $array['active'] = 0; } //typeTitle if ($array['type'] == "article") { $table = "articles"; } elseif ($array['type'] == "news") { $table = "news"; } elseif ($array['type'] == "product") { $table = "products"; } elseif ($array['type'] == "groupProduct") { $table = "group_products"; } elseif ($array['type'] == "wish") { $table = "wishes"; } elseif ($array['type'] == "page") { $table = "pages"; 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$rowTitle = $selectTitle->fetch(); $array['typeTitle'] = $rowTitle['title']; } else { $array['typeTitle'] = $rowTitle['title']; } if ($array['comment'] != "") { $insertComment->execute(array(':userID'=>$array['userID'], ':name'=>$array['name'], ':email'=>$array['email'], ':mobile'=>$array['mobile'], ':comment'=>$array['comment'], ':commentID'=>intval($array['commentID']), ':type'=>$array['type'], ':typeID'=>$array['typeID'], ':typeTitle'=>$array['typeTitle'], ':date'=>$array['date'], ':active'=>$array['active'])); return true; } else { return false; } } //Get_Comments Function public function get_comments($commentID=0, $type=null, $typeID=null, $orderBy="comment.date DESC", $showToUser=true, $showToAdmin=true, $limitQuery='') { $comments = array(); $order = $orderBy; $orderBy = $this->orderBy($orderBy); $comments = array(); $commentID = intval($commentID); if (empty($typeID)) { $typeID = $_GET['id']; } if (empty($type)) { $type = $_REQUEST['action']; } $user = $this->getUserByID($_SESSION['userID']); if ($showToAdmin == true && !empty($user) && $user['type'] == 0) { $selectComments = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, comment.id AS id, comment.type AS type, comment.email AS email, comment.mobile AS mobile, comment.date AS date, comment.active AS active, comment.note AS note FROM comment LEFT JOIN users ON comment.userID=users.id WHERE comment.commentID=$commentID AND comment.type=:type AND comment.typeID=:typeID AND comment.siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); } else { if ($showToUser == true && !empty($_SESSION['userID'])) { $selectComments = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, comment.id AS id, comment.type AS type, comment.email AS email, comment.mobile AS mobile, comment.date AS date, comment.active AS active, comment.note AS note FROM comment LEFT JOIN users ON comment.userID=users.id WHERE comment.commentID=$commentID AND comment.type=:type AND comment.typeID=:typeID AND (comment.active=1 OR comment.userID=$_SESSION[userID]) AND comment.siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); } else { $selectComments = $this->db->prepare("SELECT *, comment.id AS id, comment.type AS type, comment.email AS email, comment.mobile AS mobile, comment.date AS date, comment.active AS active, comment.note AS note FROM comment LEFT JOIN users ON comment.userID=users.id WHERE comment.commentID=$commentID AND comment.type=:type AND comment.typeID=:typeID AND comment.active=1 AND comment.siteID='$this->siteID' $orderBy $limitQuery"); } } $selectComments->execute(array(":type"=>$type, ":typeID"=>$typeID)); while ($rowComments = $selectComments->fetch()) { $rowComments['answers'] = $this->get_comments($rowComments['id'], $type, $typeID, "comment.date ASC", $showToUser, $showToAdmin); $comments[] = $rowComments; } return $comments; } //Title Function public function title($append="") { if ($this->is_get_articles() == true) { return "مقالات" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_article() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectArticle = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM articles WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectArticle->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowArticle = $selectArticle->fetch(); return $rowArticle['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_news() == true) { return "اخبار" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_news() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectNews = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM news WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectNews->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowNews = $selectNews->fetch(); return $rowNews['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_products() == true) { return "محصولات" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_product() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectProduct = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND IFNULL(isDeleted, 0)!=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectProduct->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowProduct = $selectProduct->fetch(); return $rowProduct['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_groupProducts() == true) { return "گروه محصولات" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_groupProduct() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectGroupProducts = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM group_products WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectGroupProducts->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowGroupProducts = $selectGroupProducts->fetch(); return $rowGroupProducts['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_wishes() == true) { return "آرزو ها" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_wish() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectWishes = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM wishes WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectWishes->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowWishes = $selectWishes->fetch(); return $rowWishes['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_pages() == true) { return "صفحات سایت" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_page() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectPage = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM pages WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectPage->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowPage = $selectPage->fetch(); return $rowPage['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_downloads() == true) { return "دانلود ها" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_download() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectDownload = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM downloads WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectDownload->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowDownload = $selectDownload->fetch(); return $rowDownload['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_offers() == true) { return "پیشنهادات ویژه" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_offer() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectOffer = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM offers WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectOffer->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowOffer = $selectOffer->fetch(); return $rowOffer['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_authors() == true) { return "نویسنده" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_author() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectAuthor = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM authors WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectAuthor->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowAuthor = $selectAuthor->fetch(); return $rowAuthor['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_registerations() == true) { return "ثبت نام ها" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_registeration() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectRegisteration = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM registerations WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectRegisteration->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowRegisteration = $selectRegisteration->fetch(); return $rowRegisteration['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_courses() == true) { return "دوره ها" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_course() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectCourse = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM courses WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectCourse->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowCourse = $selectCourse->fetch(); return $rowCourse['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_session() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectSession = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM sessions WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectSession->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowSession = $selectSession->fetch(); return $rowSession['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_lessons() == true) { return "درس ها" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_lesson() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectLesson = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM lessons WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectLesson->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowLesson = $selectLesson->fetch(); return $rowLesson['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_lessonEpisode() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectLessonEpisode = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM lesson_episodes WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectLessonEpisode->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowLessonEpisode = $selectLessonEpisode->fetch(); return $rowLessonEpisode['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_vips() == true) { return "مطالب اعضای ویژه" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_vip() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectVip = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM vips WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectVip->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowVip = $selectVip->fetch(); return $rowVip['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_estates() == true) { return "املاک" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_estate() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectEstate = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM estates WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectEstate->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowEstate = $selectEstate->fetch(); return $rowEstate['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_audios() == true) { return "فایل های صوتی" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_audio() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectAudio = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM audios WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectAudio->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowAudio = $selectAudio->fetch(); return $rowAudio['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_videos() == true) { return "فایل های تصویری" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_video() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectVideo = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM videos WHERE id=:id AND publishDate <= $this->now AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectVideo->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowVideo = $selectVideo->fetch(); return $rowVideo['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_form() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectForm = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM forms WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectForm->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowForm = $selectForm->fetch(); return $rowForm['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_test() == true || $this->is_exam() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectTest = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM tests WHERE id=:id AND active=1 AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectTest->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowTest = $selectTest->fetch(); return $rowTest['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_get_galleries() == true) { return "گالری تصاویر" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_gallery() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectGallery = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM galleries WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectGallery->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowGallery = $selectGallery->fetch(); return $rowGallery['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_category() == true) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $selectCategory = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE id=:id AND siteID='$this->siteID'"); $selectCategory->execute(array(':id' => $id)); $rowCategory = $selectCategory->fetch(); return $rowCategory['title'] . $append; } elseif ($this->is_search() == true) { return "نتیجه جستجوی عبارت \"" . $_REQUEST['keyword'] . "\"" . $append; } elseif ($this->is_search_tag() == true) { return "نتیجه جستجوی تگ \"" . $_REQUEST['tag'] . "\"" . $append; } else { return $this->settings['title'] . $append; } } } $cms = new CMS(); $index_time_end = microtime(true); //Postpone Errors if (!empty($_SESSION['postponeError'])) { $cms->error = $_SESSION['postponeError']; $cms->errorType = $_SESSION['postponeErrorType']; $_SESSION['postponeError'] = ''; $_SESSION['postponeErrorType'] = ''; } $template_time_start = microtime(true); if (empty($dontLoadIndex)) { require $cms->template_path . "/index.php"; } $template_time_end = microtime(true); if (!empty($_GET['cancel_execution_time'])) { $_SESSION['execution_time'] = ''; } if (!empty($_GET['execution_time']) || !empty($_SESSION['execution_time'])) { $_SESSION['execution_time'] = 1; $cms->indexExectionTime = ($index_time_end - $index_time_start); $cms->templateExectionTime = ($template_time_end - $template_time_start); $cms->totalExectionTime = $cms->indexExectionTime + $cms->templateExectionTime; echo '

          indexExectionTime : ' . round($cms->indexExectionTime, 5) . ' sec

          '; echo '

          templateExectionTime : ' . round($cms->templateExectionTime, 5) . ' sec

          '; echo '

          totalExectionTime : ' . round($cms->totalExectionTime, 5) . ' sec

          '; } ?>